
Terms for subject China containing interest | all forms | exact matches only
a party working for the public interest and a government serving the people立党为公、执政为民
acts infringing upon the rights and interests of a consumer侵害消费者权益的行为
advantage of the rights and interests of the children有利子女权益
against the social and public interests违背社会公共利益
always keep people's interest in mind坚持以人为本
base interest rates基准利率
be a man of integrity and always work in the public interest廉洁奉公
be determined to rectify unhealthy conduct that affects the interests of the people坚决纠正损害人民群众利益的不正之风
bills that have a bearing on the vital interests of the people事关人民群众切身利益的重要法律草案
case involving conflicts of interests有利益冲突的案件
civil rights and interests民事权益
clients' interests用户利益
collect additional interest加收利息
commit acts detrimental to the security, honour and interests of the motherland危害祖国的安全、荣誉和利益的行为
conducive to the interests of the people有益于人民
conduct overall coordination of all kinds of interests and relationships统筹协调各种利益关系
conflicts of interest in society社会矛盾
converging points of interests利益交汇点
create a mortgage interest设立抵押权
create the interest of a pledge设立质权
creative endeavours conducive to the interests of the people有益于人民的创造性工作
current common interests of the people现阶段群众的共同利益
discount interest贴息
discount interest on loan贷款贴息
dispute over the right and interest of consumer消费者权益争议
dispute over the rights and interests权益争议
distribution of securities right and interest派发证券权益
during the existence of the pledge interest质权存续期间
economic interests经济利益 (benefits)
employ economic means such as subsidies, discount interest, tax and pricing运用补助、贴息、税收、价格等经济手段 (to)
encroachment of the legitimate rights and interests of laborers侵害劳动者合法权益
enforce law in the interests of the people执法为民
enforce the interest to the pledge行使质权
enforcement of the security interest实现担保物权
enjoy interest享受利益
enjoy the rights and interests of享有权益
ensure one's own legal rights and interests维护自身合法权益
ensure the overall interests of reform, development and stability保障服务改革发展稳定大局
examination of conflict of interests利益冲突审查
exercise power in the interest of the people权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋
extinguish the mortgage interest消灭抵押权
for the sake of one's own interests为自己的利益
fundamental interests根本利益
fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people最广大人民的根本利益
general interests acquired through mortgage一般抵押权
give due consideration to the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, the current common interests of the people and the special interests of different groups in society统筹兼顾最广大人民的根本利益、现阶段群众的共同利益和不同群体的特殊利益
guarantee the special rights and interests of ethnic minorities保障少数民族的特殊权益
harm the interests of the people损害群众利益
harm the right and interests of consumer损害消费者权益
have a bearing on people's interests涉及群众利益
have a bearing on the immediate interests of the people关系广大人民群众的切身利益
have a bearing on the overall interests of reform, development and stability关系改革发展稳定全局
have an interest in the case与本案有利害关系
have an interest in the case和本案有利害关系
have integrity and work always in the interests of the public廉洁奉公
honor and interests荣誉和利益
illegal interests非法利益
immediate interests切身利益
immediate interests群众切身利益
impair the worker's right and interests损害劳动者权益
in the public interest为了公共利益的需要
in the public interest公共利益的需要
income from interest on government bonds国债利息收入
income from interests on treasury bonds国债利息收入
infringe the clients' interests侵犯用户利益
infringe upon civil rights and interests侵害民事权益
infringe upon one's lawful rights and interests侵犯其合法权益
infringe upon the interests of the State, of society or of the collective损害国家的、社会的、集体的利益
infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen侵害公民合法权益
infringement of citizens' legitimate rights and interests国家工作人员侵犯公民合法权益行为 (by government functionaries)
inherit the rights and interests随其权利
interest acquired through pledge动产质权
interest of society社会的利益
interest on arrear迟延利息
interest rate on loan贷款利率
interest rates on deposits存款利率
interests acquired through pledge of rights权利质权
interests of a third party第三人利益
interests of different sectors of society社会利益格局
interests of farmers农民利益
interests of national defence国防利益
interests of the society and the public社会公众利益
interests of the wife女方权益
interests which will be paid by budget财政贴息
jeopardizing the military interests of the state危害国家军事利益
justified rights and interests正当权益
labor rights and interests劳动权益
lawful civil rights and interests合法的民事权益
lawful right and interest of the elderly老年人合法权益
lawful rights and interests依法享有的权益
lawful rights and interests正当权益, 合法权益
lawful rights and interests of a citizen公民合法权益
lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals and corporations overseas中国公民和法人在海外的合法权益
lawful traditional rights and interests合法传统权益
legal interest法律上的利害关系
one's legal rights and interests自身合法权益
legal rights and interests of consumers消费者合法权益
legitimate rights and interests合法权益
legitimate rights and interests正当权益, 合法权益
legitimate rights and interests正当权益
legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals and corporations overseas中国公民和法人在海外的合法权益
legitimate rights and interests of workers劳动者合法权益
loan with discounted interest贷款贴息
long-term interests长远利益
look after the interests of different sectors of the community兼顾社会各阶层利益
major problems that affect the pressing interests of the masses涉及人民群众切身利益的突出问题
major problems that affect the vital interests of the people涉及人民群众切身利益的突出问题
make changes in respect of the mortgage interest变更抵押权
material interests利害关系
maximum amount of the mortgage interest最高额抵押权
maximum pledge interest最高额质权
means of enforcing the mortgage interest抵押权实现方式
mechanisms for balancing interests利益协调机制
military rights and interests军事权益
minor's lawful rights and interests未成年人合法权益
neglect of the interests of offspring漠视子女利益
non-military rights and interests非军事权益
oceanic rights and interests海洋权益
on the basis of the overall interests of the State从国家整体利益出发
overall interests整体利益
overall interests大局
overall interests of the state国家整体利益
parties that have an interest利益关系人
people's immediate interests群众切身利益
person who shares interests with利害关系人
place in the order of mortgage interest抵押权的顺位
places of historical and cultural interest名胜古迹
preserve the lawful rights and interests of维护保障合法权益
problems affecting the overall interests of the country事关全局的问题
promptly solve practical problems concerning public interests that the people are most concerned about and that effect them most directly解决广大人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题
property right and interest财产权益
protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests from being infringed保护公民的合法权利不受侵犯
protect interests of developing countries维护发展中国家的利益
protect sites of scenic and historical interest保护名胜古迹
protect the interest of farmers保护农民利益
protect the lawful rights and interests of the client维护委托人的合法权益
protection of the right and interest of disabled persons残疾人权益保障
protection of the rights and interests of farmers农民权益保护
protection of women's lawful rights and interests保障妇女合法权益
public interests公共利益
questions of common interest共同关心的问题
receipt of interests and expenses paid利息和费用的收据
reflect the common interests and aspirations of people across the globe反映各国人民的共同利益与愿望
relation of interests利益关系
represent the interests and will of the people代表人民的利益和意志
right and interest of persons with disabilities残疾人权益
rights and interests人身权益
rights and interests of consumers消费者权益
rights and interests of the children子女权益
rights and interests of the groups群体利益
rights and interests of the investors出资人权益
rights and interests of the public of the environment公众环境权益
rights and interests relating to culture and education文化教育权益
rights and interests relating to marriage and family婚姻家庭权益
rights and interests to social security社会保障权益
safeguard public interests维护公共利益
safeguard the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation维护中华民族的根本利益
safeguard the immediate interests of the masses维护人民群众切身利益 (people)
safeguard the interests of the state维护国家利益
safeguard the lawful rights and interests of维护保障合法权益
safeguard the rights and interests of developing countries维护广大发展中国家的权益
safeguard the rights and interests of the elderly保障老年人权益
safeguard the rights and interests of women维护妇女权益
safeguard the rights and interests of women保障妇女权益
safeguard the rights and interests of women and minors in accordance with the law依法保障妇女和未成年人权益
safeguard the vital interests of the masses维护人民群众切身利益 (people)
same insurance interest同一保险利益
scope of security interest担保范围
secured interest担保债权
securities rights and interests证券权益
seek the disputed rights and interests of a party牟取当事人争议的权益
serve the fundamental interests of both sides符合双方的根本利益
set store by the overall interests以大局为重
shareholders' interests股东利益
sites of scenic and historical interest名胜古迹
social public interests社会公共利益
special condition and economic interest特殊情况和经济利益
special interests of different groups in society不同社会群体的特殊利益
special right and interests特殊权益
state security and national interests国家安全和利益
steadily deregulate interest rates to leave them to market forces稳步推进利率市场化改革
take fulfilling, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as both our starting point and objective把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益作为出发点和落脚点
technological rights and interests技术权益
the interest rate of the bank at the corresponding period of time银行同期存款利息
the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Returned Overseas Chinese and Their Relatives归侨侨眷权益保护法
the Law Protecting Consumer Rights and Interests消费者权益保护法
the Law Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of the Elderly老年人权益保障法
the Law Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women妇女权益保障法
the major issues that have a bearing on the overall interests of reform, development and stability, elicit widespread concern in society, or affect social harmony, issues that are of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability, draw wide public attention or affect social harmony关系改革发展稳定全局和社会普遍关注、影响社会和谐的突出问题
the overall interests of the State国家整体利益
the principle of building the party for the public interest and governing for the people, run the country for the people, exercise political power in the interest of the people立党为公、执政为民的理念
traditional rights and interests传统权益
vital interests群众切身利益 (of the people)
vital public interests重大公共利益
waive the interest to the pledge放弃质权
waive the security interest放弃担保物权
with people's interest in mind外交为民
woman's lawful rights and interests妇女合法权益
woman's rights and interests妇女权益