
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing interest | all forms | exact matches only
capital interest tax资本利息税
compound interest amortization method复利摊销法
consumption rate of interest高耗水率
contingent interest附属利润
cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest成本、保险、运费、佣金及利息的价格条件
cost insurance freight interest包括延迟收到货款应计利息在内的到岸价格
earning before interest and taxes付息和纳税前收益
face interest rate表面利率
free of interest免交利息
interest coverage利息总额
interest during construction建造期受益
interest equalization tax利益均衡税
interest rate cap最高利率
interest rate risk利润率风险
interests in landed property土地产权收益【土】
leasehold interest租用权益
lessee's interest租户利润
marginal rate of interest边际利率
regions of interest评价区
regions of interest研究区