
Terms for subject Environment containing integrated control | all forms
integrated environmental control综合环境控制
integrated pest control A systematic, comprehensive approach to pest control that uses the insect's or rodent's own biology and behaviour to find the least toxic control methods at the lowest cost综合虫害控制 (一个系统的、全面的害虫控制方法,它使用昆虫或啮齿目动物自身的生理和行为以得到最低成本和最低毒性的控制方法。)
integrated pollution control污染综合控制
integrated pollution control A procedure whereby all major emissions to land, air, and water are considered simultaneously and not in isolation to avoid situations in which one control measure for one medium adversely affects another综合污染控制 (一个过程,将所有主要排放到土地、空气和水的主要排放物被认为是同时的非独立的,以避免一项需要特定测量工具的控制会负面的影响另外一项。)