
Terms for subject China containing institutions | all forms | exact matches only
a foreign financial institution of the banking industry外国银行业金融机构
animal health supervision institution动物卫生监督机构
asset assessment institution资产评估机构
capital verification institution验资机构
Chinese-foreign joint venture financial institution中外合资银行业金融机构
closure of financial institution撤销金融机构
commissioned institution托管机构
correctional institution管教所
credit rating institution资信评级机构
cultural relics in the collection of a cultural institution馆藏文物
designing institution建筑设计单位
enterprise or institution企事业单位
enterprises and institutions企业事业组织
all enterprises and institutions企业事业组织
environmental noise monitoring institution环境噪声监测机构
establish other institutions of education举办其它教育机构
establish research and development institution创办研究开发机构
evaluation institution鉴定机构
evaluation institution agreed upon约定的鉴定机构
financial institution of the banking industry银行业金融机构
freedom of choice of educational institutions选择院校的自由
government bodies and institutions机关事业单位
government departments and public service institutions机关事业单位
grade-one cultural relic in the collection of a cultural institution馆藏一级文物
incorporated institution事业法人
independent assessment institution独立评估机构
innovation in institutions and mechanisms体制机制创新
institution for grassland supervision and control草原监督管理机构
institution of education教育机构
institution restructuring机构重组
Institutions Directly under the State Council国务院直属事业单位
institutions for medical technical appraisement医学技术鉴定组织
institutions of agricultural scientific research农业科研单位
institutions of higher learning高等学校
institutions sponsored by the State国家举办的事业单位
insurance assessment institution保险公估机构
insurance institution保险组织
investment consulting institution投资咨询机构
involved in a labor dispute with the institution与本单位发生劳动争议
long-distance educational institution远程教育机构
management institutions of public funds公众资金管理机构
managerial, professional and technical personnel of state-owned enterprises and institutions国有企事业单位管理人员及专业技术人员
medical and health institution医疗保健机构
medical institution for treatment of drug addiction戒毒医疗机构
medical institution that is qualified for medical treatment of drug addiction具有戒毒治疗资质的医疗机构
medical institution to be set up for treatment of drug addiction设置戒毒医疗机构
non-governmental institutions民间机构
notarial institution公证机构
policy-oriented financial institution政策性金融机构
practicing certificate of notarial institution公证机构执业证书
public service institutions事业单位
purchase the share of a securities operation institution参股证券经营机构
reform of government institutions政府机构改革
reforms of county and township government institutions县乡机构改革
regular institutions of higher learning普通高等学校
regular undergraduate institutions普通本科高校
rehabilitation institution for persons with disabilities残疾人康复机构
research and development institution研究开发机构
rural financial institutions农村金融组织
scientific research and technological development institution科学技术研究开发机构
small enterprise or institution小型企业事业单位
sports arbitration institution体育仲裁机构
state enterprise and institutions国家企业事业组织
state-owned assets supervision and administration institution国有资产监督管理机构
state-owned enterprises and institutions国有企事业单位
steadily improve socialist institutions不断完善社会主义的各项制度
system of democratic management practiced in government institutions and enterprises企事业单位民主管理制度
the Interim Measures for Management of State-owned Assets of Public Service Institutions《事业单位国有资产管理暂行办法》
the ratio between the number of people represented by a rural deputy and the number of people represented by a town deputy or a deputy of an enterprise or institution农村每一代表所代表的人口数同镇或者企业事业组织职工每一代表所代表的人口数之比
trust institution信托业务机构
underwriting institution承销机构
verification institution验证机构
welfare institutions福利机构
wholly foreign-funded financial institution外资银行业金融机构