
Terms containing installation costs | all forms | in specified order only
tech.amortized installation cost设备折旧费
tech.construction, installation costs建筑安装工程费
tech.cost of construction and installation建筑安装造价
manag.cost of equipment installation设备安装费
tech.cost of installation设置费
busin.cost of installation设备安装费
econ.cost of installation安装费
dril.cost of installation设置费用
met.cost of installation设备费
econ., construct.cost of installation安装成本
hydroel.st.cost of installation设备费用
hydroel.st.cost of installation安装费用
tech.cost of installation设备费 (用)
tech.cost of installation安装费 (用)
busin.cost statement for construction and installation project建筑安装工程成本表
refrig.duct installation cost风道安装费用
tech.equipment installation cost设备安装费
archit.installation cost安装成本费用
telecom.installation cost设备投资
interntl.trade.installation cost装置成本
el.mach.installation cost安装费用
plast.installation cost设备费
met.installation cost安装设备费用
wind.installation cost安装费
fin.installation cost安装成本
commer.installation cost装置费用
tech.installation cost安装费 (用)
busin.installation cost安装费用成本
tech.installation cost设备费 (用)
tech.installation cost装置费
tech.installation cost as per machine capacity单位容量安装成本
wind.installation costs安装费
fin.installation of a cost system成本会计制度之设置
econ.installation of a cost system成本制度的设置
busin.installation of a cost system成本会计制度设置
tech.installation of cost accounting system成本会计制度的设置
busin.installation time and cost安装时间与成本
textileinstallation time and costs安装时间及费用
textileinstallation time and costs安装时间与成本
hydroel.st.installation woks cost安装工程费
expl.purchasing and installation cost of metallic structures and mechanic-electric facilities of project工程金属结构和机电设备购置及安装费用工程各项钢管、铁塔、钢闸门、启闭机、起重机、水泵、水轮机组、发电机组、变电场等金属结构和机电设备的购置费及其运输、吊装、调试费用的总称
refrig.unit cost of duct installation单位管道安装费用