
Terms for subject Space containing initiations | all forms
ability of initiation起爆能力
abort thrust initiation应急推力启动 (紧急中断飞行发动机开始工作)
automatic track initiation自动跟踪开始
automatic track initiation自动轨迹启动
combustion initiation启动
combustion initiation点火
contact initiation着发起爆
contact initiation触发起爆
directional initiation定向引爆
ejection initiation subsystem弹射启动分系统
explosive initiation爆炸起爆
explosive initiation system爆炸起爆系统
fuze initiation process引信引爆过程
in time initiation适射引爆
initiation at fixed angle定角引爆
initiation at fixed distance定距引爆
initiation at fixed height定高起爆
initiation at fixed range定距引爆
initiation by heat热起爆
initiation by shock wave冲击波起爆
initiation characteristic of fuze引信引爆特性
initiation command引爆指令
initiation completeness引爆完全性
initiation completeness of fuze引信引爆完全性
initiation completeness test引爆完全性试验
initiation controller起爆控制器
initiation device引爆装置
initiation explosive起爆药
initiation explosive ability起爆能力
initiation explosive energy起爆能
initiation grain起爆药柱
initiation mode起爆方式
initiation propellant actuated delay起爆药延期待发引信
initiation simultaneity test引爆同时性试验
initiation surface of fuze引信起爆面
initiation system起爆系统
initiation timeliness of fuze引信引爆适时性
mechanical initiation机械起爆
radio frequency initiation射频发火 (电火工品在电磁辐射作用下发生爆轰或燃烧的现象)
single program initiation单程序启动
stepped initiation分档引爆[起爆]
terminal phase initiation弹道末段开始
track initiation进入跟踪
track initiation轨迹初始
warhead initiation弹头起爆 (firing)