
Terms containing infractions | all forms | exact matches only
hockey.commit an infraction犯规
securit.committing serious infractions of the law严重违反法例
doping.doping infraction违反禁用兴奋剂条例的行为
org.name.Infraction Committee违规委员会
sport.infraction of laws犯规
busin.infraction of regulation违规
textileinfraction of regulations违章
sport.infraction of rules犯规
sport.infraction of rules违规
sport.infraction of rules违犯规则
UN, afr.infractions politiques et d’opinion政治及意见罪
sport.rule infraction违背
sport, bask.rule infraction违犯规则
sport.rule infraction法规等的违犯
baseb.substitution infraction换人违例
sport, bask.technical infraction技术性错误
sport.The judge is responsible for watching the contest for any infraction of the rules裁判员负责监督比赛中有无违规行为