
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing inert | all forms | exact matches only
bubbling of inert gas惰性气体起泡
bubbling of inert gas into tundish中间包喷吹惰性气体 (【技】通过在中间包安装管状气体分配器、多孔透气砖等,将惰性气体均匀喷人中间包,可有效改善钢水在中间包内的流动状态,促进夹杂物上浮并在液面形成保护层。: The bubbling of inert gas into the tundish via a porous refractory lining offers a potential means to enhance inclusion removal. 通过多孔耐火衬向中间包内喷人惰性气体是提高夹杂物去除能力的潜在方法。)
bubbling of inert gas into tundish向中间包内喷人惰性气体
consumable electrode inert arc welding惰性气体保护自耗电极电弧焊
inert additive惰性添加剂
inert anode惰性阳极
inert arc torch惰性气体保护电弧焊炬
inert gas arc welding惰性气体保护电弧焊
inert atmosphere惰性气体
inert atmosphere惰性气氛〔气体〕
inert gas atmosphere惰性气体气氛
inert atmosphere annealing惰性气氛退火
inert atmosphere arc melting惰性气体保护电弧熔炼
inert atmosphere brazing惰性气体保护钎焊
inert atmosphere furnace惰性气氛加热炉
inert atmosphere furnace惰性气体保护加热炉
inert atmosphere furnace惰性气体保护加热
inert atmosphere heating furnace惰性气体保护加热炉
inert atmosphere room充惰性气体密封室
inert atmosphere zirconium electrolytic cell惰性气氛锆电解槽
inert carrier gas惰性运载气体
inert component惰性组分
inert conductor惰性导体
inert content惰性物质含量
inert diluent惰性稀释剂
inert diluent gas惰性加稀气体
inert dust惰性尘埃
inert electrolyte惰性电解质
inert environment惰性环境
inert-fabrication plant惰气保护加工装置加工设备安装在充满氩气的密封室中的
inert filler惰性填料
inert flux惰性助熔剂
inert gas惰性气体 (During reheating the bath is continually stirred by means of inert gas supplied via a porOUS plug in the ladle bottom. 在加热过程中通过钢包底部多孔塞喷吹惰性气体,使钢水熔池受到持续搅拌。)
inert gas agitation惰性气体搅拌
inert gas arc melting惰性气体保护电弧熔炼
inert gas arc welding惰性气体保护电弧焊
inert gas atom惰性气体原子
inert gas blowing吹惰性气体
inert gas bottom injection惰性气体底吹
inert gas bottom stirring底吹惰性气体搅拌
inert gas bubbling吹惰性气体
inert gas bubbling into tundish中间包喷吹惰性气体
inert gas bubbling method for tundish中间包惰性气体喷吹法
inert gas carbon-arc welding惰性气体保护碳极电弧焊
inert gas consumable-electrode welding惰性气体保护自耗电极焊
inert gas cover惰性气体保护层
inert gas envelope惰性气体包层
inert gas flowrate惰性气体流量
inert gas forging惰性气体保护锻造
inert gas injection吹惰性气体
inert gas into bottom底吹惰性气体
inert-gas metal-arc welding惰性气体保护金属极熔化极弧焊
inert gas protection惰性气体保护
inert gas section惰性气体段 (热管式喷枪的一个区段)
inert gas shield惰性气体保护罩
inert gas shielded arc torch惰性气体保护电弧焊炬
inert-gas shielded cutting惰性气体保护切割
inert gas shielded forging惰性气体保护锻造
inert gas shielded melting惰性气体保护熔炼
inert gas shielded-arc process惰性气体保护电弧焊接
inert gas shrouded pouring惰性气体保护浇注
inert gas shrouding惰性气体保护
inert gas spot welding惰性气体保护点焊
inert gas stirred liquid steel惰性气体搅拌的钢水
inert gas stirring惰性气体搅拌
inert gas stirring device惰性气体搅拌装置 (The ladle furnace is lined with a basic lining and equipped with inert gas stirring device, heating system and water-cooled roof. 这座钢包炉衬有碱性炉衬,装备有惰性气体搅拌装置、加热系统和水冷炉顶。)
inert gas stirring equipment惰性气体搅拌设备
inert gas stirring process惰性气体搅拌法
inert gas stirring system惰性气体搅拌系统
inert gas treatment惰性气体处理
inert gas tungsten-arc welding惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊
inert gas zone惰性气体段 (热管式喷枪的一个区段)
inert-gas-filled chamber充惰性气体仓室
inert-gas-filled hopper充惰性气体料仓
inert gas-shielded tungsten-arc torch惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊炬
inert gas-shielded-arc torch惰性气体保护电弧焊炬
inert grid惰性网格
inert liquid medium惰性液体介质
inert material惰性物料
inert matter惰性物质
inert medium惰性介质
inert melt惰性熔体
inert mix惰性混合料
inert salt惰性盐
inert salts mixture惰性盐类混合物
inert silicate惰性硅酸盐
inert solid惰性固体物质
inert solid support惰性固体载体
inert solvent惰性溶剂
inert support惰性载体
ladle flushing with inert gas惰性气体洗包
metal inert gas welding金属极惰性气体保护焊
metal-arc inert-gas weld惰性气体保护熔化极电弧焊焊缝
metal-arc inert-gas welding惰性气体保护熔化极电弧焊
metal-arc inert gas welding process惰性气体熔化极焊接法
metal-arc inert gas welding process惰性气体金属极电弧焊接法
non-inert impurity活泼杂质
non-inert impurity非惰性杂质
shielded inert-gas metal-arc welding惰性气体保护熔化极电弧焊
stirring with inert gas惰性气体搅拌
tungsten-arc inert-gas cutting惰性气体保护钨极电弧切割
tungsten-arc inert-gas weld惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊焊缝