
Terms containing industrial product | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.absolute increase of major industrial products主要工业产品绝对增长数
econ.agro-industrial product农用工业产品
busin.agro-industrial product农用工业品
bioenerg.agro-industrial by-product农工副产品
interntl.trade.catalogue of industrial products工业产品目录
busin.catalogue of industrial products工业品目录
busin.chemical industrial products化工产品
tech.chemical industrial products化工制品
comp.name.China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Light Industrial Products and Arts-Crafts中国轻工工艺品进出口商会
econ.China National Light Industrial Product Import & Export Co. Ltd.中国国家轻工业品进出口有限公司
commer.China National Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corp中国轻工业产品进出口总公司
interntl.trade.China National Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation中国轻工业品进出口公司
commer.China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation中国轻工业品进岀口总公司
gen.China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国轻工业产品进出口公司
interntl.trade.deal in light industrial products经营轻工业品
econ.deal in light industrial products经营轻工业产品
earth.sc.Diamond Industrial Products Association钻石工业产品协会
proj.manag.gross domestic product by industrial sector按工业类别计算的本地生产总值
securit.improve the industrial pattern and product mix改进产业结构和产品结构
econ.index number of the prices of rural industrial products农村工业品价格指数
busin.index of industrial product's retail prices工业品零售价格指数
tech.industrial and agricultural products工农业产品
econ.industrial and mineral products工矿产品
anim.husb.industrial by-product工业副产品
avia.industrial control products工业控制产品
plast.industrial product工业制品
textileindustrial product工业品
met.industrial product工业产品
archit.industrial product工业生产
environ.industrial product No definition needed工业产品 (无需定义。)
econ.industrial product工业
busin.industrial product amount calculated with a unit in kind工业产品实物量
busin.industrial product demand工业产品需求
busin.industrial product demand analysis工业产品需求分析
busin.industrial product demand forecast工业产品需求量预测
textileindustrial product market工业品行市
textileindustrial product market工业品市场
busin.industrial product market forecast工业品市场预测
busin.industrial product market research工业品市场研究
textileindustrial product market survey工业品市场调查
textileindustrial product market survey工业品市场调研
busin.industrial product marketing工业品市场经营
fin.industrial product price index工业品价格指数
busin.industrial product quality工业产品质量
interntl.trade.industrial products工业品
interntl.trade.industrial products工业产品
tech.industrial products工业制品
avia.industrial products division工业产品部
busin.industrial products statistics工业产品统计
interntl.trade.labor intensive industrial product需要大量劳力的工业产品
busin.labor-intensive industrial product劳动集约型工业产品
tech.labor-intensive industrial product需要大量劳力的工业产品
econ.light industrial product轻工产品
busin.light industrial product轻工业品
interntl.trade.light industrial products轻工业品
busin.light industrial products轻工业产品
tech.light industrial products轻工业
exhib.Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation轻工业品进出口公司
shipb.light industrial ship products轻工业船舶品
busin.major industrial product主要工业产品
econ.major industrial products主要工业产品
busin.management of purchasing industrial products工业品收购管理
busin.management of quality of industrial products工业产品质量管理
busin.market for industrial products工业品市场
busin.merchant wholesaler of industrial products工业品批发商
China, lawmilitary industrial products军工产品
busin.monopolistic industrial product垄断性工业产品
commer.monopolistic industrial products垄断性工业产品
commer.Our corporation deals in light industrial products我们公司经营轻工业产品
busin.output of principal industrial product主要工业产品产量
econ.output of principal industrial products主要工业产品产量
busin.output of principal industrial products主要工业品产量
tech.principal industrial products主要工业产品
shipb.promote industrial products to trend diversified development促使工业产品向多样化发展
China, lawsafety and sanitary requirement of industrial product工业产品的安全、卫生要求
econ.single party rate of agricultural and industrial products农业品与工业品的单项比价
el.Taiwan Industrial Products Services台湾工业产品部
commer.The numerousness of orders witnesses the top quality of our light industrial products大量订单证明了我方轻工产品的上好质量
commer.They trade in light industrial products他们经营轻工业产品
econ.To acquaint you with all manner of the light industrial products we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list for your reference为使你方熟悉我方经营的各种轻工产品,另封航邮寄上商品目录,供你参考
gen.transform wastes of little worth into industrial products把没有什么价值的废物变成工业品
comp.name.Xinguang Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation Sichuan China中国四川省新光工业进出口公司