
Terms for subject Business containing indicator | all forms | exact matches only
achievement indicator绩效指标
activity indicator作业指标
aggregate indicators综合指示性数据
air speed indicator空速指示器
Airspeed Mach Indicator空速马赫指示剂
backward indicator后向指示
battery charge indicator蓄电池充电指示器
Bearing, Distance, Homing Indicator方位、距离与归航指示器
built-in achievement indicator规定完成的指标
business cycle indicators经济周期指数
capacity utilization indicator生产能力利用指标
check indicator检验指示器
check indicator instruction检验指示器指令
Chemline indicator证券市场裙摆指标
coincident economic indicators同步经济指数
coinciding indicator同步指标
complex whole with multiple indicators多种标志复杂总体
composite economic indicator综合性经济指标
composite index of leading indicators主要经济指标综合指数
composite leading indicators综合领先指标
composite trade weighted indicator price综合贸易加权指标价格
consistent indicator一致指标
continuation indicator继续符号
continuity check indicator连续检验标志
declining indicator递减指标
demand indicator需量指示器
demand point indicator需求点指标
effectiveness indicator有效性指标
exit indicator lights出口标示灯
flow indicator流量指示计
Fluid Flow Indicator流体流动指示器
Fuel Flow Indicator燃料流量表
Fuel Pressure Indicator燃料压力指示器
Gross Fault Indicator Panel总故障指示盘
heat indicator热度计
height-range indicator高度—距离指示器
index of leading indicator主要指标的指数
index of leading indicators先行性指标总指数
indicator breakdown指标分图
indicator drop指示器
indicator for operation经营指标
indicator for performance appraisal考核指标
indicator for plan计划指标
indicator for total credit总贷款额指标
indicator of an event事件指示器
indicator of cost成本指标
indicator of economizing materials物资节约指标
indicator of economy经济指标
indicator of fulfillment of plan计划完成指标
indicator of import plan进口计划指标
indicator of inflation通货膨胀标志
indicator of input投入指标
indicator of investment投资指标
indicator of investment return投资报酬指标
indicator of labour productivity劳动生产率指标
indicator of material consumption物资消耗指标
indicator of output产出指标
indicator of physical output实物产量指标
indicator of policy政策指示
indicator of premium rate保险费率指标
indicator of product quality产品质量指标
indicator of product quantity产品数量指标
indicator of product value产品价值指标
indicator of product variety产品品种指标
indicator of program规划指标
indicator of quantity数量指标
indicator of utilization rate of fixed asset固定资产利用率指标
indicator of utilization rate of machine-hour台时利用率指标
indicator of wage increment工资增长指标
indicator point指示点
indicator price指示价格
indicator price or prices一种或多种指示价格
indicator system for economic result经济效果指标体系
indicator system of economic evaluation of a technical project技术方案经济评价指标体系
indicator system of national economic plan国民经济指标体系
indicator variable属性变数
indicators of economic benefit in foreign business and economic enterprises对外经济贸易企业效益指标
indicators of national wealth国民财富指标
indirect export indicator间接岀口指标
interest indicator利益指标
lagging economic indicator落后经济指标
lagging indicator迟延指标
leading economic indicator领先经济指标
leading indicator经济活动的超前指标
leading indicator composite主要综合指标
length indicator长度指示器
life quality indicator生活质量指标
life quality indicator system生活质量指标体系
main checking indicator主要检查指标
main econo-technical indicators主要经济技术指标
main indicator主要指标
main indicator of economy经济主要指标
money supply indicator货币供应指标
objective price indicator客观价格指标数
operational indicator营业指标
operational indicator经营指标
overall indicator总体指标
performance indicator成效标志
physical indicator物量指标
quantitative and qualitative indicators of plan计划数量指标和质量指标
range digital indicator距离数字显示器
range-azimuth indicator距离—方位显示器
range-height indicator距离—高度显示器
risk indicator风险指示
selected economic indicators筛选的经济指标
service indicator劳务费指标
social indicator社会指标
social indicator社会福利指标
soft indicator软指标
summary indicator综合指标
supply point indicator供给点指示器
test indicator检验指示器
variable indicator变动指标
wear indicator磨损指示器