
Terms for subject Securities containing income | all forms | exact matches only
accrued income应计收人
accumulated income累计收人
accumulated income累计盈利
accumulation of surplus income累积收人盈余
actual income实际收人
adjusted gross income调整后总收人
after tax operating income税后经营收人
aggregate income总收人
aleatory income投机性收人
all-inclusive income statement综合性损益表
all-inclusive income statement综合性收益表
allocation-of-income rules收人分配规则
annual disposable income年度可支配收人
annual disposable income年度可用收益
annual income全年所得
appropriation of income or surplus收人或盈余分配
assets-income ratio资产收益比率
assignment of income收益转让
average income平均收人
balance of income and outlay收支余额
betterment income增值收人
bond interest income债券利息收人
book income preference账面收人偏好
business income营业收人
capitalization of income收人资本化
capitalization of income method of valuation收益资本化评价法
carry income证券利息收益
carry income or loss持有损益利息收人与持有成本之间的差额
carry income or loss综合损益证券
combined income statement合并利润表
companies with discontinued operations in income statement损益报表中具有非持续经营记录的公司
composite income sheet综合收人表
comprehensive electronic platform of fixed income securities固定收益证券综合电子平台
comprehensive income综合收益
condensed income statement简易利润表
consolidated income sheet利润汇总表
consolidated income statement合并利润表
consolidated income statement综合利润表
constant dollar income不变币值收益
corporate income fund公司收益基金
corporation income/profits tax公司所得税
current income本期收人
current income当期收益
current income bond即期收益债券
debt to income ratio收人负债比率
deductions from gross income从总收人中减去
deferred income tax延期所得税
dependable income stream可靠的收人来源
desired net income预期净收益
discretionary income可自行支配收人
discretionary income自行决定收人
disposable income可支配收人
disposable income可处置的收人
disposable personal income—次性个人收人
distinction between capital gains and ordinary income股本收益和普通收人之间的区别
distorted income虚假收人
distorted income不真实收益
distributable net income可分配的净收人
distribution of income收人分配
dividend income分红收人
dividend income股利收人
dividend income tax rates股利收人税率
effective gross income实际总收人
effective gross income有效总收人
effectively connected income有效关联收人
enterprise corporate income tax企业所得税
equity and fixed-income divisions股权证券及债券部
equity income减除税款及贷款利息后的收益
equity income股权收人
equity income fund股权收益基金
estimated income估计收人
even up the income拉平收人
expense attributable to the investment income因投资收人而发生的费用
extraneous income额外收人
extraordinary income非常收人
fat income streams可观连续的收人
Federal Income Tax联邦所得税
federal income tax withholding联邦所得税代扣
fixed income债券收人
fixed income固定收人
fixed income arbitrage固定收益套利
fixed income arbitrage定息套利
fixed income asset classes债券资产种类
fixed income asset classes固定收人资产种类
fixed income bond固定收益债券
fixed income bond定息债券
Fixed Income Clearing Corporation FICC定息产品结算公司美国
fixed income division定息债券部 (证券公司)
fixed income equivalent债券等价物
fixed income equivalent固定收人等价物
fixed income ETF固定收益的交易所交易基金
fixed income fund定息基金
fixed income index固定收益产品指数
fixed income instrument债券收人工具
fixed income instrument固定收人工具
fixed income investment固定收人投资
fixed income market债券收人市场
fixed income market固定收人市场
fixed-income portfolio固定收人型资产组合
fixed income products固定收人产品
fixed-income repo固定收人型回购
fixed income sales债券推销
fixed income security固定收益证券
fixed income security固定收人证券
fixed-income security options permit定息债券期权核准
fixed-income security options permit固定收人债券期权执照
fixed-income vehicle固定收人工具
flat income bond低息收益债券
foreclosure income没收收人
foreclosure income取消抵押品赎回权收人
foregone earnings/income放弃的收益
foregone earnings/income放弃的收人
foreign enterprise income tax外资企业所得税
foreign income海外投资收益
franked income纯收人指已扣税
franked income完税收益
franked income税后收益
full income bond足息债券
funded income基金收人
future income growth securities未来收益增长证券
grantor retained income trust留存收益信托的出让人
grantor retaining income trust保留收人信托的出让人
gross investment income投资毛收人
growing income disparity收人两极分化
growth and income fund增长和收益型基金
growth and income investor增长和收益型投资者
guaranteed annual income担保年收人
guaranteed income bond保证收益债券
guaranteed income/investment contracts担保收人/投资合同
high current income mutual fund短期高收人共同基金
high income bracket高额收人等级
high income bracket高收人阶层
high income share高收益股票
high-income shares高收益股票
high quality stock withholding interest income tax预扣利息收益税的高质量股
illegal income非法收益
imputed income推算的收人
imputed income估算的收人
income and expense projection收支预测
income and expense statement收人和费用报表
income apportionment净利分配
income apportionment收人分配
income approach收益法
income approach收人估价法
income ascertainment收人的核定
income available for fixed charges有支付固定费用的收人
income averaging收人平均法
income basis收人基础利息或分红与投资额之比
income baskets一揽子收人
income before extra items非常项目之前的收人
income bond营业收人债券
income-bond fund收益债券基金
income capitalization approach收人资本化方法
income collected in advance提前收益
income coverage收益偿债系数
income coverage收人总额
income derived beneficially取得实益收人
income dividend收人红利
income dividend收人分配
income earning assets有收益的资产
income-equity fund收人股本基金
income equity fund收益股本基金
income from holding持有证券收益
income from operation经营收人
income from royalty版税收益
income from royalty使用权收人
income from royalty租金收益
income fund收人基金
income gap analysis收益缺口分析
income gap analysis收益落差分析
income gearing收益比例关系
income in kind实物收人
income investment company收益投资公司
income level收人水平
income limit收人限制
income limit收人限额
income limited partnership收益有限合伙关系
income-mixed fund收益混合型基金
income mortgage bond收人抵押债券
income mutual fund收人共同基金
income of equity transfer股本交易收人
income of equity transfer股本转移的收人
income on disposal of fixed assets处理固定资产收益
income on investment投资收人
income partner收益投资人
income partner收益合伙人
income portfolio收益证券组合
income-producing investment产牛收益的投资
income-producing property产生收人的财产
income property可取得收益的财产
income property收益型不动产
income property收人财产
income recognition认可的收益
income recognition收益的确认
income return收人回报
income right所得权
income right收益权
income risk收人风险
income security收益证券
income shortfall收人亏空
income shortfall收人短缺
income spectrum收人分类
income spectrum收人组别
income statement收支报表
income stream收人流
income stream收人来源
income tax allowance所得税减免
income threshold收人下限
income threshold收人限额
income trust收人信托
income velocity of money收人资金流通速度
income warrant收人认股权
income withdrawing from portfolio从投资组合中提取的收人
income yield收人收益率
individual income adjusted tax个人收人调节税
inter-departmental income部门间收人
interest income利息收人
intermediate income中介收人
intermediate income居间收益
international fixed income asset classes国际固定收人资产种类
investment income投资收人
investment income of non-financial listed company非金融类上市公司投资收益
investment income ratio投资收人比率
investment income surcharge投资所得附加税
investment-national income ratio投资与国民收人比率
investment-net income ratio投资与纯收人比率
joint total income共同收人总额
lower income relief低收人免税
margin income差额收人投资收人与融资成本之间
medium and low-income investor中低收人投资者
miscellaneous income杂项收人
mixed income混合收人
month income preferred share月收人优先股
monthly income preferred securities每月支付红利的优先股
monthly income preferred security每月支付红利的优先股
mortgage income抵押贷款收人
multiple-step form of income分类收益表
multiple-step form of income分步式收益表
NAREIT income comparison不动产投资信托协会收人对比
NAREIT net operating income不动产投资信托协会净经营收人
net chargeable income应税收益实额
net chargeable income应税收人净额
net effective income净有效收人
net effective income净实际收人
net income after dividend股息后净收人
net income after interest charge扣除利息后净利
net income before depreciation扣除折旧前净利
net income before interest charge扣除利息前净利
net income for redeeming specific loan用于归还专项借款的利润
net income multiplier净收益乘数
net income per common share每股普通股净收益
net income per share每股净收益
net income to net worth ratio净收益与净资本比率
net interest income净利息收益
net investment income投资收人净额
net investment income证券投资净收益
net investment income per share每股净投资收人
net operating income净经营收益
net operating income净营业收人
net operation income净经营收人
net total income全部净收人
net-net income净利润中可支配的所得
net-net income净净所得
non-business income非营业收人
non-cash income非现金收人
non-interest income非利息收人
non-monetary income非货币收人
non-operating income非营业收人
non-operating income非经营性收人
non-taxable income免税收人
omission of income漏报收人
operating income经营收人
option income fund期权收益基金
ownership income财产收人
passive income消极收益 (因有限合伙和租赁活动而获得的收人)
passive income被动收人
passive income generator被动收人产生单位
passive income generator被动收人产生器
percent of net income to stockholders股东净收益百分比
personal disposable income个人可支配收人
personal dividend income个人股息收人
personal income个人收人
phantom income虚构收人
pooled income fund集资所得资金
portfolio income投资组合收人
postponing income延期收人
preferential policy on income tax of dividend对股利所得税的优惠政策
preferred income优先收人
premerger income合并前收人
premium income权利金收人
premium income期权费收人
premium income升值收益
prepaid income预付收人
prescribed right to income and maximum equity规定的收人和最高股权的限制性权利
prescribed right to income and maximum equity收人和最大股本的时效权
pretax income税前收人
principal income主要收人
principle of capital-income calculation资本收益计算的原则
private income私人投资收人非个人劳动收人
pro forma income statement预计损益报表
prohibited transaction income禁止的交易收人
psychological income心理收人
psychological income心理上接收的收人
public income notes公众收人票据 (上市公司发行的无担保短期债券)
qualified income shortfalls有条件收人减少
qualified temporary investment income有条件的临时投资收人
qualifying income合法收人
quarterly income preferred security季度收人优先证券
ratio of net income to outstanding common stock净收益对流通普通股比率
ratio of net income to outstanding stock净收益与流通股比率
ratio of net income to worth净收益对资本比率
real personal disposable income个人可支配的实际收人
realized Income实际收益
realized Income实际收人
recurring income经常性收人
redistribution of income所得再分配
redistribution of income收益再分配
reinvested income再投资收人
REIT income test不动产投资信托收人测验
retirement income portfolio退休收人投资组合
reverse income tax反向所得税
safety of income收益安全持续定期的分配利息和股利
second income次要收人
secondary income辅助收人
seek illegal income牟取非法收人
shareholders' income股东收益
shareholders' income股东收人
short-term fixed income短期固定收人
slender income微薄的收人
soft income非货币收人
soft income软收人
source of income收人来源
spread income利差收人
statement of income收益报表
statement of income and expenditure收支报表
statement of income and expenditure收支结算表
stock income tax证券交易所得税
stripped income剥离收人
stripped income本息分离收人
subpart income附属单位的收人
subsidiary net income子公司净收人
sundry income非经营性收人
sundry income杂项收人
supplemental security income补充证券收人
surplus income收益盈余
takeover illegal incomes收缴违法收益
target net income目标净收益
tax deferred income延迟纳税收人
tax exempt income fund免税收益基金
tax on net investment income投资净收人税
taxable income应税收人
tax-based income policy应税收人政策
total income总收人
total income收人总额
traditional format of income statement传统式损益报表
transfer income转让收人
transfer income转移所得
transitory income暂时性收人
understatement of income少报收人
underwriting income承销收人
unearned income未挣到的收人
unearned income预收收人
unlawful income非法收人
unrelated business taxable income非关联业务应 税收入
unrelated business taxable income营业外应税收入
unreported income未申报的收人
variable income security可变收人证券
variable income stock可变收益股
working income statement损益表底稿
worldwide fixed income division全球债券部投资银行内部的一个部门