
Terms for subject Business containing income | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal income非正常收入
absolute-income hypothesis绝对收入假设
absorption format of income statement吸收收益表格式
account form of income statement账户式损益表
account-form income statement账户式损益表
accounting for estate income遗产收益会计
accounting for the estate income遗产收益会计
accrued income应计所得
accrued income receivable应收未收收益
accrued income taxes应计所得税款
accumulated income tax prepayment累计预付所得税
accumulated income tax reduction累计所得税减项
accumulation of newly gained national income新增国民收入积累
actual distribution of income实际收入分配
added net income附加净收入
added social national income rate附加社会国民收入率
added social net income rate附加社会纯收入率
adjusted earned income调整已获收入
adjusted gross income调整后毛收入
adjusted income met hod预算收益调整法
adjusted income method收入调整法
adjusted income statement调整后损益计算书
adjusting income method收益调整法
adjustment of business income调整营业收入
administrative and miscellaneous incomes行政杂项收入
adverse income收入倒挂
aggregate income收入总额
aggregate national income国民收入总额
all-inclusive income statement总括性收益表
all-inclusive type of income statement总括性收益表
allowance for low per capita income因人均收入低而给予的宽让
allowances and expenses for income tax所得税的减免与开支
alternative income opportunity代替收入机会
amount of income收入额
amount of income所得额
amount of income from funds use资金收入率
amount of national income国民收入额
amount of national income produced国民生产收入额
amount of national income spent国民收入使用额
analysis of income statement收益表分析
annual income年度收入
annual per-capita income available for living expenses of families of workers and staff members年度职员家庭人均生活费收入
anticipated income预期收入
apparent real income明显实际所得
appropriation of net income净益分配
assess one's income所得额查定
asset income资产收入
assets-incomes ratio资产—收益比率
assignment of income收入分配
automatic income自动收益
available income可用收益
average annual income年平均增长率
average income可计人平均数的收入
average income of workers and staff职员平均收入
average monthly income月均收入
average monthly income per household每户月均收入
average of expected incomes期望收入平均数
average per capita income available for living expenses人均生活费收入
averaging of income平均收入
balance bet ween income and outgo收支平衡
balance between income and outgo收支平衡
balance between income and payment in credit信贷收支平衡
balance between income and payment in credit operation信贷收支平衡
balance form of income statement平衡式收益表
balance of expenditure and income收支平衡
balance of national income国民收入平衡表
balance of the income and expenditure收支差额
balance of the income and expenditure of company公司收支差额
balance of the income and expenditure of enterprise企业收支差额
balance of the income and expenditure of residents居民收支平衡
balance sheet income sheet ratio资产负债与损益比率
balanced budget at high level income and employment高收入高就业水平的平衡预算
base company income基地公司收入
base one's expenditure upon one's income量入为出
basic exemption for the classified income tax分类所得税的基本免税额
big gap between income收入悬殊
break-even level of income保本收入水平
broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure开源节流
budgeted income statement收入预算表
bunched income整批收入
but-for income特殊原因收入
carry income证券利息收入
cash income and cost现金收益与成本
change in national income国民收入变动
charge and discharge statement as to income收益收支表
charge and discharge statement as to income遗产收益收支表
charge on income收益所得税
circular flow of income收入循环流转
classification of income by function收入功能分类法
classification of income by source收入来源分类法
collateral income bond担保收益债券
combined income and related earnings statement损益与盈余留存合并计算书
combined income and surplus statement合并收益与盈余表
combined statement of income and earned surplus损益与公积金合并计算表
combined statement of income and surplus收益盈余汇总表
common size income statement统一用百分比式不用金额收益表
community real income社会实际收入
composite income and loss sheet综合损益表
composite income sheet综合收益表
composite income sheet综合损益表收益表
composition of money income货币收入构成
condensed income statement简明收益表
consumed money income已消费货币收入
consumed real income已消费实际收入
consumption-income ratio消费—收入比
consumption-income relation消费—收入关系
consumption-income schedule消费—收入表
contractual income约定收入
contractual income合同规定的收益约定收益
conventional income statement传统损益表
conventional income statement form传统收益表格式
corporation income公司所得
creation in income收入的产生
cumulative and average income累计与平均收入
cumulative and average income statement累积与平均损益表
cumulative income bond累积收益债券
cumulative income bond累积收益证券
currency-income ratio货币—收入比率
current business income本期营业收入
current business income tax本期营业所得税
current income本期收入
current income经常收入
current net income本期纯收入
current operating income statement本期营业收益表
current operating performance income statement本期经营成果损益表
current value income现值收益
cutting down expenditure and increasing income节支增收
cyclical consumption-income pattern消费—收益循环变动型
cyclical income index周期性收入指数
debenture income bond无抵押收益债券
declaration of income所得税申报
deducible income可推算收入
deferment method of income recognition收益的延期确定法
deferred charge to future income未来收益的递延费用
deferred income递延收益所得如扣存退休金等
deferred interest income递延利息收入
deferred interest income account递延利息收入账户
delayed income credit过期收入
delayed income debit过期支出
departmental income statement部门收益表
departmental income statement分部收益表
determination of net income净收益决算
difference income levels收入等级差别
differentiated outlays and incomes差异收支额
direct income直接收入
direct measure on price and income直接影响物价与收入的措施
discretionary income自由支配的收入指个人收入减去生活必需费用后的结余部分
discretionary personal income个人可随意支配的收入
disposition of income收益分配
disposition of net income净收益分配表
distributable income可分配收益
distribution by income group按收入组别分配
distribution of income收益的分配
distribution of national income国民收入的分配
distribution of personal incomes个人收入分配
distribution to income beneficiaries付给受益人款项
divisional income statement分部收益表
divisional income statement部门收益表
domestic factor incomes国内要素收入
double income-tax relief双重所得税减免
double income-tax relief减免重复所得税
early production income早期生产收入
earned income获得收益
earned income劳动所得
earned income赚得收益如劳动工资收入
earned income exemption营业收益减免额
effective buy income有效的可用于购买的收入
elasticity of tax to national income国民收入税收弹性
elasticity of the marginal utility of income收益的边际效用弹性
employee income tax withheld代扣职工所得税
employee income tax withhold代扣职工所得税
equalize income使收入平均
evade to pay income tax偷逃所得税
excess of income over expenditure收入超过支出
exemption from income tax免征所得税
expected income hypothesis臆测性预期收入
expenditure and income model支出和收入模型
expenditure and income pattern支出和收入模式
external income国外收入
factor income from abroad and factor cost payments国外代理商收入与其费用支出
family income and expenditure survey家庭收支调查
family income plan家庭收入计划
family income policy家庭收入保险单
family income supplement家庭收入补助
farming income农业收入
federal income tax联邦所得税
file declaration of income oneself自行申报收益
final annual income tax年度所得税
final annual income tax returns年度所得税申报表
foregone income既定收入
foreign source income外国来源收入
franked investment income免税投资收益
free income自由支配的收入
funded income财产收益
gain in income收入
gain in income收益
gap between low and high incomes高低收入间差距
general income level一般收入水平
general income level and living standard一般收入水平及生活水平
Gini coefficient of distribution of income基尼收入分配系数
gross domestic income国内总收入
gross income from sales销售总收入
gross net written premium income承保业务的净保费总收入
gross savings income ratio总储蓄额与所得比率
growth of income by inhabitant每人平均收入的增长
growth of income by inhabitants人均收入增长
guarantee income保证所得
guaranteed annual income保证年收入
guaranteed income bond有保证收益的债券
guaranteed retirement income保证退休收入
high income bracket高薪阶层
high-income brackets高收入阶层
high-income class高收入阶层
high income country高收入国家
high-income group高收入群
higher income brackets较高收入阶层
incremental income flow递增收益流
indigenous national income本国的国民收入
indigenous national income本国国民收入
individual gross income个人总收入
individual gross income个人总收益
individual income adjustment tax个人所得调节税
individual income regulatory tax个人所得调节税
individual income tax law个人所得税法
individual income tax withheld代扣个人所得税
inequality in personal income个人收入不等
insurance premium income保费收入
insurance premium income per capita保险密度
insurance premium income per GNP保险深度
inter-department income部门间收入
interest and discount income利息贴现收入
interest and discount income account利息贴现收入账户
interest and salaries in excess of net income利息与薪水超出净利
interim income statement期中收益表
interperiod income tax allocation前后期之间所得税分摊
inter-period income tax allocation所得税跨期分摊
intra-period income tax allocation期内所得税分摊
inventory income ratio存货收益比率
investment income surcharge投资收益附加所得税
investment income tax投资所得税
investment-national income ratio投资国民收入比率
investment-net income ratio投资纯收入比率
joint facility income公用事业会计科目联合设备收益
joint venture income合资企业收入
joint venture income tax合资企业所得税
jurisdictional allocation of income and expenses不同税收管辖权之间的收入和费用分配
keep expenditures within the limits of incomes量入为出
lawfully earned income合法收入
levy tax on income征收所得税
life income终身年金
life income终身权益
life income annuity终身年金人寿保险
life income annuity终身年金终身保证收入
life income funds终生所得基金
life income insurance终身年金保险
life income option终身年金选择权
life time income生命期间收益
limited income ownership participation参与有限权益所有权
liquidation income清理收益
living expenditure income生活费收入
loss of income insurance收入损失保险
lower end of the middle-income spectrum中等偏低收入的国家
lower income country and territories低收入国家和地区
lower middle income中下等收入
lower middle-income country中下等收入水平国家
lump income tax总计所得税
major income source主要收入来源
manage on one's income靠薪金生活
margin of income收入边际
marginal propensity to spend out of income收入边际支出倾向
marginal utility of income收益边际效用
market prices and incomes policy市价和收入政策
maximum tax on earned income劳动所得最高税额
measured income测定收入
medium-to-high income household中高收入户
middle-income country中等收入水平国家
middle-income country按人均国民生产总值计算中等收入国家
middle income group中间收入阶层
minimum exempt income最低免税所得额
minimum taxable income最低税收
moderate income中等收入
modified all inclusive view of income改正收益总览观
multiple step form of income statement多段式收益表
multiple-s tep income statement分步收益表
multiple-step form of income statement梯式收益表
national disposable income国民可支配收入
national income account国民收入账户
national income accounting国民收入核算
national income accounting system国民收入核算制度
national income after expenditure支出后的国民收入
national income analysis国民收入分析
national income at factor cost用因素费用表示的国民收入
national income at factor prices用因素价格表示的国民收入
national income at market prices用市场价格表示的国民收入
national income by distributive shares分配部分的国民收入
national income by industrial origin产业初始时的国民收入
national income distributed分配后的国民收入
national income expended支出后的国民收入
national income in money terms货币国民收入
national income multiplier国民收入乘数
national income per capita国民人均收入
national income per-capita国民人均收入
national income produced生产的国民收入
national income statistics国民收入统计
national money income国民货币收入
negative income effect收入减少
negative income effect负收入影响
negative income tax对最低收入的补贴
negative income tax〈美〉负所得税
net chargeable income应课税收益净额
net chargeable income应纳税收入净额
net income after dividends付股息后净收入
net income after income tax税后净收益
net income after income tax缴纳所得税后净收益
net income after interest charge计息后净收益
net income after tax税后净收益
net income apportionment净收益分配
net income before interest charge计息前净收益
net income before interest charges计息前净收入
net income before tax税前净收益
net income before taxes所得税税前净收益
net income correction净收益更正数
net income distribution to affiliated unit分配给外联单位净收益
net income from affiliated unit从外联单位分得净收益
net income increase增加净收益
net income remitted to senior administrative agency缴上级净收益
net income remitted to treasury缴国库净收益
net income retained after tax税后留用净收益
net income retaining percentage on base year net income按年基数净收益计算的留成率
net income retaining percentage on net income increment按增长净收益计算的留成率
net income settlement净收益结算
net income to net sale净收益与销货净额比率
net income to net sale净收益与净销货额的比率
net income turned-in by subsidiaries下属单位上缴净收益
net operating income营业净收益
net operating income营业净收入即减去营业费用后的收入
net present value of income from investment投资收益净现值
net statutory income法定收益净额
nominal income名义收入
nominal income名义收益
non-business income非营业收入
non-contractual income非契约合同收益
noninterest income无息收入
non-labor income非劳动收入
non-legal income非合法收入
nonmonetary income非货币性收入
non-operating income非营业所得
nonoperating income营业外收入
nonoperating income account营业外收益账
nonoperating income and expenditure account营业外收支账
non-operating income and expense account非营业收益费用账户
non-operating income-expenditure account营业外收支账户
non-operating incomes and expenses非营业收支
non-operational income非营业收入
nonperiodic income非定期收入
nonproductive income非生产性收入
non-recurrent income非经常收入
nonrecurrent income非经常收入
non-recurring income临时收入
non-recurring income非经常收入
non-recurring income and expense临时收支
non-recurring sources of income临时收入来源
non-tax income非税收入
non-taxable income非税收入
nontaxable income免税所得
non-wage income非工资性收入
nonwage income非工资性收入
normal income正常收入
normal income rate正常收入率
notional income虚收入
notional income名义收入
occasional income临时收入
offsite income间接收入
oil and gas extraction income油气开采收入
operating income营业收益收入
operating income after depreciation折旧后营业收入
operating performance income statement营业实绩损益表
ordinary income正常收益
ordinary income普通收益
other income其它收入收益
Pareto law of income distribution帕累托收入分配定律
partial income statement部分收益表
period income定期收益
permanent income永久性收入
permanent income永久收入
permanent income hypothesis长期收入假设
perpetual income终身收入
personal disposable income个人可用所得
personal dividend income个人股息收入
personal income个人收入所得
personal income distribution个人收入分配
personal income from the incorporated enterprise个人企业收入
personal income tax exemption个人所得税免税额
personal interest income个人利息收入
personal service income私人服务所得
plan for financial income and expenditure财务收支计划
planned income计划收益收人
positive income effect正收入效应
potential income as tax base以潜在收入为纳税基础
prepaid income预付收益
prepaid rent income收益
prepaid rent income预付租金
pretax income税前所得
pretax income税前收益
price and income bill物价与所得法案
prices and incomes policy价格与收入政策
principal and income cash资本及收益现金
private income个人所得
private income私人收入
private income from one's property私人财产所得
profit and loss method of calculating income tax on foreign company计算外国公司所得税的损益法
proforma income statement预计损益表
progressive income tax rate累进所得税率
progressive income taxation累进所得税制
provide income tax所得税款准备
raise income tax征收所得税
rate of income on investment投资收益率
ratio of cash to income现金与收入比率
ratio of current income of current expense流动收入与流动费用比率
ratio of income as a percentage of sales销售收益率
ratio of income as a percentage of sales销售利润收益
ratio of net income to common stock普通股净收益率
ratio of net income to net sales净收入与销货净额比率
ratio of net income to net sales净收益与销货实额的比率
ratio of net income to net worth净收入与资本净值比率
ratio of net income to outstanding common stock净收益与实发普通股比率
ratio of net income to total assets净收益与资产总额比率
ratio of total expense to current income总费用与现收益比率
ratio of total income on funds to total funds总资金与资金总收入比率
realized income实现所得
realized income实现的收益
rebate of income tax所得税退还款
register of income accounts收益账户登记簿
residual income残余收入
residual income method剩余收益法
residual net income剩余净益
retirement income endowment退休后收入养老金
revised approved estimates of income订正原核定收入
salary and interest in excess of net income薪金和利息超过净收益
saving-income ratio储蓄—收入比
schedule of average rates of tax on taxable income应税所得平均税率表
second income次要收入收益
secondary income次要收入
security income and expense证券收益与费用
self-employment income自营收入
self-employment, income tax自营所得税
semi-subsistence low-income sector半自给的低收入阶层
separate income个别收入
service income and difference on exchange服务及汇兑差价收益
single step form of income statement单步收益表
single step income statement单步收益表
small income relief小额收入所得税减免额
social income社会收入
special commissioners of income tax所得税征收特别专员
spendable income可花费收入
spendable income净收入收益
splitting of income between spouses配偶间收入分计
spread income差幅权益
subsistence income生存收入
summary income tax return简易所得税申报表
supplemental income tax追加所得税
Supplemental Security Income社会保障补助金
survey of income and expenditure收支调查
tax deferral for foreign-source income of foreign subsidiaries国外子公司国外来源收入的延期纳税
tax income课税收入
tax on aggregated income综合所得税
tax on income and profits所得利润税
tax on income from movable capital动产收入税
taxable income应纳税的收入
taxable on dividend income应纳税股利收益
taxation of foreign-source income对国外来源收入的课税
taxation on aggregate income综合所得税
taxation on separate income分类所得税
taxation upon total income按全部所得课税
taxed on worldwide income依全球所得纳税
tax-free income免税收入
technical services income技术性劳务收入
temporary income临时收入
terminable income有期收入
tourism income旅游收入
tourism income multiplier rate旅游收入增殖率
traditional format of income statement传统式收益表
transactional allocation of income and expenses按交易量分配收入和费用
transfer income转让过户收入收益
travel expenditure as a percent of total disposable income旅游开支占全部可支配收入的百分比
two-income family双收入家庭
type of income distribution收益分配类型
type of national income国民收入类型
undisturbed consumption-income relation无扰动消费—收入关系式
unearned income不劳而获
unearned income份外收益即工资外收入
unincorporated business income非公司营业收入
upper income高收入
upper income earners高收入劳动者
valuation of future income未来收益估价
with holding income tax预提所得税
withhold income tax预扣所得税
withholding income tax预扣所得税
withholding income tax return扣缴所得税报表
workers in the lower-income brackets低工资收入职工
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