
Terms for subject Technology containing income | all forms | exact matches only
absolute income hypothesis绝对收入假设
account current transport income运输收入往来
account form of income sheet账户式收益表
account form of income statement账户式收益表
account form of income statement平衡式收益表
accounting income账面收益
accounting of railway transport income铁路运输收入会计
accrued income receivable应计未收收益
accrued income tax应计未付所得税款
accrued tax on income应计所得税款
accumulated income积累收益
accumulated income累计收益
accumulated net income累计净收益
actual income实际收益
actual interest income实际利息收入
added net income附加纯收益
additional income附加收益
additional income tax附加所得税
additional income tax return附加所得税申报表
adjusted gross income调整后毛收入所得额
adjusted gross income调整后的总收益 (房地产)
adjusted income调整后收益
adjusted income调整后所得
adjusted income statement调整后损益计算表
adjustment of business income营业收入调整
aggregate income of families家庭总收入
agricultural income农业收入
allocate income ratio for enterprise企业分配指标
allocate income ratio for local地方分配指标
allocate income ratio for nation国家分配指标
allocate income ratio for workers and staff members职工分配指标
annual income年收入
annual income全年所得额
appropriation of net income净盈余占用
assessable income应评税之收入
assessable income可纳税收人
asset-income ratio资产收益比 (率)
assets income资产所得
assets-income ratio资产收益比 (率)
available income可动用收入
available income可利用收益
available national income可使用国民收入
average income of nonagricultural workers职工平均收入
average of expected incomes平均预期收入
baggage arrival operation income行包到达作业收入
baggage transshipment income行转作业收入
balance between income and expenditures收支平衡
balance expenditures with income收支平衡
be exempted from income tax免征所得税
be exempted from individual income tax免纳个人所得税
be exempted from individual income tax免征个人所得税
before-tax income税前收入
big gap between income分配悬殊
blocked income冻结收入
blue-form income tax return蓝色所得税申报表
branch net income or loss分店净损益
break-even level of income收支两平的收入水准
broaden sources of income and reduce expenditures开源节流
budgeted income statement预计收益表
business income业务收入
business income营业收入
business income tax经营所得税
capital income资本收人
cargo arrival operation income货物到达作业收入
cash income and cost现金收益和成本
cash realizable income变价收入
chargeable income应纳税的入息
classification station operation income编组站作业收入
classified income tax分类所得税
coefficient of income elasticity of demand需求收入弹性系数
common-size income statement同型损益表
common-size income statement只有百分比的收益表
comparable income可比收益
comparative income account比较收入表
comparative income account比较收益账户
comparative income account比较损益计算书
composite income综合收益
concealing the amount of income匿报所得额
conditional income elasticity条件收入弹性
consolidated income sheet综合损益表
consolidated income tax return所得税合并申报
consolidated progressive income tax统一累进所得税
consumption-income ratio消费收入比
consumption-income relation消费收入关系
consumption-income schedule消费收入表
cost matching income principle费用与收入对应原则
current net income本期纯收益
cutting down expenditures and increasing income节支增收
daily report of cash income and expenses现金收支日报
debt-to-income ratio月债务与收入的比率
decrease of income tax所得税额减少
deduction from gross income总收入中扣除数
deduction from gross income可从毛收入中扣除的项目
deduction from income可从收入中扣除的项目
deduction from income tax所得税减免 (额)
deduction from net income净收益中扣除数
deduction from net income可从净收入中扣除的项目
deductions from net income净收往年减除数
delayed income credit过期账收入
delayed income debt过期账支出
demand shifts from income因收入增减引起的需求变动
departmental income statement部门收益表 (损益计算书)
derivation income派生所得
determinable income固定收入
determined periodic income定期固定收入
determined periodical income定期固定收入
differential income差额收入
differential incomes of land土地级差收益
direct costing income statement直接成本收益表
direct technologic income直接技术收益
direct technological income直接技术收益
discount income贴现收入
discretionary income随意支配的收入
discretionary income任意支配所得
discrimination by income按收入多少给予的差别对待
disposition of net income净收入的处理
disposition of net income净收入分配
disposition of net income净收益分配
distributed factor income已分配的要素收入
distribution of factor income要素收人的分配
distribution of income account收入分配账户
distribution of national income国民收入分配
distribution of wealth and income财富和收入的分配
distribution to income beneficiaries分配给收益人的款项
dividend income股息收益
division income statement部门利润表
division income statement分部收益表
dwelling units for low-income families低收入家庭的居住单元
earned income赚得收益
earned income工资收入
earned income已获收入
earned income for ordinary stock普通股能分到的收益
effective gross income实际总收入
endogenous income hypothesis内生收入假设
entire social income tax全额社会所得税
equilibrium income均衡收入
equilibrium level of income均衡收入水平
equilibrium level of national income均衡国民收入水平
estimated additional income增加收入估计数
estimated decrease in income收入估计减少数
estimated income tax payable估计应付所得税
exception income limits住房资助的例外收入极限
excess income超额收益
excess income tax超额所得税
exclusion from income不计列所得额
exclusion from taxable income不计列应缴税所得额
exempt from filing annual income tax returns免办年度所得税申报
exempt from income tax免除所得税
exempt income免税收入
exempt income免除所得
exempt income免税所得额
exempt income免于纳税的收入
exemption from income tax免除所得税
exemption from the local income tax免征地方所得税
exemption of income免税收益
expenditure-income relation收支关系
expense attributable to the investment income因投资收入而发生的费用
extraordinary income非常收入
file income tax return提送所提税申报表
financial income财政收益
fluctuation income波动收入
forest-income tax森林所得税
franked income免费所得
fraudulent income tax returns虚假的所得税申报书
free income tax免付所得税
free of income tax免所得税
full social income tax全额社会所得税
general income总收入 (量)
graduated income tax分级收入税
gross annual income全年总收入
gross available income现有总收入
gross income收入总额
gross income总收入 (量)
gross income for distribution可分配总收入
gross income multiplier总收入系数
gross investment income投资毛收入
gross operating income总营业收入
illegitimate income不正当收入
income account收益账 (户)
income account损益计算书
income account audit损益计算书审计
income account principle损益计算书原则
income admission limits申请住房收入限额
income and cost audit of railway transportation铁路运输收支审计
income and expenditure statement收支清单
income and expenses收支
income apportionment净利的分配
income at liquidation清算所得
income audit收益预算
income audit of railway transportation铁路运输收入审计
income averaging收入平均数
income before extraordinary item未付特殊项目前的收益
income before tax税前所得
income beneficiary收益受益人
income benefit insurance policy遗益享受保险单
income bond收入债券
income bone收益债券
income capital conditions sheet进款资金状况表
income ceiling收入额高限
income consumption curve收入消费曲线
income cycle收入周期
income deduction收益减除数
income deduction所得扣除项目
income demand elasticity需求收入的弹性
income density of demand需求的吸入弹性
income determination收益决定
income distribution利润分配
income effect所得效果
income elasticity of demand for import进口需求的收入弹性
income exempted免税所得
income exempted from tax免税的所得
income expenditures收益支出费用
income-expense ratio收支比
income for consumption消费收入
income form investment投资收益
income from completed contract已完工合约的收益
income from immovable property不动产收入
income from investment投资收入
income from leasing property财产租赁所得
income from penalties罚金收入
income from recoveries of bad debts收回坏账收益
income from sales of assets出售资产收入
income from sales of products销货收入
income from transferred property财产转移收入
income from undertakings事业收入
income from variable yield investment可变收益投资收入
income gradient收入梯度
income group收入分类
income management information system收入管理信息系统
income multiplier收入因子
income of transportation运输收入
income offset by depletion冲销折耗的收益
income on construction job工程收益
income on investment投资收入
income option policy可选择保险额的保险
income originating from agricultural industry来源于农业的收入
income participation参与收入分成的权利
income participation loan分享收益的贷款
income per capita人均收入
income policy收人政策
income policy所得政策
income-producing equipment生产设备
income-producing expenditures生产所得支出
income projection收入预测
income property loan以房地产收人作抵押的贷款
income ratio收益比率
income received method所得收入法
income redistribution收益重分配
income sheet ratio收益表比率
income sheet ratio损益比率
income statement百分率收益表
income statement accounts收益表账户
income statement and profit appropriation statement损益表及利润分配表
income stream收入流量
income subject to withholding应扣缴预提税收入
income summary收入汇总
income summary account损益汇总账户
income tax allocation分摊所得税
income tax credit所得税减免
income tax cushion所得税缓冲额
income tax deduction课税所得减除额
income tax expenses所得税费用
income tax for individual个人所得税
income tax law所得税法
income tax leverage所得税杠杆作用
income tax liability所得税额
income tax on intercompany profit内部利润所得税
income tax on salaries and remunerations薪给报酬所得税
income tax payable应付所得税
income tax rate所得税率
income tax rates table所得税税率表
income tax return所得税申报表
income tax self-assessed自报所得税额
income tax surcharge所得税附加额
income tax withheld at source从源扣缴的所得税
income tax withholding扣缴所得税
income tax withholding table所得税预扣表
income taxation征收所得税
income terms of trade贸易收入条件
income to net worth纯益与资本净值比
income value所得值
industrial and commercial income tax工商所彳
interim income and loss statement期中损益计算书
internal supply and sale income内部供应和销售收入
investment income ratio投资收入比率
investment income surcharge投资收入附加税
investment-net income ratio投资纯收入率
joint facility income联合设备收益
joint income共同收益
keeping bench income保持基准收益
labour income劳动收入
legal earned income法定收入
legal income from property法定财产收益
long-term income长期收入
low-income block低租金住宅
low-income housing低收入者住房
low-income housing project低收入者住房建设项目
low-income project低收入者住房设计项目
low-income residence低收入者住宅
low-and-moderate-income housing中低收入住房
lower-income group较低收入组别
lower-income housing较低收入者住房
macroscopic incomes宏观经济收益
marginal income ratio边际收益
marginal income statement边际收益计算
marginal rate of personal income tax边际个人所得税率
marginal relief of income tax所得税减免界限
measure expenditures by income量入为出
measured income已评定的收入
microscopic incomes微观经济收益
middle-income group中等收入组别
minimum taxable income最低应税所得额
miscellaneous income辅助收入
moderate-income group中等收入组别
moderate-income housing中等收入者住宅
monopoly control over its income and expenditures统收统支
monthly report of cash income and expense现金收支月报
monthly report of stopping leakage and keeping income堵漏保收月报
multiple step form of income statement分步式收益表
multiple step form of income statement分段收益表
multiple step income statement分部收益表
negative income tax负所得税
negative income tax负项所得税
negative income tax负值所得税
net income纯利 (润)
net income净收入量
net income净税收
net income after depreciation折旧后净收入
net income after dividends扣除股利后净收益
net income after income taxes扣除所得税后净收益
net income after tax净利
net income after tax扣税后净收益
net income approach净收益估值法
net income before depreciation折旧前净收入
net income before depreciation未扣除折旧的净收益
net income before income tax扣缴税前净收益
net income before tax纳税前净收益 (纳税指纳所得税)
net income before tax缴税前净收益
net income corrections净利核正
net income distortion净利计算不实
net income distribution to affiliated units分配给联营单位利润
net income from operations经营净收入
net income ratio净收人率
net income ratio净收益比率
net income ratio of society社会纯收入收益率
net income to net sales净收人与销货净额比率
net investment income投资收入净额
net of tax income纳税后净收入
net operating income纯经营收益
net operating income净经营收入
net operating income扣除经营费用后的收入
net operating income approach净营业收益估值法
net present value of income from investment投资净收入现值
net profit after income tax扣除所得税后净利 (润)
net property income净财产收入
nominal income名目所得
nominal income名义收人
nominal income and actual expenditures财政上的虚收实支
non-income base for tax discrimination纳税差别的非收入基准
non-income-tax multiplier非收入税乘数
non-contractual income非合同的收益
non-contractual income非合同收入
non-operating account of income and expenses非营业收益及费用账户
non-operating income营业外收益
non-operating income and expense account非营业收益及费用账户
non-operating income audit营业外收入审计
non-recurring sources of income一次性收入来源
non-recurring sources of income非经常性收益的来源
non-regular income不属经常固定收入
non-taxable income非课税收益
non-taxable interest income免税利息收入
normal income rate正常盈利率
operating income经营收入
operating income营运收入
operating income and expenditures营业收支
operating performance income statement营业实绩收益表
operation income营运收入
ordinary income通常收入
ordinary income正常收入
other business income其他业务收入
other income budget其他收入预算
other income of passenger transport客运其他收入
overage rent income分成租金收入
partial income statement部分损益计算书
per capita disposable real income人均可支配实际收入
per capita income人均国民收入
per capita income每人所得
percent of net income to stockholders纯益与股东权益百分比
planned performance rate of financial income财务收入计划完成率
population-income sequence人口收入序列
positive income effect积极所得效果
potential gross income可能总收入
potential income潜在利益
potential income潜在收入
presumptive income推定收入
pretax accounting income税前账面收益
prices and incomes policy物价与所得政策
primary distribution of the national income初次分配
prime business income主营业务收入
principal and income cash本金及收益现金
pro-form income statement预算损益表
progressiveness of income tax所得税的累进度
projected income statement预计收益表
property income财产收益
proportional share-cropping of net income净收入按比例分成
provision for income tax备付所得税款
railway income capital铁路收入资金
railway income management铁路损益管理
railway material incomes铁路物资收入量
railway operating income铁路运营进款
railway transport operation income management铁路运输营业收入管理
rate of income from investment投资收益率
rate of income from the funds资金收入率
ratio of cash to income现金对收入的比率
ratio of net income to net sales纯益与销货总额比率
ratio of net income to net sales净收益对销售比率净收入与销货净额比率
ratio of net income to net worth净收益对资本净值比率
ratio of net income to outstanding stock净收入对在外股票比率
ratio of net income to total assets净收益对资本总额比率
ratio of turned over income from investment投资收益上交率
reckoning in every item of income or expenditures满打满算
recouping sales income取回销售收入
refund of a part of the income taxes already paid退还缴纳的部分所得税
regular income经常性收入
residual income残余收益
residual net income残余纯收入
retained income保留收益
retained income留存收入
retirement income insurance退休收入保险
reverse income tax反所得税
rotation of the highest income收入最高轮伐期
rural income农村收入
sale incomes of fixed assets固定资产变现清理收入
secondary income非营业收入
semi-subsistance low-income sector半自给自足的低收入阶层
settlement method of transportation income运输进款清算办法
settlement of income from self-administrated district管内现收清算
settlement of income from through transportation直通作业清算
small income微利
social national income社会国民收入
sources of income财源
special income tax特别所得税
starting operation income发送作业收入
state and local income tax国家和地方所得税
state me nt of financial income and expenses财务收入及费用表
state me nt of financial income and expenses财务收支机费用表
statement of appropriation of net income净收入分配计算表
statement of financial income财务收益表
statement of income and expenditures收益及支出明细表
statement of income and expenses收入费用表
statement of the income and expenditures收支一览表
station transit income车站在途进款
statutory grouping of gross income毛收入法定分类
statutory income法定所得
supernumerary income额外收益
supplementary income附加收入
surplus income额外收入
system of share-cropping of net income净收入分成制
take transport income as transport revenue以运输进款作为运输收入
tax for regulating differential income级差收入调节税
tax on aggregate income综合所得税
tax on income and profit所得及利润税
tax on net investment income投资净收入税
tax on separate income分类所得税
taxable income课税所得
taxable income可税所得
taxable income应交税所得
taxes other than income所得税以外其他捐税
tax-exempt income免税收入
tax-exempt income免税收益
the income and expense report of transport revenue运输收入进款收支报表
the income and profit ratio收入利润率
the withholding income tax return扣缴所得税报告表
through transportation operation income直通运行作业收入
total disposable income可支配收入总额
traffic income交通进款
transitory income临时收入
transitory income一时性收入
two-section income statement两部式收益表
unapplied income未分配收入
unearned income分外收益
unearned income非营业收益
unearned income非劳动收入
unearned income非工资性收入
unearned income未得到的收人
unfair distribution of income分配不公
unified state control over income and expenditures统收统支
unrealized income未实现收入
unrealized income未实现收益
unrecorded income未入账收入
unrelated business income非本行业的收益
very low income housing repair loans极低收入家庭住房修理贷款
wage funds income statement工资基金收入表
widen differences in personal income拉开收入差距
withholding income tax扣缴所得税
withholding income tax代扣所得税
withholding income tax return扣缴所得税报告表
world-wide income全球范围收入
yearly income年底收入
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