
Terms for subject China containing income | all forms | exact matches only
adjust the distribution of incomes调整收入分配关系
amount of taxable income应纳税所得额
an income distribution system收入分配制度
annual income tax return所得税纳税申报表
exempt from individual income tax免纳个人所得税
in relation to the income earned与取得收入有关
incidental income偶然所得
income derived from equity investment权益性投资收益
income derived from investment投资收益
income derived from property transfer转让财产所得
income earned by the undertakings事业性收入
income exempted from tax with the approval of经批准免税的所得
income from author's remuneration稿酬所得
income from interest on government bonds国债利息收入
income from interests on treasury bonds国债利息收入
income from leased operation承租经营所得
income from royalties特许权使用费所得
income from royalties特许权使用费收入
income gained from outside China境外所得
income gained within China中国境内取得的所得
income generated from inside China来源于中国境内的所得
income in foreign exchange外汇收益
income lost by missing work因误工减少的收入
income of a non-profit organization非营利组织的收入
income of the current period当期收入
income settled清算所得
lawfully earned income合法的收入
liquidation income清算所得
pay consolidated enterprise income tax合并缴纳企业所得税
pay tax on the income缴纳企业所得税
pay the consolidated enterprise income tax汇总缴纳企业所得税
per capita disposable income of urban residents城镇居民人均可支配收入
per capita net income of rural residents农村居民人均纯收入
preferential policy on income tax所得税优惠
rationalize the relations of income distribution规范分配秩序
resident with moderate and low income中低收入居民
rural per capita net income农村居民人均纯收入
special preferential policy with respect to enterprise income tax企业所得税专项优惠政策
standardize the way income is distributed规范收入分配秩序
state-owned capital income国有资本收入
support of the income收入支持
the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the Peopled Republic of China企业所得税法
the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China企业所得税法
the income distribution system收入分配制度
the Individual Income Tax Law个人所得税法
the Law on Corporate Income Tax企业所得税法
the Personal Individual Income Tax Law个人所得税法
the Personal Income Tax Law个人所得税法
the Regulations for Implementing the Law on Corporate Income Tax企业所得税法实施条例
untaxed income不征税收入
urban per capita disposable income城镇居民人均可支配收入
verify and determine the amount of the income taxable核定其应纳税所得额
withdraw the income提取收入