
Terms containing in-flight | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.A delayed flight doesn't bother me. I use the free time to shop in the duty-free shops航班延误,我不觉得心烦。正好利用这个时间去免税店购物
avia.airline in flight information system〔客〕航线飞行信息系统
gen.Are you serious? My friend told me that some flights have landed in Chengdu airport already. Why can't your flight depart?确定吗?我的朋友告诉我说成都那边已经有飞机降落了,为什么你们的航班还不起飞?
el.army in-flight data transmission system陆军飞行数据传输系统
avia.army in-flight data transmission system部队飞行数据传输系统
spaceattitude of missile/rocket in flight导弹/火箭飞行姿态
baseb.ball in flight传向队友的球
footb.ball in free flight自由摆动的球顶球练习时用
footb.ball in free flight顶球练习时用的自由摆动的球
ITcells in flight传输中信元
gen.Certain seats are made available to persons with a disability if the request is made at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled flight我们为残疾人士提供了一些座位,但必须在预订航班起飞前至少24小时提出请求
spacecontinuous in-flight performance recorder连续飞行性能记录器
expl.controlled range of fall of the fragments in flight飞溅碎片下落的控制范围
avia.critical in-flight ice shape关键飞行冰型
gen.decay in flight飞行衰变
China, lawdelay in transport flight航班延误
wushu.double kick in flight腾空连环飞脚
gen.duty as a technical observer in a flying status involving operational or training flights as a noncrew member作战或教练飞行技术观察员勤务非机组人员担任的
avia.duty in a flying status involving operation or training flights包括作战与训练飞行的飞行任务
gen.duty in flying status involving operational or training flights作战或教练飞行勤务
avia.ejection test in flight飞行中弹射试验
China, lawengage in flight operation从事飞行
avia.engine in-flight condition monitoring system发动机空中状况监控系统
avia.engine in-flight condition monitoring system发动机空中状态监控系统
avia.engine-off in flight空中停车
avia.extension of flight envelope in flight test飞行包线扩展试飞
spacefirst aid in flight空中急救
gen.Flight 421 arrives in L. A. at 2:00 p. m. and you will have about a 30-minute layover before your connecting flight421次航班下午2点抵达洛杉矶,在您转乘联运航班前大约有30分钟
avia.flight test site in different places异地飞行现场
avia.hazardous in-flight weather advisoryservice恶劣天气咨询服务 (在甚高频全向无线电信标上连续广播危险天气信息 (严重的天气预报警报) SIGMET (重要天气信息)、对流 SIGMET.中心天气通知、AIRMET (飞行员气象信息)和飞行员紧急天气报告)
el.hazardous in-flight weather advisory service恶劣天气飞行咨询服务
avia.hazardous in-flight weather advisory service恶劣天气咨询服务
avia.hazardous in-flight weather advisory service飞行中危险天气咨询服务
avia.helicopter in flight refuelling直升机空中加油
avia.hypersonic in flight refueling system高超声速飞机空中加油系统
gen.I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport我最讨厌在机场等着转机了
gen.I just came in on flight two thirty-seven and am transferring to Los Angeles. Do I have to change planes?我刚从 237 号班机下来,要继续转往洛杉矶。我需要换班机吗?
gen.If you need to make a change in flight, date or class after you purchase your ticket, please notify us as soon as possible and we will take the appropriate action您购票后,如果要求变更航班、日期、舱位等,请尽早通知我们,以便我们进行合理处理
spaceillusion in flight飞行错觉
gen.I'm in a hurry. Can I get on an earlier flight?我有急事,能搭上早一点的航班吗?
baseb.in flight腾空
China, lawin flight飞行中
baseb.in flight飞行
avia.in flight在飞行过程
gen.in flight from逃开
gen.in flight from逃避
spacein flight maintenance飞行中维护
spacein flight medical support system飞行中医疗保障系统
gen.in the first flight领头
gen.in the first flight占主要地位
avia.in visual flight rules conditions在目视飞行条例的情况下
spacein-flight analyses飞行中分析
avia.in-flight analysis飞行中分析
spacein-flight automatic docking在轨自主对接 (航天器之间的)
spacein-flight behavior飞行中的行为
spacein-flight calibration飞行校准
avia.in-flight checkout system飞行检査系统
textilein-flight cleaner自由开松式清棉机
avia.in-flight collision空中相撞
expl.in-flight collisions of fragments碎片在飞行中相互碰撞
avia.in-flight control飞行控制
avia.in-flight data link飞行数据链
spacein-flight dynamic air load飞行中动力载荷
avia.in-flight egress飞行中离机
spacein-flight ejection飞行中弹射
avia.in-flight ejection飞行弹射
avia.in-flight ejection test空中弹射试验
avia.in-flight ejection test飞行弹射试验
avia.in-flight emergency飞行中的紧急情况
avia.in-flight engine-condition monitoring system飞行中发动机状态监控系统
spacein-flight entertainment飞行中娱乐
avia.in-flight entertainment center〔客〕飞行中娱乐中心
el.in-flight entertainment system飞行中娱乐系统
avia.in-flight entertainment system〔客〕飞行中娱乐系统
avia.in-flight entertainment system机上娱乐系统
avia.in-flight escape空中应急离机
spacein-flight feeding飞行间餐
spacein-flight hyperventilation飞行中过度换气
avia.in-flight icing飞行结冰
spacein-flight ignition空中点火
spacein-flight ignition飞行中点火
mil., air.def.in-flight interceptor communication system飞行中拦截器通信系统
spacein-flight interceptor communications system飞行中拦截器通信系统
busin.in-flight maintenance飞行中维修
avia.in-flight maintenance飞行中维护
avia.in-flight management system飞行管理系统
scub.in-flight maneuver空中技巧
spacein-flight medical analysis飞行中医学分析
avia.in-flight mission abort中途停止执行任务
avia.in-flight mission abort飞行中中断任务
avia.in-flight monitor机载监控器
spacein-flight monitoring飞行监测
spacein-flight motor飞行中的发动机
avia.in-flight operable bomb lock飞行中可操纵的炸弹锁
avia.in-flight operations and training飞行中操作和培训
busin.in-flight performance飞行性能
avia.in-flight performance飞行中性能监控
avia.in-flight performance application〔客〕飞行中性能运用
avia.in-flight performance computation program飞行中性能计算程序
avia.in-flight performance monitor飞行中性能监控
el.in-flight performance monitoring飞行性能监测
el.in-flight performance signal飞行性能信号
avia.in-flight power loss飞行中功率损失
spacein-flight ration常规飞行口粮 (一种航天食品)
spacein-flight refill unit飞行中补充加注装置
avia.in-flight refueling空中加油
avia.in-flight refueling飞行中加油
gen.in-flight refueling飞行中空中加油
avia.in-flight refueling receiver flight phase空中加油受油机飞行阶段
UNin-flight refuelling空中加油
avia.in-flight repair飞行中修理
avia.in-flight repair空中修理
spacein-flight replacement unit飞行中更换组件
avia.in-flight replacement unit飞行中替换装置
spacein-flight research飞行研究
exhib.in-flight service机上服务
avia.In-Flight Service Association空中勤务协会
avia.in-flight shut down空中停车
avia.in-flight shut down飞行中关闭
avia.in-flight shut down rate空中停车率
avia.in-flight shutdown空中停车
spacein-flight snack飞行中用餐
avia.in-flight status monitoring飞行中状态监控
aerohydr.in-flight suppressor nozzle飞行消音管
econ.in-flight survey机上调査
spacein-flight target update飞行中目标更新[修正]
spacein-flight test飞行中测试
busin.in-flight test飞行试验
busin.in-flight test and maintenance飞行试验与维修
spacein-flight test maintenance飞行中测试维护
avia.in-flight test maintenance飞行中试验维护
avia.in-flight test program飞行中测试计划
busin.in-flight test system飞行试验系统
avia.in-flight test system空中测试系统
avia.in-flight thrust augmentation飞行中推力增大
avia.in-flight thrust augmentation飞行中增大推力
avia.in-flight turn back飞行中返航
el.joint in-flight data transmission system联合飞行数据传输系统
avia.joint in-flight transmission system联合飞行传输系统
el.laser in-flight obstacle detection device激光飞行障碍探测器
avia.laser in-flight obstacle detection device激光飞向目标障碍探测器
el.light in flight holography飞行天体全息照相
tech.lock flights in continuous arrangement连续布置的多级船闸
tech.lock flights in individual arrangement分开布置的多级船闸
tech.lock flights in individual arrangement分离式多级船闸
avia.marine in-flight refueling system海上空中加油系统
avia.maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power以最大持续功率水平飞行的最大速度
avia.mean time between in flight shut-down〔客〕平均空中停车间隔时间
avia.minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration着陆构型时最低稳定飞行速度
avia.minimum min steady flight speed obtained in a specified configuration飞机特定构型时所获得的最小稳定飞行速度
spacemissile in-flight indicator导弹飞行指示器
avia.no in-flight attention equipment飞行中无须照管的设备
avia.on board in flight checkout机上飞行中检查
el.on-board in-flight checkout机上飞行检査
avia.passenger in flight information system飞行中的旅客信息系统
spacephysiological stress in space flight航天生理应激
avia.primary in-flight ice detector system主飞行结冰探测系统
spacereactor in flight test反应堆飞行试验
gen.reactor-in-flight test反应堆飞行试验
spacereactor in-flight test system反应堆飞行试验系统
avia.rector in-flight test反应堆飞行试验
spacerest in flight飞行中休息
spaceretarget in flight飞行中重新瞄准目标
avia.retractable in-flight refueling probe可收缩的空中加油探测管
spacerocket in flight test火箭飞行试验
avia.rocket in flight test system火箭飞行试验系统
gen.seek refuge in flight逃难
gen.seek safety in flight溜之大吉
gen.seek safety in flight避难
gen.Since there are only 20 minutes during the two flights, you'd better stay in the transfer correspondence两趟航班之间只间隔20分钟,您最好待在中转处
gen.So far it looks like we will be leaving two hours late, but keep checking the departing flights status board just in case目前看来会延误两小时,不过,请多查看飞离航班信息牌,以防万一
heavy.eq.stability in flight腾空稳定性
athlet.stability in flight空中稳定性
avia.stalling speed or minimum steady flight speed in the landing着陆时失速速度或最低稳定飞行速度 (land)
archer.steer in flight箭飞行方向的控制
athlet.stride-in-air flight走步式腾空跳远
gen.sustain M in flight使 M 继续飞行
el.terrestrial in-flight telecommunications system地面航线通信系统
el.terrestrial in-flight telephone system地面航线电话系统
gen.The flight was delayed, and we waited in the airport for eight whole hours飞机晚点,我们在机场等了整整八个小时
gen.The flight will be delayed because of a heavy rain in our destination由于目的地机场正下着倾盆大雨,我们的航班将延误
expl.The plane blew up in its flight after it was hit by a missile那架飞机因被导弹击中而凌空爆炸
gen.This flight has been canceled due to a typhoon in Hanoi. There'll be no flights to Hanoi until tomorrow本次航班因河内有台风取消了。要到明天才会有班机飞往河内
gen.Through the further weather forecast that your flight will further delay due to heavy fog in Chengdu area最新消息是,您的航班因为成都地区大雾,将会继续延误
avia.total in flight simulator全飞行过程模拟器
el.total in-flight simulator全航程模拟器
el.total in-flight simulator总飞行模拟器
wushu.upright-split in flight腾空竖叉跳跃
avia.variable-stability in-flight simulator变安定性飞行模拟器试验机
avia.vectoring in forward flight向前飞行航线
avia.vectoring in forward flight向前飞行的航向
gen.We have delicious economy class cuisine. Our in-flight menus are specially created to reflect the culinary influences of the regions to which we fly. Toothsome dessert treats are available on our menus, including our classic ice cream that never fails to delight我们提供美味的经济舱菜肴。机上的菜单可以反映出飞机抵达处的美食风尚。另外,我们还提供一系列的美味甜食,包括备受好评的冰激凌
gen.We have no direct flight to San Francisco. But you could take a connecting flight. You could fly Pan Am to L. A. and in L. A. you could catch a connecting flight to San Francisco我们没有直飞旧金山的航班,但是您可以乘坐联运航班。您可以乘坐泛美航空公司的航班到洛杉矶,在洛杉矶您可以乘坐联运航班到旧金山
gen.Yes, I want to check in for your flight to Beijing是的,我想办理飞往北京的航班的登记手续