
Terms for subject Technology containing in- station | all forms | in specified order only
all-in-service station保养站
automatic alarm in pumping station泵站自动警报
average kilometers of wagons in transit loaded at technical stations per transit货车中转距离
average speed of train in departing from station列车出站平均速度
average speed of train in entering into station列车进站平均速度
baseline in shore station岸台基线
distance run by train in departing from station列车出站距离
distance run by train in entering into station列车进站距离
group in charge of organizing the sources of goods traffic at station车站货源组织小组
in-stream water quality monitoring station河道水质监测站
interference in the co-located station同站干扰
in-town station市内车站
passenger traffic communication system in station车站客运通信系统
platform in an underground station地铁站台
port station in advance港前车站
power station in cascade梯级水电站
remote control system in station车站遥控
remote control system in station车站遥控系统
reverse in front of the station according to the proceeding direction站前折返
station adjustment of observation in groups分组观测测站平差
station in advance of terminal枢纽前方站【铁】
station open in night夜间业务电台
time interval between following movements in a station站运行间隔时间
water power station in river channel河床式水电站