
Terms containing in two | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.a circle two feet in diameter直径二英尺的圆
semicond.a region of transition between two regions having different properties in p-type semiconducting materialsp-p 结
China, polit.,a two-way approach featuring of "bringing in" and "going out"坚持"引进来"和"走出去"相结合
China, polit.a two-way approach featuring of "bringing in" and "going out"坚持"引进来"和"走出去"相结合
proj.manag.After two years in Washington I often long for the Realism and sincerity of Hollywood在华盛顿住过两年以后、 我常常对好莱坞的现实主义和真诚的生活充满渴望
econ.All the other agreements between the two branches will be superseded by this general agreement after it is put in force总协议生效后将替代两分公司之间的一切其他协议
gen.Although I've never worked in fine chemistry companies, the two-year experience in a pharmaceutical company has made me a qualified customer service representative who can meet the high standards虽然我没有在精细化工公司的工作经历,但在制药公司的两年使我成长为优秀的客户服务代表
tech.application in two-dressings分两次施用
tech.axle-bearing in two parts双半轴承
gymn.ball patted in order by two hands两手依次拍球
gen.be in two minds犹豫不决
gen.be in two minds动摇不定
tech.bending in two direction双弧度
tech.bending in two planes在两个平面中受弯
expl.Bricks have to be fird in a kiln for at least two days砖在窑里至少要烧两天
proj.manag.Bridges and switches can operate in two basic modes: store-and-forward and cut-through网桥和交换机都可以配置成两种基本模式:存储并转发和直通
bridg.constr.butt rivet joint in two rows两排铆钉对接
repr.biol.cancer in two配偶癌
sport.caught in two minds犹豫
oilcleavage in two directions两组解理
gen.cleave it in two劈成两半
tech.coefficient of unevenness of goods traffic in two direction货运方向不平衡数
bridg.constr.concrete reinforced in two-way双向配筋的混凝土
tech.corrugated metal sheet curved in two planes两面弯曲的波形金属薄板
earth.sc.curvilinear hydrodynamics in two dimensions二维曲线流体动力学
gen.cut it in two把它切成两半
baseb.cut the plate in two投球到好球区中央
oil3D migration in two steps二步法三维偏移
met.deformation rate in two-phase zone两相区变形率
el.device analysis program in two-dimensions器件二维分析程序
tech.dimension characteristic recognition in two-dimensional data二维资料中维特征识另
econ.Disputes arising in virtue of this contract shall be settled by negotiation between two parties由本合同引起的纠纷应由双方协商解决
bridg.constr.drainage in two-way双向排水
bridg.constr.draining in two-way双向排水
gen.draw... in two dimensions把…画成二〔三〕维的
dril.drilling rate equation in two variables二元钻速方程
tech.exposure in two parts两次曝光
math.first degree in two variable equation二元一次方程式
mil., air.def.flickering noise from two point in space空间两点上的闪烁噪声
wind.flow in two dimension二维流动
agric.flowering in two rows二列开花的 (distichanthus)
proj.manag.For those of you -who have come to Java technology in the last two years or so, this may all seem awfully simple对于那些接触 Java 两年左右的人而言、这似乎太简单了
China, lawfor two years in full满二年
tech.Fourier analysis in two-dimensions二维傅立叶分析
UN, geol.fractal properties in two and three dimensions二维和三维的分形特质
expl.Further, the extremely small particle size of the oxidized droplets results in much more intimate oxidized/Juel contact than exists in any other two-component explosive再说、这种氧化剂微珠的粒度极小、致使氧化剂与燃料的接触比其他任何双组分炸药的接触更为紧密
tech.glass curved in two planes拱形玻璃
tech.glass curved in two planes天窗玻璃
gen.Go ahead, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush去吧,有总比没有好
polygr.half measure; in two columns双栏排
sport.He was boxed in by two other runners on the tenth lap.他在跑第 10 圈时被另外两名赛跑运动员在前面挡住
gen.I have two pieces of baggage to check in我有两件行李要办托运手续
gen.I just came in on flight two thirty-seven and am transferring to Los Angeles. Do I have to change planes?我刚从 237 号班机下来,要继续转往洛杉矶。我需要换班机吗?
gen.I want to cancel my reservation for two nights in the name of Smith我想取消以史密斯的名字预订的两晚住宿
watchm.If you buy with an investor's mindset, only two brands are immune to fashion and depreciation in the long term: Patek Philippe and Rolex如果你以投资的心态购买,只有两个品牌不会受到潮流左右,长时间过后也不会贬值,那就是百达翡丽和劳力士
proj.manag.In an SCR configuration, there are two or more copies of the database, one for the source and one for each target在一个 SCR 配置中、存在两个或多个数据库副本、一个用于源、另一个用于每个目标
econ.In case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall be controlling两种文本之间有任何分歧之处,则应以中文文本为准
expl.In either case the oxidizer solution is broken up into small droplets which form a discontinuous phase in a continuous phase. The emulsifying agent reduces the interfacial tension and keeps the two phases from separating这种氧化溶液在两种情况下都会解体为微珠、在连续相内形成非连续相。这种乳化剂减少界面张力、并使这两个相
gen.In most restaurants, after 8 p. m. or so, all the coffee is decaf because no one wants to clean two different coffeepots在大多数餐馆,大概8点之后,所有的咖啡都是脱咖啡因的咖啡,因为没有人愿意洗两种不同的咖啡壶
proj.manag.In other words, broadband doesn't really offer a two-way street也就是说、宽带并没有真正地提供双向的网络线路
sport.In race walking, your two feet must not leave the surface of the ground at the same time竞走时、你的两只脚不得同时离开地面
expl.In recent two decades different effective blasting methods have been pioneered for destruction and construction at home and overseas最近的 20 年、海内外为拆除和建设而开拓了各种行之有效的爆破方法
sport.In relay races, runners employ two basic baton-passing methods: the blind pass and the visual pass在接力赛跑时、赛跑运动员可采用两种基本接棒方法: 盲接法和视接法
China, lawin the two-thirds majority of all the members以全体议员三分之二多数
gen.come, break, cut... in two变,分裂,切为二
gen.in two claps of a lamb's tail赶快
gen.in two claps of a lamb's tail马上
gen.in two claps of a lamb's tail立即
gen.in two shakes立即
gen.in two shakes忽然
gen.in two shakes一刹那
gen.in two shakes一下子
gen.in two shakes马上
inf.in two twos一转眼
inf.in two twos立刻
gen.in twos and threes零零星星
gen.in twos and threes两三个一次
gen.in twos and threes三三两两
math.inequality equation in two variables二元不等式
sport.It is this discipline that has won him two world records in the past year, in shot put and javelin, and he hopes to add another for discus next year过去数年间,长期的训练令他获得了铅球与标枪两项世界纪录,他希望明年还能创造铁饼项目的纪录
proj.manag.It's a major decision. so why dont you sleep on it and give me your answer in a day or two?这是个重要决定、 因此你为什么不考虑一两天再来答复我呢?
tech.light-curve in two colors两色光变曲线
tech.light-curve in two colours两色光变曲线
tech.maximum number of trains per hour in two direction每小时双向最大列车对数
tech.method of time determination by two stars in equal altitude双星等高测时法
UN, tech.minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment次要装备分为两类:支助主要装备的物品
UN, tech.minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment直接或间接支助人员的物品
UN, tech.minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment次要装备是指支助特遣队的装备,比如伙食供应、住宿、非专家通信和工程及其他与任务有关的活动
sport., med.moment arm in two dimensions在二维中的力臂
commer.Offer and acceptance are two conditions in the conclusion of a contract要约与承诺是达成合同的两大要件
econ.On the severance n., an employee shall not enter into employment in any firm of the same trade for two years一旦解聘,雇员两年内不得在同行业任何公司内就业
proj.manag.Over the next two years, the minimum wage in the United States is expected to rise to $7.25 an hour两年之后、美国的最低工资标准有望达到每小时7. 25美元
hydroel.st.potential flow in two dimensions平面势流
UNPrinciples of Conduct in the Field of the Environment for the Guidance of States in the Conservation and Harmonious Utilization of Natural Resources Shared by Two or More States指导各国养护和协调利用两国或多国共有自然资源的环境领域行为原则
idiom.put in one's two cents发言
idiom.put in one's two cents发表意见
math.quadric equation in two variable二元二次方程
busin.quadric equation in two variables二元二次方程式
interntl.trade.reciprocity in trade between two countries两国间贸易互惠
bridg.constr.reinforcement arranged in two-way双向配筋
gen.rend in two分裂为二
bridg.constr.riveted lap joint in two rows两排铆钉搭接
tech.riveting in two rows双排铆接
gen.saw M in two把 M 一锯为二〔锯成二截〕
tenn.serve in rotation for two consecutive points轮流发两个球
tech.shell curved in two directions双向弯曲薄壳
el.simulator for two-dimensional intensity pattern in aligner二维曝光光强图形模拟程序
gen.Since there are only 20 minutes during the two flights, you'd better stay in the transfer correspondence两趟航班之间只间隔20分钟,您最好待在中转处
tech.slab spanning in two directions双向平板
gen.So far it looks like we will be leaving two hours late, but keep checking the departing flights status board just in case目前看来会延误两小时,不过,请多查看飞离航班信息牌,以防万一
tech.spanning in two direction双向跨越
el.Specifically, in a parallel-plate capacitor, the circuit is composed of two conductive surfaces with an insulator glass between them具体地说,在平行板电容器中,电路是由两个导电表面与它们之间的绝缘体玻璃构成
heavy.eq.stand in two separate ranks分前后两列站立
tech.systematic sampling in two-dimensions二维系统等距抽样
tech.tear in two撕成两半
gen.tear M in two把M撕〔拉〕成两半
dentist.The anesthetic will wear off in about two or three hours两三小时后麻醉效果会消失
gen.The doctor said you have got the flu. She will prescribe some medicine for you. You'd better stay in bed for one or two days医生说您感冒了,她会给您开药,并建议您最好在床上休息一两天
gen.The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free法律允许您携带免税的两瓶酒和一条香烟
gen.The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free, if purchased in a duty-free shop如果东西是在免税商店购买的话,法律允许你免税带进两瓶葡萄酒或烈性酒及一条香烟
sport.The marathon race was a close contest with Kodama Taisuke of Japan finishing first in 2 hours, 7 minutes and 23 seconds. Ito of Japan finished second and was followed by two Tanzanians这届马拉松赛跑竞争激烈、日本选手儿玉寿介以2小时7分23秒夺得第一名、日本的伊藤是第二名、第三、四名是坦桑尼亚选手
gen.the rope has broken in two绳子断成了两截
gen.the same principle is used in the nut and bolt, whereby great pressures are employed to hold two substances together同样的原理还应用于螺栓和螺母,利用螺栓和螺母可以把两个物体以很大的压力压在一起
dentist.The sensitivity will disappear in one week or two敏感的现象一到两周后会消失
econ.The substance of the contention of two parties was recorded in the minutes of the meeting双方争论的要点已记载在会议的记录中
econ.The transportation expenses are divided between the two parties in a proper proportion运费由双方按适当比例分担
econ.The two agreements shall take effect as deeds made in our country这两项协议将作为在我国订的契据而生效
watchm.The waterproof case, the self- winding movement, the date window in the dial, the GMT two-time-zone watch and the diving watch are all Rolex inventions防水表壳,自动上发条的机芯,表盘日历窗,格林尼治双时区腕表以及潜水腕表都是劳力士的发明
econ.There are one president and two vice-presidents in the Joint Venture Company该合资公司里有一名总裁和两名副总裁
gen.There're two sockets in the bathroom, for 110V and 220V respectively浴室里有两个分别为110伏和220伏的插座
gen.thimble uncovers one millimeter in two turns活动套筒每转两圈就露出1毫米
commer.This contract is made out in two original copies, each party holding one copy本合同正本一式两份,双方各执一份
expl.This is a precedent far preserving two social systems in one country这是一国两制的先例
gen.This offer will expire in two days这个特价再过两天就结束了
expl.This study is restricted to the two types of rock so that the variations in rock mass properties are minimized and the influence of blast design parameters stemming, burden and specific charge on fly rock distance could be analyzed本研究针对两种岩石、以便将岩体特性的变化趋于最小、并能分析爆破设计参数如炮泥、抵抗线和单位炸药消耗等的影响
agric.three croppings in two years二年三熟
agric.three crops in two years二年三茬
agric.three crops in two years二年三作物
tech.three-dimensional migration in two steps二步法三维偏移
sport, bask.three-out-and-two -in offensive play外马蹄形进攻阵式
sport, bask.three-out-and-two -in setup外三内二阵式
sport, bask.three-out-and-two-in offensive play外围马蹄形进攻阵式
sport, bask.three-out-and-two-in setup外围3人内线2人阵式
railw.time interval for two trains dispatching in succession列车连发间隔时间
tech.time interval for two trains dispatching in succession in the same direction同方向列车连
el.time-dependent simulator for device operation in two-dimensions时间相关二维器件工作模拟程序
proj.manag.To enable communication between two nodes in an IP network, those IP addresses have to be unique among the whole network要使-个 IP 网络中的两个节点能够通信、那些 IP 地址必须在整个网络中是唯一的
ITtwo important boundaries in TCP/IP modelTCP/IP 模型两个重要边界
comp., net.two important boundaries in TCP/IP modelTCP /IP模型两个重要边界
anim.husb.two in one二牛一栏
comp.two in one二合一
heavy.eq.two in pairs2 人一组
polo.two in three3 局 2 胜的比赛
el.mach.two in-one motor二合一电动机
chess.term.two lines beside the centre line in the centre of barracks将门肋道
manag.two participations, one reform and three-in-one combination两参一改三结合
agric.two plants growing in a hill双株穴植
tech.two-cats in kiln color窑彩双猫
tech.two-cats in kiln colour窑彩双猫
tech.two-cells one panel in horizontal form二鼓一板水平式
tech.two-cells one panel in vertical form二鼓一板垂直式
tech.two-dimensional linear shift in-variant system二维线性平移不变系统
tech.two-flying whales in kiln color窑彩双鲸鱼
tech.two-flying whales in kiln colour窑彩双鲸鱼
met.two-high roughing stands in train二辊粗轧机列
tech.two-in-hand winding双路叠绕法
agric.two-in-one feeding system二牛一栏饲养方式
anim.husb.two-in-one feeding system二牛一栏喂养法
tech.two-in-one motor二合一电动机
tech.two-in-one oedometer双联固结仪
textiletwo-in-one shir双拼衬衫两种不同衣料缝合而成的衬衫
auto.two-in-one tap wrenchesT 形丝锥扳
tech.two-plug-in reducing pipe双插渐缩管
tech.two-plug-in reducing piping双插渐缩管
tech.two-plug-in reducing tube双插渐缩管
tech.two-plug-in reducing tubing双插渐缩管
busin.two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange双角套汇指在汇率低的市场买进; 在汇率高的市场卖出
interntl.trade.two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange两角套汇
busin.two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange对角套汇
ecol.two-tage error-in-variable两阶段度量误差模型
sport.Walker No. 8 received a caution because his two feet left the surface of the ground at the same time in race walking8 号竞走运动员受到警告处分、 因为他的两只脚同时离开地面
tech.wavefront advance in two layers双层波阵面推进
econ.We appoint you as our sole agent for our products for the two years in your local market computed from the date when this agency agreement comes into effect我方指定你方为当地市场上我方产品的独家代理,为期两年,从本代理协议生效之日起计算
econ.We had hiatus in our dispute over the inferior quality of the imported goods two days ago两天前,我们中止了关于这些进口商品质量低劣的争执
econ.We have established two branches in Australia for import and export business我们已在澳大利亚设了两个分公司从事进出口业务
econ.We ordered two display voids in the centre of the exhibition hall despite the high rentals我们在展厅中央租两个展台,不论租金多贵
econ.We'll give you a definite reply in two days我们将在两天后给你一个明确的答复
tech.work in two shift分两班工作
sport.Yan Hong and Xu Yongjiu, two Chinese women walkers, broke the world record for the women's 5000-metre track walking with a time of 21 minutes 40.3 seconds and 21 minutes 41 seconds respectively at an international walking competition held in Norway中国女子竞走运动员阎红、徐永久在挪威举行的国际竞走比赛中、分别以 21 分 40 秒 3 和 21 分 41 秒的成绩打破 5000 米场地竞走世界纪录
proj.manag.You pay by credit card, or whatever, and then she will call you sometime in the next two years可以用信用卡或别的方式付款、接下来两年之内的某个时间、她会给你打电话