
An increase in air temperature causes an increase in the speed of sound, which means that in these conditions airblast emissions can be focused back toward the ground by atmospheric refraction大气温度的增高、促使声速增加、这是说在这些条件下、大气折射可将冲击波挡回到地面
Examples are given of improved blast outcomes below that lead to overall reductions in emissions intensity案例证明、改进后爆破的结果可使排放强度整体来讲有所削减
Experience indicates that this tends to overestimate the top size in most blasting situations经验表明、这种方法往往高估了大多爆破场景的最大粒度
He says that he has no concern in this matter他说他与这事无关
In addition to factors that are related to geology and distance are those factors that are related directly to the design of blasting operations. The most important of these is the maximum charge weight per delay: that is, the maximum quantity of explosive that detonates at one time sometimes specified as being that which detonates within any eight millisecond period of time除了与地质和距离有关的因素外、还有一些因素与爆破作业设计直接相关。其中最重要的是每次延迟的最大装药量、即每次要爆炸的炸药最大量有时标明为每8毫秒间隔爆炸的炸药量
In the few pages that precede在前面几页
It is dark clouds that precede a rainstorm in most cases大多数情况下、暴风骤雨来临之前是乌云翻滚
It is discovered in filed experiments that most of the collar flyrock is thrown in a direction fallowing the drill holding axis现场实验发现、孔口周围的大部分飞石沿着炮孔轴线方向抛掷出去
It is discovered in filed experiments that most of the collar flyrock is thrown in a direction fallowing the drill hole axis现场实验发现、孔口周围的大部分飞石沿着炮孔轴线方向抛掷出去
It is shown that the largest impacts in the explosive life cycle occur in the processes of manufacture of ammonium nitrate可见、炸药生命周期的最大影响出现在硝酸铵的生产过程中
Only experts can data the rock that was found in the quarry唯有专家才能断定采石场发现的那块岩石的年代
Railways in that country are a prime candidate for privatization那个国家的铁路最早成为私有化的目标
Real-time data from a predictive meteorological model and sounding equipment is input to an atmospheric refraction model that enables the effect of meteorology on airblast levels in the area surrounding the blast site to be evaluated从预测大气模型和测声设备中获得的数据输人到大气折射模型、从而能评价气象对爆炸现场周边区域内的冲击波能级的影响
Studies have shown that such blasts have a greater than 90% diminution in the strength of the pressure wave released, compared with unconfined blasts of the same charge weight研究表明、与同样装药重量的裸露爆破相比、这样的爆破可使压力波释放威力降低90%以上
The motley of factors that constrain the level of recovery in underground extraction of coal and the complex interplay of geologic, technologic and economic factors affection the overall recovery process have been discussed above in detail这些制约着地下煤开采水平的混杂因素以及影响整个开采过程的地质因素、技术因素和经济因素复杂关系之间的相互作用、已在上文作了详细探讨
The parameters that are generally used in blast design and fragmentation modeling are the static rather than the dynamic properties, but empirical factors used in the models compensate for this anomaly通常用于爆破设计和破碎模型中的这些参数、都是静态的、而非动态性质、只不过在用于模型时经验因素弥补了这种反常
The risk of damage due to flyrock, however, is so high that it merits serious consideration in blast design然而、由于飞石造成破坏的危险性很大、爆破设计时值得认真考量
This study is restricted to the two types of rock so that the variations in rock mass properties are minimized and the influence of blast design parameters stemming, burden and specific charge on fly rock distance could be analyzed本研究针对两种岩石、以便将岩体特性的变化趋于最小、并能分析爆破设计参数如炮泥、抵抗线和单位炸药消耗等的影响
Typically, explosives that are porous solids at normal temperatures and contain little or no liquid are relatively unaffected at the normal low temperatures experienced in commercial blasting通常说来、常温下含有很少液体或没有液体的多孔固体炸药、一般不受商业爆破中常见的低温的影响
Wild flyrock occurs due to the unexpected propulsion of rock fragments,when there is some abnormality in a blast or a rock mass, that travels beyond the blast clearance exclusion zone意外飞石的产生、是由于爆破过程或岩体中出现异常、致使破碎岩石出乎意料地飞越爆破禁区之外