
Terms containing in possession of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
shipb.actual number of ships in possession船舶实有数
sport, bask.alternating possession of throw-in交替拥有掷球入场
econ.I am in possession of his letter of February 9我收到他2月9日来函
commer.In case of the insolvency of the buyer, the seller has a right of stopping the goods in transit after he has parted with the possession to them如果已脱离对货物的占有,而买方无力清偿货款时,卖方具有对货物的停运权
commer.In export transactions, the seller normally parts with the possession of the goods before receiving the purchase price在岀口交易中卖方通常在未收到货款前让岀对货物的占有权
busin.in possession of拥有
busin.in possession of所有
busin.in possession of占有
footb.in possession of the ball控制球
footb.in possession of the ball占有球
footb.in possession of the ball得球
gen.in the possession ofM M 所有的
footb.movement of players when not in possession无球队员的跑动
hockey.not in possession of the puck非控制球
interntl.trade.person in possession of an instrument执票人
fin.person in possession of an instrument持票人
China, lawperson lawfully in possession of合法持有人
footb.player in possession of the ball得球队员
sport.player in possession of the ball控制球的队员
sport.player in possession of the ball获得球的球员
econ.possession in nine points of the law占有者在诉讼中总占上风
gen.put in possession of供给
gen.put in possession of给与
handb.team in possession of the ball控制球的队
commer.We're in possession of your letter dated May 15你方五月十五日函收到