
Terms containing in oil | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
cosmet.A colorless aromatic liquid, obtained from citronella and certain other essential oil or produced synthetically, is used in making perfumes从香茅和其他特定精油中提取或人工制成的一种无色、有芳香气味的液体被用于制作香水
nautic., tech.access to spaces in the cargo area of oil tankers进入油船货物区域中处所的通道
oil, chem.acid in oil油包酸 (emulsion)
construct.acid-in-oil emulsion酸油乳浊液
tech.acid-in-oil emulsion油包酸乳液
gen.agent-in-oil method乳化剂在油中法
chem.agent-in-oil method乳化剂在油中法
UNAgreement concerning Cooperation in Measures to Deal with Pollution of the Sea by Oil关于在处理海上油类污染措施方面的合作协定
agric.aniseed oil in mounting装片用茴香子油
agric.aniseed oil in mounting封藏用茴香子油
agric.bean oil in bulk散装豆油
auto.bedding-in oil研配油
auto.bedding-in oil磨合油
agric.bergamot oil in mounting装片用香柠檬油
agric.bergamot oil in mounting封藏用香柠檬油
tech.blue pigment in oil蓝浆料
tech.blue pigment in oil蓝颜料浆
auto.break-in oil磨合机油磨合期用的机油
tech.break-in oil磨合油
oilbreak in oil磨合油
auto.break-in oil磨〔跑〕合用润滑油
tech.break-in oil跑合用油
chem.break-in oil磨合用油
auto.breaking-in oil试运转润滑油
auto.breaking-in oil磨合油料
tech.brightness in oil吸油后白度
tech.cast-in oil lead附铸油管
construct.cast-in oil lead附〔镶〕铸油管
tech.cast-in oil lead镶注油管
agric.castor oil in mounting封藏用蓖麻油{显技}
nautic., tech.certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage关于油污损害民事责任的保险和其他财务保证的证书
tech.change of oil and gas in the reservoir储层中油气变化
expl.characteristics of combustion and blasting technology in oil-gas wells油、气井燃烧爆破技术的特点其特点包括: 1. 要求爆破器材设计制造得非常精细,结构严密,施工技术要求十分严格。 2. 油、气井燃烧爆破在复杂的外界环境中进行,施工要求更加严格。 3. 油、气井燃烧爆破器材要有良好的耐温、耐压性能。 4. 油、气井燃烧爆破器材应具有良好的密封、绝缘性能。 5. 起爆技术、传爆技术要求特殊
expl.classification of combustion and blasting equipment in oil gas wells油、气井燃烧爆破器材分类油、气井燃烧器材种类繁多,目前国内使用的油、气井燃烧爆破器材,按使用性能和应用品种可分为三大类: 1. 油、气井用爆破器材, 2. 油、气井用燃烧器材, 3. 起爆、传爆器材
tech.color in oil颜料油漆
tech.color in oil调色漆
tech.color in oil颜料油性分散体
tech.color in oil油性色浆
tech.colour in oil颜料油性分散体
tech.colour in oil颜料油漆
tech.colour in oil颜料汕漆
tech.colour in oil调色漆
tech.colour in oil油性色浆
gen.Combine the vinegar, mustard, and oil in a salad cruet将醋、芥末和油混合在一个色拉调味瓶中
tech.coning in oil reservoir油池漏斗
earth.sc.Continental, Union, Shell and Superior Oil Companies Barge and Drill Rig used during the First MOHOLE Work in 1961卡斯1号1961年首次莫霍面钻探所使用的”大陆”等四家石油公司的钻探船和钻机
oil.proc.cooled in oil油内冷却的
met.cooled in oil油〔中〕冷〔却〕的
busin.cooled in oil油冷却的
tech.cooperation with foreign countries in offshore oil海洋石油对外合作
tech.copper in lubricating oil润滑油的铜含量
tech.crude oil in reservoir油层原油
expl.detonating cord used in oil and gas wells油气井用导爆索以耐热炸药为药芯、以耐温材料作包覆外壳的耐温、耐压高能导爆索。即用于油气井开采作业的工业导爆索
econ.Diesel oil consumers are protesting at the rise in price柴油消费者正在抗议价格的上涨
geol.differential oil-in place原油地质储量差异
mining.dispersion of oil in water油在水中的分散作用
mining.dispersion of oil in water水包油分散相
mining.dispersion of oil in water-cocurrent在并流水中的油分散作用
mining.dispersion of oil in water-countercurrent互对流的水中油的分散
mining.dispersion of oil in water-pseudo-slugs水包油一拟段塞的油分散
mining.Dispersion of water in oil油包水分散
tech.dissolved gas in oil油溶气
tech.distribution of oil and gas field by position in basin油气田在盆地中位置的分布
tech.drier soluble in drying oil能溶于干性油中的干燥剂
expl.Due to its water-in-oil structure similar to butter, emulsion has perfect water resistance乳化炸药具有类似黄油的油包水结构、因此防水性能极好
busin.economy in oil consumption节约石油消耗
tech.economy in oil consumption节约石油消费
shipb.emergency switching-off device operating test for oil pump and bilge pump in engine room机舱油泵和舱底泵应急切断装置操作试验
dril.emulsion "oil in water"水包油乳化液
tech.emulsion oil in water水包油乳化液
repr.biol.emulsion oil-in-water油水乳剂
chem.emulsion oil-in-water水包油型乳液
dril.emulsion "water in oil"油包水乳化液
econ.estimated original oil in place估计的原油储量
fin.fall in oil prices油价下跌
tech.fluid distribution in an oil reservoir油层内流体分布
tech.gas-coning in oil reservoir储[贮]油库中的气锥
oilgasification of oil in place地下原油气化
dril.globule of oil in emulsion乳化液中的油滴
tech.ground in oil油中研细 (涂料)
busin.hardened in oil油淬火
mech.hardened in oil油中淬火的
gen.hardened in oil油淬的
gen.hardened in oil油中硬化的
met.hardening in oil油淬火
geophys.hydrogen index in oil原油含氢指数
perf.in oil荫油
oilin oil payment以石油支付
gen.in this area there is no coal but, instead oil在这个地区没有煤,而有石油
oilinfrared oil in water analyzer红外含油分析仪
oilinitial oil in place原始石油地质储量
geol.initial oil in place石油原始地质储量
oilin-place oil地层原油
oilin-situ oil viscosity地下石油黏度
auto.in-tank oil cooler储水室内装式油冷器
tech.International Convention Relating to Intervention on High Seas in Oil Spill Accident发生油污事故时在公海上进行干涉的国际公约
ecol.International Convention Relating to Intervention on High Seas in Oil Spill Accidents发生油污事故时在公海上进行干涉的国际公约
China, polit.International Convention Relating to intervention on the High Seas in Case of Oil Pollution1969 年国际干预公海油污事故公约
interntl.trade.International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties对公海上发生油污事故进行干涉的国际公约
tech.International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties国际干预公海油污染事件公约
tech.isobaths of structure in the top of oil layer油层顶构造等深图
tech.lead in oil白铅油
nautic., tech.limitations in the use of oils as fuel燃油的使用限制
tech.liquid oil in cavity孔洞油苗
tech.liquid oil in fossil cast化石印膜中油苗
tech.liquid oil in vug晶同油苗
oillow toxicity water in oil emulsion drilling fluid低毒油包水乳化钻井液
tech.miscibility test in linseed oil亚麻仁油混合性试验
tech.miscibility test in linseed oil亚麻仁油混合性能试验
tech.miscibility test in linseed oil亚麻仁油混溶性试验
oilmobile oil in-place油层中可动油储量
tech.moisture content in crude oil原油含水量
geol.movable oil in place油层中可动油储量
tech.natural gas rich in oil vapors富有石油气的天然气
tech.natural gas rich in oil vapours富有石油气的天然气
geol.oil and water in place地下油水储量
oiloil content in paraffin wax石蜡含油量
mining.oil displacement in polymer聚合物驱油
tech.oil flow in bearing在轴承内的润滑油流动
hydroel.st.oil in进油
oiloil in进油孔
China, lawoil in bulk散装货油
chem.oil in emulsion drilling fluid水包油钻井液
oiloil in hole井内油
earth.sc.oil in hole油井油
mining.oil in hole井内【油井】油
gen.oil in hole钻孔中〔出现〕的油
tech.oil in mass油块
geol.oil in place石油地质储量
tech.oil in place地质储量
geol.oil in place地层【下】石油
tech.oil in place油藏储[贮]量
oiloil in reserve储存油料
chem.oil in reserve储存油
tech.oil in reserves储存油
tech.oil in reserves管路或储罐内的储存油
oiloil in situ地下石油储量
oil, transp.oil in tanks储罐油
oil, chem.oil in water emulsion水包油乳状液
tech.oil in water水包油
tech.oil in water水中油
mining.oil in water chum flow油在水中涡流
oil, chem.oil in water emulsion水包油乳状液
oiloil in water emulsion drilling fluid水包油乳化钻井液
oiloil in water mud水包油泥浆
tech.oil in water solution石油水溶液
oiloil in water system混油体系
pest.contr.oil in water treatment水包油处理
gen.oil in water oil/water type emulsion水包油乳浊液
gen.oil in water oil/water type emulsion油-水乳油液
geol.oil initially in place原始石油地质储量
oiloil in-water emulsifier水包油乳化剂
hydroel.st.oil level in operation运行油位
oiloil originally in reservoir油层原始储量
tech.oil performance in engine油品在发动机内工作特性
oiloil reservoir in port港口油库
dril.oil standing in drillpipe钻杆中停滞的油
mining.oil well shut in油井关井
tech.oil-in emulsion水中油型乳
auto.oil-in-gasoline lubrication汽油中掺机油润滑
auto.oil-in-gasoline lubrication混合油润滑
met.oil-in-water dispersion油在水中弥散
tech.oil-in-water dispersion水中油扩散
tech.oil-in-water emulsion油水相乳化液 (油为内相,水为连续外相)
plast.oil-in-water emulsion油水乳化液
oiloil-in-water emulsion水包油乳状液
plast.oil-in-water emulsion油水乳化剂
tech.oil-in-water emulsion水包油型乳化液
tech.oil-in-water emulsion水包油型乳剂
tech.oil-in-water emulsion水包油乳化液
plast.oil-in-water emulsion油水乳水剂
dermat.oil-in-water emulsion水包油乳剂
polym.oil-in-water o/w emulsion水包油乳液
expl.oil-in-water emulsion explosive水包油型乳化炸药
dril.oil-in-water emulsion mud水包油乳化泥浆
oiloil-in-water emulsion transport水包油乳状液输送
oil, chem.oil-in-water fracturing fluid水包油压裂液
oil, chem.oil-in-water paraffin remover水包油清蜡剂
chem.oil-in-water paraffin remover水包油型清蜡剂
dril.oil-in-water system水包油乳化液
tech.oil-in-water type水包油型
tech.oil-in-water type水中油型
met.oil-in-water type coolant乳化冷却液
shipb.operating test of emergency switching-off device for oil pump and bilge pump in engine room机舱油泵和舱底泵应急切断装置操作试验
geol.original mobile oil in place原始可动油地质储量
oiloriginal oil in place原始石油地质储量 (00IP)
oiloriginal oil in place地质储量
geol.original oil in place原始石油地质储量
geol.original stock tank oil in place折算至地面储罐的原始石油储量
archit.paint in oil油画
tech.painting in oil油画
tech.paste in oil油性色浆
tech.paste-in-oil basic lead carbonate油糊碱性碳酸铅
tech.paste-in-oil white lead油糊白铅
geol.percent initial oil in place原始石油地质储量百分数
mining.percent of original oil in place produced采出石油原始地质储量的百分数
oilphase-in crude oil替入原油
tech.pigment in oil调色漆
tech.pigment in oil颜料汕漆
gen.polymeric oil-in-oil emulsion减摩自动润滑塑料
auto.power-steering pump with cast-in oil reservoir带罐转向助力泵
UNProtocol concerning Co-operation in Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency在紧急情况下合作抗治地中海石油和其他有害物质造成污染的议定书
China, polit.Protocol Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Case of Marine Pollution By Substances other than Oil1973 年干预公海非油类物质污染议定书
mech.quenched in oil油中淬火的
met.quenched in oil油〔中〕淬〔火〕的
met.quenching in oil油中淬火
met.quenching in oil油淬
econ.rate of decrease in the output of oil fields油田综合递减率
geol.residual oil in place剩余石油地质储量
oilrunning in oil磨合油
oilrunning-in oil跑合油
tech.running-in oil磨合用润滑油
auto.running-in oil走合用的机油
oilshut-in oil well关井油井
mining.shut-in oil well关闭油井
tech.sludging in oil line油管内成渣
tech.soap-in-oil system皂油系统
tech.solubility of gas in oil天然气溶于石油
tech.solubility of oil in gas石油溶于天然气
anim.husb.sosera in oil油浸肉菜馅香肠
tech.special clauses for wood oil in bulk散装酮油特款
geol.stock tank oil in place换算成储罐地面石油地质储量
earth.sc.stock tank oil in place油层中商品石油储量换算成地面标准条件下的或脱气的石油量
gen.stock tank oil in place油层中商品石油储量换算成地面或脱气石油量
oilstock tank oil initially in place原始石油地质储量
geol.stock tank oil initially in place换算成储罐地面石油原始地质储量
geol.stock tank oil original in place换算成储罐地面石油原始地质储量
met.tempered in oil油中回火的
econ.The boxes are lined with oil paper in order to be proof against moisture盒内衬了油纸,可以防潮
commer.The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker据报导班轮与一石油货轮相撞
commer.The oil resources in some countries are rapidly wasting有些国家的石油资源正在迅速消耗
cosmet.The survey predicts a massive rise in the use of facial treatments such as masks, peels, serum and oil调查预测,使用面膜、去角质用品、乳液和精油类护肤品的人将大幅增加
econ.They have decided to make investment in the oil company他们已决定对该石油公司进行投资
gen.They're mainly used in mining, steel production and oil refining它们产品主要用于采矿、炼钢和石油炼制工业
textiletop in oil油梳毛条
gen.unlike oil, sulfur occurs in a solid state不同于石油,硫呈固态出现
mining.very fine dispersion of oil in water极细分散型水包油乳液
mining.very fine dispersion of water in oil极细分散型油包水乳液
anim.husb.vitamin A fatty acid ester in oil维生素 A 脂肪酸酯油
tech.water coning in oil reservoirs油箱漏斗
gen.water in oil水油比
expl.water in oil油中水、油包水型
oil, chem.water in oil emulsion油包水乳状液
hydroel.st.water in oil油混水
earth.sc.water in oil油中含水量
gen.water in oil油中水
mining.water in oil chum flow涡流油中的水
hydroel.st.water in oil detector油混水探测器
oilwater in oil emu Isifier油包水型乳化剂
expl.water in oil emulsion油包水型乳状液
pest.contr.water in oil emulsion油乳液
expl.water in oil emulsion油包水型乳胶
chem.water in oil emulsion油包水乳浊液
oil, chem.water in oil emulsion油包水乳状液
anim.husb.water in oil emulsion水/油乳液
construct.water in oil test油中含水量测试
met.water-in-oil dispersion水在油中弥散
tech.water-in-oil emulsion乳化液
tech.water-in-oil emulsion油中水型乳液
plast.water-in-oil emulsion水油乳液
agric.water-in-oil emulsion油色水乳状液
earth.sc.water-in-oil emulsion油包水型乳化液
tech.water-in-oil emulsion油包水乳液
dril.water-in-oil emulsion油包水乳状液
tech.water-in-oil emulsion油包水乳剂
polym.water-in-oil w/o emulsion油包水乳液
nurs.water-in-oil emulsion adjuvant水乳化佐剂
otorhinol.water-in-oil emulsion adjuvant油包水乳化佐剂
oilwater-in-oil emulsion drilling fluid油包水乳钻井液
oilwater-in-oil emulsion mud逆乳化泥浆
oilwater-in-oil emulsion mud油包水乳泥浆
dril.water-in-oil emulsion mud油包水乳化泥浆
expl.water-in-oil emulsions油包水乳化炸药
oil, chem.water-in-oil fracturing fluid油包水压裂液
nurs.water-in-oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant水包油包水乳化佐剂
dril.water-in-oil mud油包水乳化泥浆
expl.water-in-oil structure油包水结构
oilwater-in-oil test油中含水量测定
polygr.water-in-oil type油中水型[油墨]
tech.water-in-oil type油包水型
tech.water-oil ratio in flooding注水油水比
busin.We have achieved great success in exporting automobile accessories, such as injection nozzles and oil pumps我们在喷油嘴、油泵等汽车零部件出口方面取得了很大成功
econ.We hope to exploit the oil resources in the Middle East我们希望利用中东的石油资源
tech.white lead in oil paste油质白铅
gen.Will you call in at the supermarket for some olive oil?你顺便去超市买些橄榄油好吗?
comp.name.Yemen Co. for Investment in Oil and Mineral Resources也门石油与矿产资源投资公司