
Terms containing in front | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.A series of spectacular scene changes are punctuated by characters singing directly in front of a black curtain当替换壮观的布景时,演员们甚至直接站在一块黑色的幕布前歌唱
pack.Are there tacky roller clean machines in front of the laminator?压膜机前是否有粘尘滚轮清洁机器?
busin.area in front of factory厂前区
tech.area in the front of yard厂前区
expl.As the expanding gases compress such material, energy is lost rapidly and pressure and temperature drop sharply in the reaction products. These losses are communicated to the interior of the reaction zone as a rarefaction wave, lowering the pressure and reaction rate, and ultimately removing support far the propagation of the detonation front由于膨胀气体挤压这种物质、致使能量损失速度快、爆后产物的压力和温度迅速下降。这些损失作为膨胀波传到反应区之内、因而降低了压力和反应速率、且最终消除了对爆震波面传播的能量支持
bridg.constr.backwater height in front of bridge桥前壅水高度
wushu.balance with knee lifted in front前提膝平衡
gymn.bent arm crossed in front of the chest屈臂胸前交叉
body in front layout position身体呈俯卧姿势
gymn.circle rolling towards and in front of the body体前向内转动圈
gymn.circle the rope in figure 8 in front and at the back持绳体前后绕8字
dentist.Composite resin is often used in the front tooth, because its color is the same as the teeth因为树脂材料与前牙颜色相同,所以经常被用来修补前牙
chem.constant pattern front in adsorption吸附中等曲线形式前缘
tech.distance in front of hole孔前距
auto.distance of towing attachment in front of rear of vehicle车辆牵引装置前置距
gymn.double-leg circles in cross support front-ways鞍马动作马头全旋面向内
steel.edger in front of FlFl 前立辊
auto.engine in front of rear wheels中置安在前后轴之间的发动机
bodybuild.feet in front of the body两腿处在身前
nurs.first aid in front line火线抢救
tech.flat fillet weld in front正面贴角焊缝
gen.from directly in front从正前方
UN, afr.Front for Democracy in Burundi民主阵线
gymn.front in反入
auto.front left-in前左入口 (solenoid)
gymn.front vault with ¹⁄₂ turn in pike position straddled分腿屈体向前跳转 180°
gymn.front vault with ¹⁄₂ turn in tuck position to stand支撑后摆屈腿摆越两杠转体180° 下
gymn.front vertical lever with legs held in horizontal position直角十字支撑
securit.front-end loading in tender offers收购要约中的前期费用
agric.front-mounted in-line前正悬挂 (式)
gymn.gauze kerchief giant circled in front of the body纱巾体前大绕环
amer.get in front of oneself弄不清楚
amer.get in front of oneself赶紧
gen.go in at the front door从前门进
bridg.constr.height of dammed water in front of bridge桥前壅水高度
tech.Hexi-Corridor depression in front mountains河西走廊山前拗陷
gymn.hip circle in front support正撑回环
wushu.hold knee in front of chest抱膝
weightlift.hold out in front直立直臂平举
gen.I felt so silly of myself to giggle in front of my British friends我觉得我真是太傻了,竟然在英国朋友面前傻笑
gen.I'd like to sit in the front of the plane我想要坐在飞机前部
gen.in front在前方
gen.in front在正对面
gen.in front前面
gen.in front of面前
gen.in front of在…的前面
bridge.in front of在…… 之前
gen.in front of之前
footb.in front of the box在禁区前
expl.In most commercial explosives, only part of the ingredients react immediately at the detonation front, leaving a considerable part to be consumed by afterburning during the expansion phase大多数民用炸药在爆炸时、只有部分在爆轰波阵面起反应、尚有很大一部分在膨胀阶段进行二次燃烧时才消耗掉
expl.In most commercial explosives, only part of the ingredients react immediately at the detonation front, leaving a considerable part to be consumed by aftercombustion during the expansion phase大多数民用炸药在爆炸时、只有部分在爆轰波阵面起反应、尚有很大一部分在膨胀阶段进行二次燃烧时才消耗掉
gen.in the front of the building在这建筑物的前部比较:in front of the building 在这建筑物的前面(前方某地)
gen.in the front rank著名
gen.in the front rank显要
gen.in the front rank在前〔第一〕排
gen.in the front row优秀的
gen.in the front row在头排
gymn.Indian clubs giant circling in front of the body棒在体前大绕环
gymn.Indian clubs scissors crossing in front of the body棒在体前交叉摆动
polo.indirect rein of opposition in front of the withers髻甲前急控缰
danc.LF crosses in front of RF左脚交叉于右脚前
danc.LF crosses loosely in front of RF左脚松弛地交叉于右脚前
gen.Louis Vuitton has been in business for an amazing 3 centuries and continues to be fore front in the hand bag industry路易・威登的经营已有3个世纪之久,这令人惊奇。它仍继续站在手提包业界的前列
gymn.move the club in cross scissors in front of the body火棒体前交叉摆动
gymn.move the club in giant circles in front of the body火棒体前大绕环
wushu.move up the leg in front正搬腿
danc.partner in front舞伴在前
rugb.potential replacement in the front row伤代
wushu.press leg in front正压腿
rugb.rejoin in front of the hindmost teammate in the ruck从拉克最后-名队友前面加入
tech.reverse in front of the station according to the proceeding direction站前折返
gymn.rope circled "8" in front and back of the body by single hand单手握绳体前后8绕环
gymn.rope swinged left and right ways in front of the body体前向左右摆绳
gymn.round-off in front of low bar低杠前腱子
rugb.run in front of a ball-carrier跑在持球队员前面
bridg.constr.shifting stream in front of mountain山前区变迁性河流
textileshirt with ruffle in front前胸饰褶衬衫
hydroel.st.spillway with the flip bucket in front of the powerhouse at dam toe厂前挑流
gymn.stand with one leg stretched vertically in front of body一腿起踵侧搬腿站立
gymn.stand with one leg stretched vertically in front of body一腿起踵
railw.station in front of terminal枢纽前方站
securit.stepping in front抢先交易
libr.stone monument of spirits and divinities in front of temple passages or tomb passages石阙
gymn.tape waved horizontally as a snake in front of the body体前水平蛇
el.temperature in front of the cooler冷却器前温度
cook.There are some sunflowers in front of her house她房前有几颗向日葵
gen.There's no bus conductor in this city. Drivers play both role of driver and conductor. You have to go to the front and drop your fare into a metal box这个城市的巴士没有售票员。司机兼有双重职责。你得到车的前面把车费投到金属盒里
agric.toe-in of front wheel前轮前束内倾
railw.top water level in front of bridge桥前壅水高度
gen.Trained service animals are accepted in cabin for qualified individuals with a disability. A service animal should sit in the floor space in front of the customer's assigned seat but cannot protrude into the aisles符合要求的残障人士可携带经过培训的服务型宠物入舱。宠物应该待在乘客指定座位的前面区域,不能进入过道
met.tundish with dam in front of filter过滤器前设坝的中间包
tech.water depth in front of bank岸前水深
tech.water depth in front of wharf码头前水深
bridg.constr.water way in front of mountain山前区河段
wushu.wave fan in front of gate迎门挥扇
gen.Well, it's too big. It might fall down and hurt somebody. Could you place it under the seat in front of you, please?嗯,这包太大了,可能会掉下来砸伤人。把它放在您前面的座位下面好吗?