
Terms containing in bows | all forms | in specified order only
gen.A small bow in epoxy adds a romantic detail to the tanzanite crystal以环氧元素制成的小巧蝴蝶结为藕荷紫色水晶注入了浪漫气息
wushu.backhand stroke in bow step弓步盖掌
gen.bow in以深鞠躬欢迎访客或顾客人内
wushu.carry wine stances in bow-step after headstand flip头翻弓步端酒势
wushu.chop with broadsword in bow step弓步劈刀
wushu.cross arms in bow step弓步十字手
wushu.cut in bow stance弓步挂劈
tech.diaphragm in bulbous bow球鼻首隔板
wushu.downward chop in bow step弓步下砍
wushu.elbow forward in bow step弓步顶肘
wushu.hack sword in bow step弓步劈剑
gen.He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer他的手刚摆到一半,立刻停下来,脱下他的高尔夫球帽,闭上眼睛,深深地鞠躬并默默祈祷
wushu.hold fists before the chest in bow step弓步抱拳
wushu.horizontal slice in bow step弓步平斩
row.in bows起桨开船准备靠岸或靠近大船
nautic.in bows命令起桨开船
wushu.insert the palm in bow step弓步杆掌
wushu.lift palm in bow step弓步挑掌
wushu.parry in left bow stance左弓步拦
wushu.parry in right bow stance右弓步拦
wushu.punch with fist in bow step弓步冲拳
wushu.push and thrust in bow step弓步推刺
wushu.push palm forward in bow step弓步击掌
wushu.push palm in bow step弓步推掌
wushu.push to the left and chop forward in bow step弓步左推前劈
wushu.push to the right and chop forward in bow step弓步右推前劈
tech.rig in bow planes收进舰首水平舵
wushu.separate palms in bow step弓步分掌
gen.She had a bow of red ribbon in her hair她的头发上系着一个用红丝带打的蝴蝶结
wushu.shove the palm in bow step弓步靠身掌
wushu.stab wrist in bow step弓步刺腕
wushu.straight thrust in bow step弓步直刺
wushu.strike forward in bow stance弓步冲拳 (step)
wushu.strike forward in bow step弓步冲拳
wushu.swing palm forward in bow step弓步撩掌
wushu.swing up palm in bow step弓步撩掌
wushu.swing up sword in right bow stance右弓步撩
wushu.thrust fist downward in bow step弓步击拳
wushu.thrust fist downward in bow step弓步下冲拳
wushu.thrust forward in bow stance弓步直刺
wushu.thrust in left bow stance左弓步刺
textiletie ribbon in bow把丝带打成蝴蝶结
textiletie ribbon in bow打蝴蝶结丝带
wushu.uphold one fist and thump the other in bow step弓步架栽拳