
Terms for subject International trade containing in | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance in blank空白承兑
acceptance in blank不记名承兑
across-the-board tariff reductions in the Kennedy Round肯尼迪回合的全面关税降减
advance in cash预付现金
advance in cash垫款
advance in price涨价
advertising in salesmanship in printing见诸文字的推销术
after arrival of the goods in oversea ports货到海外港口后付款
aggregate fund in-flow out-flow资金流入与流出累积总额
agreement concerning cooperation in broadcasting service广播合作协定
all -in-contract整套承包合同
all kind kept in stock一应俱全
all kind kept in stock各货倶全
all sorts of goods in stock各种货色齐备
alteration on entries in the register变更注册事项
amount in figures小写金额
amount in words大写金额
application for taking out samples of goods in bond支取保管样品申请书
apply in person亲自申请
apply in person亲自询问
arbitration in equity按公平合理的准则进行仲裁
arbitration in law根据规则按法律进行仲裁 (in accordance with the rules)
Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles国际棉织品贸易协定
arrival in batches成批到达
attorney in fact代理人
average paid-in capital平均实交资本
balance in our favor我方应收余额
balance in your favor你方应收余额
between functionalization decentralization in purchasing混合式的采购
bill drawn in the regular course of business普通商业票据
bill endorsed in blank空白背书汇票
bill of exchange in blank空白汇票
bill payable in market集市付款汇票
bill payable in market"市场"付款汇票
bills in three parts三联单
bonds made out in dollars美元债券
bring in入股
bring in投资
bring in a finding of non liquet法院作出"拒绝受理"的裁定
bring in business拉生意
buy a pig in a poke盲目购
buy a pig in a poke不看清货色就买
buy in买进股票,补进
buy in stocks买进股票
call in a loan催收贷款
call in a loan收回贷款
call in the way车船顺路停靠
callable in 24 hours24 小时通知付款
cargo in bag袋装货物
cargo in bulk散装货
cargo in bundle捆装货
cargo in out货物装卸情况
cargo in roll卷装货
cash held in foreign countries存国外现金
cash in advance预付
cash in treasury库存现金
cease to be in force失效
certificates in personam对人的证明书
certificates in remit.汇付的证明书
certified invoice in accordance with XX customs regulations根据X X国海关法令证实发票
C.I.F. value in foreign currency cost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency用外币计算的货价、保险费加运费价
C.I.F. value in foreign currency cost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency外币起岸价格
clause reserving title to the goods in the seller卖方保留对货物的所有权的条款
clearing house in-book票据交换所控制帐
code for the measurement of building in small dwellings小型住宅建筑工程工程量计算规则
Colombo Plan for Co-operative Economic Development in South and South East Asia科伦坡经济合作发展计划
contentions in writing诉讼中的书面答辩
contribution in general average共同海损分担
convenience in payment支付便利
Convention concerning Discrimination in respect of Employment and Occupation关于就业及职业歧视的公约歧视公约
Convention concerning Minimum Standards in Merchant Ships商船最低标准公约
Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Note1931 年日内瓦关于解决有关汇票、本票若干法律冲突的公约 <-> (Geneva, 1931, 1931.3.19)
convention on nomenclature for the classification on goods in customs tariff关税税则商品分类公约
Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Form in the case of International Sales of Goods The Hague, 19581958 年海牙关于国际货物买卖上选择法院管辖权的公约1958. 4. 15
convention on the Law Applicable to the Transfer of Title in International Sales of Goods the Hague, 19581958 海牙关于国际货物买卖上都有权移转所适用的法律公约1958 . 4. 15
Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods1974 年纽约关于国际货物买卖时效期限的公约 <-> (1974, 1974. 6)
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters承认及执行外国民事和商务判决公约
Convention on the Regime of Vessels in Foreign ports外国港口船舶管理制度公约
Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, 19301930 年日内瓦关于汇票、本票印花税法的公约1931.3.19
Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques Geneva, 19311931 年日内瓦关于支票印花税法的公约1931.3.19
convey in sections拆开搬运
corn duty in the sliding scale谷物滑尺关税
credit in account透支信贷
credit in business信用来往
credit in foreign exchange外汇信贷
creditor in a bankrupt estate破产债权人
culpa in contrahendo契约过失
cuts in subsidies削减补贴
deal in light industrial products经营轻工业品
dealing in future期货
dealing in future期货交易
dealing in futures期货交易
dealing in option选择权交易
dealing in securities证券交易
dealing in stock and shares股票营业
dealings in foreign notes and coins外国纸币硬币交易
declare in default宣告诉讼当事人的缺席
decline in economic usefulness经济效用降低
decrease in resources available for commitment可供承付资金的减少
decrease in value价值降低
decrease in value减值
deficits in the balance of payments国际收支逆差
delivered... named place of destination in the country of importation, duty paid进口国内指定地点交货,关税已付
delivery in installment分期交货
delivery in truck装载货车后交付
denominated in foreign currency用外币标价
difference in opinion分歧意见
direct transaction in business直接通商
discharge of claims in bankruptcy破产程序中清偿债权
distribution in nominal terms捐款面额
do not stow in damp place勿放湿处
do not stow in damp place勿放潮处
drawn in a set成套的汇票
drug in the market呆滞货品
duty in the sliding scale滑尺关税
effect insurance in respect of the carriage of the goods对运输货物办理保险
effect of valuation in tenns of the SDR用特别提款权计值的影响
endorsement in blank无记名签批
endorsement in blank空背背书
endorsement in blank无记名背签
endorsement in full特别背书
endorsement in full全衔背书
endorsement in full全名背书
endorsement in security保证背书
engage in arbitrage提交仲裁
engage in contango operations as a taker in期货溢价交易
engage in speculation投机倒把
equality in taxation租税平均
errors in posting过账错误
examination in chief对证人的讯问
expenses and receipts in balance收支相抵
expressed in current United States Dollars以美元时值表示
expressed in United States Dollars以美元表示
20 feet in length长 20 英尺
flaws in performance履行义务中的缺陷
fluctuation in exchange汇率变动
fluctuations in prices价格波动
fluctuations in rate of exchange汇率波动
fluctuations in trade贸易变动
fraud in limine事前的欺诈
Free in装货费在外条件
free in包括装船费在内的运费船主不负担装船费用
free in船方不负担装货费用
free in and free out包括装卸费在内的运费船主不负担装卸费用
free in and free out and stowed船主不负担装卸船和理舱费用
free in and free taxes船方不负担装货费用和税款
free in and out不负担装卸费用
free in and out装卸货费在外条件
free in and out船方不负担装卸费之运费
free in and out装卸费在外条件
free in and out船方不负担装卸费用
free in and out and stowed装卸理舱费在外条件
free in and out and stowed船方不负担装卸和理舱费用
free in and out and stowed船方不负担装卸理仓费用
free in and out freight rates船方不负担装卸费的运费率
free in and out of trucks船方不负担装卸车辆费用
free in and out, stowed and trimmed船方不负担装卸理仓及平舱费用
free in, out, stowing and trimming船方装卸船,舱内堆装平舱免费
freight-in进货运费 (carriage inward)
freight-in运入运费 (inward)
freight in full全包运费
freight in transit过境货物
freight paid in advance运费预付
funds held in custody保管中的基金
funds held in custody保管款
funds received for participation in loans收到的贷放款项
goods attractive in price and quality价廉物美的货物
goods bought in replacement为替代而买进的货物
goods damaged in transit在运输途中受损的货物
goods forming the subject matter in dispute构成争端的货物
goods in bad order不完整货物
goods in bad order有瑕疵货物
goods in bond在关栈货物
goods in bond保税货物
goods in bulk散装货物
goods in exchange亥换货物
goods in foreign countries存放国外商品
goods-in on consignments承销品
goods-in on consignments承销
goods in process在制品
goods in process在产品
goods in stock存货仓库内货物
goods in stock备存货物
goods in stocks存货
goods in stocks现货
goods in the charge of the carrier承运人保管的货物
goods in transit运输途中的货物
goods in transit过境货物
goods in transit在运品
goods in transit by sea海运中的货物
goods on consignment-in承销商品
goods shipped in transit发出商品
great reduction in price大减价
growth and inflation in the industrial countries工业国家的发展及通货膨胀
hire paid in advance预付租金
hold in pawn抵押
hold in pledge抵押
holdup in the sale of commodities商品滞销
improvements in progress工程进程中的改进 (process)
incident to delay in shipment延迟装运所带来引起
increases in subscriptions to the Bank's subscribed capital世界银行认缴资本的增加数字
indorsement in blank空白背书
indorsement in full记名签证
indorsement in full全衔背书
input in cash现金投入
input in kind实物收入
insurance in force有效保险
interest in black应收利息
interest in dividends分红红利
interest on sum in arrears累欠利息
intermediate in the scale of development中度开发国家
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law in regard to Collisions统一船舶碰撞若干法律规定的国际公约1910 年 9月 23 日
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Penal Jurisdiction in Matter of Collision or Other Incidents of Navigation统一船舶碰撞或其他航行事故中刑事管辖权方面若干规定的国际公约
International Convention on Certain Rules concerning Civil Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision Brussels, 10 May 1952 1952年布鲁塞尔关于碰撞事件民事管辖权若干规则的国际公约
inventory in transit运送中存货
invest in stock投资股票
invest in stocks投资于股票
investment in enterprise企业投资
investment in foreign countries国外投资
investment in human capital人力资本投资
investment in public sector公共部门投资
investment in securities证券投资
investments not traded in the market which were valued at their cost不在市场买卖而按成本计值的投资
items received in advance预收项目
job in process工作进行中
jobs in operation进行中工作
jobs in process工作进行中
jobs in process在程工作
joint obligation in debt连带债务
joint speculation in securities合伙买卖证券
judgement in personal对人的判决
judgement in rem对物的判决
keep in a cool place在阴凉处保管
keep in a dark place怕光
keep in a dry place在干燥处保管
keep in custody after sealing封存
keep in dark place怕光
keep in dry place干处保管
keep in hold装入舱内
keep in hold装于舱内
keep in touch with保持联系
labor in process在产人工
labor in process在制人工
last in-first out后进先出法估算存货的方法之一;指产品成本中的原料价格按当时价格计算
last in first out后进先出 (lifo)
last in first-out后购先用法
last in first-out后进先出去
last-in first-out method后进先出法
last-in method先进先出法
laying in stocks采办货物
layout a large sum of money in purchasing machines投一大笔钱购买机器
lease in perpetuity永租权
lease in perpetuity永久租借人
liability in respect of cargo关于货物的责任
licensing with payment in resultant products许可证交易用实物支付
liens securing claims in respect of assistance an salvage海事救助报酬担保留置权
liens securing claims in respect of collision保护碰撞产生的债权的留置权
list of commodities by category subject to inspection currently in effect现行实施检验商品种类表
load in bulk散运
load in bulk散装入船
loans repayable in local currency可以当地货币偿付的贷款
locked-in capital已占用资本
lose in transit在途中丢失
lose one’s interest in对…失掉兴趣
lose money in a business生意蚀本
loss in weight损耗
loss in weight重量损失
loss one's interest in对…失去兴趣
make out a document in duplicate把文件缮写一式两份
manufacture-in-bond facilities保税制度
manufacturing expense-in-process在制间接制造成本
margins of exchange rate fluctuations in terms of parity汇价围绕平价波动的范围
market in finance house deposits金融公司存款市场
market in local authority deposits地方政府存款市场
market rates of exchange in effect实际市场汇率
material in transit在途材料
material in transit在运材料
measures of conservation protection in respect of goods forming the subject matter in dispute对诉讼标的物的保全措施
merchandise in company合伙商品
merchandise in transit转口商品
message in cipher密码电讯
message in code明码电讯
minimum codes in international relations国际关系中最起码的准则
national income in real terms实际国民收入
negotiable instruments drawn in sets成套流通票据
not in stock无货可供
not in stock缺货
not in stock无现货
not in stock无存货
number of day sales in merchandise inventory商品存货可供销售之日数
number of day sales in merchandise inventory平均存货期间
number of day sales in receivables应收账款的收款天数
number of day sales in receivables应收账款平均收现日数
on pain of in validity以无效为制裁
open in dark room暗室开启
packages in damaged condition包装破损
packed in bales用包盒,帆布包
packed in barrels用桶桶,小桶
packed in boxes用包盒,帆布包
packed in canvas用包盒,帆布包
packed in cartons用箱纸板箱,板条箱
packed in cases用箱纸板箱,板条箱
packed in casks用桶桶,小桶
packed in catch weight bundle捆装盘装,重量不固定 (coil)
packed in crates用箱纸板箱,板条箱
packed in glass jars carboys用玻璃瓶玻璃瓶外加柳条箱包装
packed in kegs用桶桶,小桶
packed in mats用茶包装 (paper)
paid in实缴
paid in缴付
paid in已缴
paid in认缴
paid-in capital实缴股本
paid-in capital实收资本
paid-in capital已缴资本
paid-in portion实缴部分
paid-in surplus纳入盈余
paid-in surplus资本公积
paid-in surplus纳入公积
paid-in surplus非利润盈余
participation in traffic参加运输
partners in a trade经营合伙人
partners in development开发之伙伴
party in breach违约的合同当事人
party in default违约的合同当事人
passage in transit途中经过
passenger's luggage in advance旅客的行车已先发运
patent in force生效的专利
payable in account除帐付款
payable in account赊账付款
paying in advance预付货款
paying in advance预付
paying-in slip送金簿
payment in advance预付货款
payment in advance预付
payment in cash付现款
payment in cash付现
payment in full全部付讫
payment in full全部付款
payment in full全付
payment in kind实物工资
payment in kind现物工资
payment in part部分付款
payment in part付一部分
payments in arrears拖欠款项
person in possession of an instrument执票人
person named for payment in a domiciled bill注明付款地场所的汇票付款人
pickup in business业务恢复兴旺
potentialities in foreign trade对外贸易的潜力
power in economics经济学力量
premium in arrears拖欠的保险费
profit ratio of average paid-in capital平均缴入资本的利润比率
provide aid in kind提供实物援助
raise prices in a disguised form变相涨价
rake in the dough发财
rake in the piece积巨资
reasonable in prices价钱公道
reasonable in prices价格公道
reasonable in prices廉价
received in hill收清
reciprocity in trade between two countries两国间贸易互惠
recovery in kind实物补偿
referee in case of need预备支付人
referee in case of need需要时的委托人
referee in case of need需要时的受托人
release if in order after examination验后放行
reparation in kind实物赔偿
reparations in kind实物赔偿
requirement of pro form invoice in quadruplicate需要形式发票一式四份
reservation in the contract合同的保留条款
reserve for unrealized increment in assets value未实现资产增价准备
reserve position in the fund在国际货币基金储备净额
reserve position in the Fund参加国在国际货币基金中的准备地位 (of a participant)
reserve requirement system in foreign currency外币准备制度
right in dispute争执中的权利
right in personam债权
right in rem物权
rise in price涨价
risk in transit运输途中的风险
risk of shortage in weight短重险
sail in ballast空载航行空放
saving by investing in securities有价债券储蓄
schedule of creditor's balances in purchase ledger购货客户余额表
schedule of customer's balances in sales ledger销货客户余额表
season in the chemical trade适应化工商品经营
securities held in pledge抵押证券 (pawn)
security held in pawn抵押证券 (pledge)
security interest in goods贷物的货权担保
security interest in goods货物上的担保物权
security interest in property财产上的担保物权
security right in the goods对货物行使的担保权
sell arms and ammunition in a big way大做军火买卖
sell in bulk整批出售
sell in bulk大宗出售
sell in bulk大宗卖
send in accounts报销
send in an account
send in an account送帐单
send in an account开送账单
send in an account送账单
set one's house in order使财政等上轨道
set off a barred claim in defense of an action援引自己的时效期满的债权作为对原告诉权的辩护
set one's self-up in business备本经商
set up in business开始营业 (commence business)
shares in a company股本
shares in a company股份
shifted in the hold因颠簸舱内货物移动了位置
ship in American bottoms用美国船装运
ship in ballast船舶放空
ship in distress失事船
ship in distress遭难船
shipment in three lots分三批装运
shipped in the hold装载在船舱内
shortage in weight重量不足
society in participation普通合伙
spark off a slight fall in price使价格略跌
speculation in securities证券投机
standing in account输入及委买时价格计算
statements in the instrument票据或证券上的记载事项
strategy for the integrated development of regional cooperation in Asia亚洲区域合作统一发展战略
substances combustible in contact with water遇水燃烧物品
supply in full sets of成套供应
supply in hill sets of成套供应
supply of complete plants or production line with payment in resultant products引进成套工厂设备或生产线用实物支付属抵偿贸易的一种
survey held in the presence of the carriers' agent在承运人代表面前进行检验
survey in customs risk海关检验费
survey in customs risks海关检验拒收险
tag every item in the store给每一种商品加上标签
take in同意交割延期
take in收受
take in装入
take in收进
take in装入货物
take in hand处理
take in pledge接受抵押
takeoff in economic development经济发展的起飞
taking in an additional tow加拖增加被拖船只
taking in charge承运
taking in charge接管
taking in charge of the goods接管货物
taking in tow lot by lot,分批拖带
tariff in force现行税率
tax in kind实物付税
tax in kind实物税
technical assistance in trade promotion促进贸易的技术援助
tenancy in common公有租赁
terms in transit过境条件
third parties acting in goods faith善意第三方
throw in外加
throw in奉送
throw in加送
tie-in arrangement搭卖安排
tie-in clause不许订立附带条款
tie-in clause obligation acquire equipment, components, raw materials from licensor束缚性条款规定必须向引进方买设备,零b 件和原材料等
tie-in sale附加购买义务的出售
tie-in sale搭配售货
tie-in sale搭卖
tie-in sale搭配销售
trade-in allowance易新抵价
trade in coupons倒卖票证
trade-in sale以旧换新的买卖
trade in technology-intensive manufacture技术密集制成品贸易
trade-in value折价物价值
trade-in value以旧换新的旧物作价
trade-in value易新价值
transfer-in cost转入成本
transfer of advanced technology embodied in product体现在产品上的先进技术转移
transportation in运入运费
transportation in购货运费
trend in lending贷款趋势
turnover of goods in process在制品周转
two-point arbitrage in foreign exchange两角套汇
United Nations Conference on Prescription Limitation in the International Sale of Goods New York, May June, 1947 1947年联合国国际卖货时效会议
value as in original policy价额照保保单
value in account账款
value in collection托收价值
value in exchange交易价值
value in gold以黄金定值
value in pledge抵押品价值
value in use使用价值
value of construction put in place建筑完成量价值建筑产品价值
value of equity in the farm农场产权的价值
variations in averages平均数变动额
vary in size尺寸重量各异 (weight)
ventures in agroindustry农产品加工业
vessel in ballast空放船只
vessel in ballast有压载的船
vessel in distress遭难船舶
volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in the port港口货物吞吐量
wages in kind实物工资
wastage in bulk or weight总损耗体积或重量
wastage in bulk or weight体积或重量总损耗
wastage in bulk or weight总消耗
weight in average平均重量
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