
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing in | all forms | exact matches only
absorption in the matrix lattice点阵吸收
account in charge会计主管
actual number of ships in possession船舶实有数
amplitude in angle of attack迎角振幅
an irrevocable L/C to ensure the sellers to get paid in time不可撤销信用证可保证卖方及时收到货款
anchor chain in continuous lengths不分节锚链
anchor test in ship-trial锚效试验
annual institute in communication通信技术年会
As we know, some countries are selling those goods at low prices in big quantities.据我方所知,有的国家对这种商品正在削价大量抛售
At present, the supply of steel plate exceeds demand in the market.现在市场钢板供大于求
authority in charge主管部门
automatic frequency control system pull in bandwidth调频系统自动捕捉带宽
automatic frequency control system pull in bandwidth自动调频系统的捕捉带宽
automatic welding in vertical position自动垂直焊
automatic welding in vertical position垂直自动焊
award in writing书面裁决
balance in your favour贵方余额
be expert in擅长
be expert in shipbuilding technique擅长造船技术
be skilled in ship-design擅长船舶设计
bill in three parts三联单
built-in sheave嵌人滑轮
Can you deliver the goods in the end of February?你们能不能在 2 月底交货?
cargo handled per ship-day in port装卸货物吨数每停泊艘天
cargo handled per ship-day in port船舶装卸货物吨数每停泊艘天
cargo in bag装袋货物
cargo in bulk散装货物
cargo in large amount大宗货物
cargoes in packages有包装的货物
carriage of cargo in bulk散装货物运输
carriage of cargo in hold装舱货物运输
cavitation in turbopump涡轮泵气蚀
cavitation in water pump水泵气蚀
changes in price价格变化
chaos in bookkeeping财务混乱
competitive in terms of delivery and services在交货期和服务工作条件上有竞争力
corrosion in pit form坑状腐蚀
corrosion in spot form斑状腐蚀
cut-in relay接人继电器
cut-in relay接入继电器
danger area in the Pacific太平洋危险海域
decline in price价格下降
degree of mechanization in welding焊接机械化程度
delay in shipment延迟装运
delivery date as provided in the contract合同规定的交货日期
delivery in installment分批交货
delivery place as provided in the contract合同规定的交货地点
design in a creative way创造性的设计
differences in regional price level地区差价
do not stow in damp place勿放潮湿处
drill for boring in corners镗角用钻
drive-in/ drive-off ship滚装船
DWT-days in port船舶在港吨天数
economic results in import-export trade进出口贸易经济效果
emergency switching-off device operating test for oil pump and bilge pump in engine room机舱油泵和舱底泵应急切断装置操作试验
emergency switching-off device operating test of ventilator in engine room机舱通风机应急切断装置操作试验
engage in arbitrage从事仲裁
engage in foreign trade经营外贸
engage in import and export经营进出口业务
engage in limited household side-line production经营少量家庭副业
executed in triplicate签署一式三份
expenses in the trail manufacture of new products新产品试制费
freight in advance预付运费
freight in advance运费预付
goods damaged in transit运输中受损的货物
goods in charge of the carrier承运人保管的货物
goods in charge of the carrier承运人负责的货物
handling-machinery hour in idleness装卸机械停工台时
handling-machinery hour in working装卸机械工作台时
haul in with使船靠近
hook in以钩钩住
hydrogen content in weld焊缝氢含量
identical in quality with质量与…相同
in a creative way创造性的
in accord with与…-致
in accordance with和致
in all weathers不管天气如何
in bad repair维修不善
in bad repair修理不善
in compensation for…作为…的赔偿
in compensation for作为…的赔偿
in compliance with依照
in good repair修理良好
in-line diesel engine单排直列式柴油机
in much the same way as以和…大致相同〔类似〕的方式〔方法〕
In order to conclude the business, we' ll agree to give you a 3% discount.为了成交,我们同意给你们3%的折扣。
In order to conclude the business, we may make some concessions.为了成交,我们可以作些让步
In order to conclude the transaction, we accept your price.为了达成这次交易,我们接受你方的报价
in order to suit social diversified demand为了适应社会多样化需求
in parallel with与…平行
In principle we usually don't allow any discount.原则上我们一般不给折扣
In respect to quality, I don't think that the goods of other brands can compare with ours.在质量方面其他牌号的商品很难与我们的相比
in royalty提成方式
in series with与…串联
in the like good order and condition处于良好的相似状态
in the like good order and condition处于相似良好状态
in use使用中
innovate in mechanical design在机械设计方面创新
inspection in process工序中检验
inspection in process工序检验
inspection office in port口岸检查机关
installation of piping in hull section管路分段安装
Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland苏格兰造船师与轮机工程师学会
Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland苏格兰造船与轮机工程师学会
insulation hot test of bulkhead in engine room机舱舱壁隔热试验
insurance against loss in mass保质量损失险
insurance against loss in weight重量损失保险
International Committee for Organization of Traffic in Sea国际海上交通组织委员会
International Conference on Safety of Life in Sea国际海上生命安全会议
invest in shipbuilding投资造船
investment in science research科研投资
issue in造成
issue in导致
keep in a cool place在凉爽的地方保管
keep in a dry place在干燥的地方保管
keep in a warm place在温暖的地方保管
lead-in wire selector引入线选择器
lead-in wire spreader引入线展延装置
lead-in wire strain引入线拉力
lease in perpetuity永久租赁权
length in freeboard rule干舷规定船长
length in freeboard rule干舷法规船长
lock in进闸
made in Britain英国制造
made in Germany德国制造
made in Japan日本制造
made in USA美国制造
measurement in space立体测量
measurement of ultrasonic speed in solid固体中超声速测量
navigating in confined waters在狭窄水道航行
navigating in confined waters狭窄水道航行
navigating in fog雾中航行
navigating in heavy weather在恶劣天气中航行
navigating in heavy weather风浪中航行
navigating in rain雨中航行
navigating in rocky waters在岛礁区航行
navigating in rocky waters岛礁区航行
navigating in shallow waters在浅水水域航行
navigating in shallow waters浅水水域航行
number of hatches in operation作业舱口数
number of ships needed in line航线需要的船舶数
operating in hold舱内作业
operating test of emergency switching device for ventilator in engine room机舱通风机应急切断装置操作试验
operating test of emergency switching-off device for oil pump and bilge pump in engine room机舱油泵和舱底泵应急切断装置操作试验
Our price is much lower than that in the international market.我们的价格比国际市场价格低得多。
Our price is reasonable compared with that in the international market.我们的价格和国际市场的价格相比还是合理的
output per berth-day in operation运营中平均生产量每客位天
output per berth-day in operation天生产量每运营客位
output per DWT-day in operation运营中平均生产量每吨位天
output per DWT-day in operation生产量每运营吨天
package covered in the contract合同规定的包装
packages in damaged condition包装损坏
packed in bag用袋装
packed in bag用袋包装
packed in barrel用桶装
packed in barrel用桶包装
packed in box用盒装
packed in box用盒包装
packed in canvas用帆布包装
packed in carton用纸板箱装
packed in carton用纸板箱包装
packed in case用箱装
packed in case用箱包装
packed in cask用木桶装
packed in cask用木桶包装
packed in cloth用布包装
packed in crate用板条箱装
packed in crate用板条箱包装
packed in fancy carton用彩色纸盒装
packed in fancy carton用彩色纸盒包装
packed in fiber board case用纤维板箱装
packed in fiber board case用纤维板箱包装
packed in five-ply paper bag用五层纸袋包装
packed in glass jar用玻璃瓶装
packed in glass jar用玻璃瓶包装
packed in gunny sack用粗麻袋装
packed in gunny sack用粗麻袋包装
packed in jute bag用麻袋装
packed in jute bag用麻袋包装
packed in kraft paper用牛皮纸包装
packed in mat用席子包装
packed in paper用纸包装
packed in paper-box用纸盒装
packed in paper-box用纸盒包装
packed in plastic bag用塑料袋装
packed in plastic bag用塑料袋包装
packed in plastic box用塑料盒装
packed in plastic box用塑料盒包装
packed in plastic cask用塑料桶装
packed in plastic cask用塑料桶包装
packed in tin用白铁桶装
packed in tin用白铁桶包装
packed in woven polypropylene bag用聚丙烯编织袋装
packed in woven polypropylene-bag用聚丙烯编织袋包装
pay in kind用实物支付
pay off in one lump sum一次付清
payment in kind用实物支付
peak year in production生产最高的年份
push in fuse插人式熔断器
push-in fuse插入式熔断器
put in a tender for…投标承办…
put in action实施
Qinhuangdao Qin, in Ferry Co., Ltd秦皇岛秦仁海运有限公司
rain in torrents倾盆大雨
remedy defects in goods delivered修补所交货物的瑕疵
remedy defects in the goods修补货物的瑕疵
repair in dock进坞修理
report of water-transport in水运调查报告
rule in force生效规范
running test of equipment in repair room机修间设备运转试验
scanning in darkness暗扫描
scanning in reception图像合成扫描
sealed-in motor密封式电动机
set-in bridge嵌人式桥楼
set-in bridge嵌入式桥楼
share of electronic products in the total value of foreign trade电子产品在外贸总值中所占比重
ship owner, crew and ships in possession船东、船员和船舶保有情况
ship-days in port船舶在港艘天
ship-days in port船舶在港艘天数
ship-handling in heavy weather在阴沉的坏天气中航行操纵
ship-handling in heavy weather风浪中航行操纵
ship-handling in ice-zone在冰区航行操纵
ship-handling in ice-zone冰区航行操纵
shipped in good condition装运良好
shipped in the hold装在舱内
ship's handling-time in port船舶在港装卸时间
ships in operation运营船舶
ships in operation营运船舶
ships in possession船舶保有量
ship's movement in harbor船舶在港动态
ship's movement in port船舶在港动态
ships not in operation非营运船舶
spray pickling in circulation循环喷淋酸洗
stability in damaged condition破舱稳定性
stability in pitching纵摇稳定性
stability in pitching纵摇稳性
stability in rolling横摇稳定性
stability in rolling横摇稳性
stability in use使用时的稳定性
stability in yawing首摇稳定性
stability in yawing艏摇稳性
statement of claim in arbitration proceedings仲裁程序中提出的索赔清单
steering effect in trial舵效试验
stow in block分垛堆装
stow in hold装人舱内
stow in hold装入舱内
superimposed condition in bill of lading提单上附加条款
superimposed condition in bill of lading提单上加盖或添上的批注条款
survey in dock坞内检验
survey in dock进坞检验
survey in loading port在装货港检验
survey in process工序检验
taking in an additional tug增加拖轮
taking in tows lot by lot分批拖带
The article is in short supply now. Only a small quantity is available.这种商品目前缺货,只能少量供应
The price for this commodity is US $4520 per piece in international market.这种商品的国际市场价格是每台 4520 美兀
There is a great demand for glass fiber reinforced plastic yacht in the United States.美国对玻璃钢游艇的需求很大。
total paid-in capital实收资本总额
variation in packing包装变更
wastage in bulk or weight体积或重量损耗
We can only make a reduction of US $5 per ton in the price.此价格我们只能每吨减五美元
You know the price for this commodity has gone up a lot in the last few months.您知道近几个月来这种商品的价格上涨了很多