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A company that specializes in action movies is probably not the best place to send a romantic comedy对于专门制作动作片的公司来说,浪漫爱情片的剧本可能不会受到欢迎
a funnel 9 metres in girth周长 9 米的烟囱
a 20-in diameter wheel直径 20 英寸的轮子
a mean of 3 in.平均 3 英寸
a part in 10⁸一亿分之一
a runway 3000 metres in extent3千米长的跑道
a slope of 1 in 51/5的坡度
a slope of 1 in 5坡度为 1:5 竖:斜的斜坡
a third part in 1000千分之三
Abstracts in New Technologies and Engineering新技术与工程文摘
Abstracts in New Technologies and Engineering, Annual Volume新技术与工程文摘,年卷本
According to Business Tokyo, among the Japanese "gift giving is a necessity, not merely a nicety as in the West”据《东京商业杂志》所言,“日本人送礼至关重要,而不像西方仅把它当作一件不起眼的事。”
According to Christian belief, the Last Supper is the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his twelve apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion基督教徒们相信,“最后的晚餐”是耶稣基督受难之前与他的十二个门徒在圣城耶路撒冷共同享用的一顿晚餐
According to the present rate, 6.88 Chinese yuan in cash is equivalent to one U. S. dollar.根据目前的牌价,6. 88元人民币相当于1美元
accurate to 1 part in 10,000精确到万分之一
Agate differs from chalcedony in that the former shows banded structure玛瑙与玉髓的区别在于前者具有条带状结构
5% <> agree in关于方面意见一致
All of our representatives are currently busy serving their customers. Your call will be answered in approximate 5 minutes我们所有的客服人员都在忙着服务他们的顾客,请等五分钟后,就会有人接听您的电话
All our cars have stereos in them. It's all standard with us我们这里所有的车子都配有音响,而且是标准配备
an incline of 1 in 5坡度为1:5竖:斜的一个斜面
Annual Reports in Medical Chemistry医药化学年报牵志名
Are there any duty-free shops in the waiting room?在候机室有免税店吗?
Are there any regulations and rules for foreigners to obey if they obtain residency in another country?当夕卜国人在所在国取得居留权后,有什么要遵守的规章制度吗?
Are there any unusual things produced in this town这个镇有什么特产吗?
Are you paying in cash or by cheque?您用现款支付还是用支票支付?
Are you serious? My friend told me that some flights have landed in Chengdu airport already. Why can't your flight depart?确定吗?我的朋友告诉我说成都那边已经有飞机降落了,为什么你们的航班还不起飞?
Aswan Dam was first built in 1898——1905 for irrigation and electricity阿斯旺大坝始建于 1898,1905年竣工,主要用于灌溉和发电
Australian opal is better than that in any other places澳大利亚的蛋白石世界最优
autopsia in vivo活体剖检
back in 1927回溯到 1927 年
Bangladesh, for example, is good at exporting hats, having sold $175m-worth to Americans in 2012例如,孟加拉国擅长出口帽子,在2012年对美国出口的帽子价值为1.75亿美元
Basically it's a story about a boy who falls in love with a girl who then goes and dies. It's a typical love story这部电影讲述了一个典型的爱情故事,故事情节讲的是一个男孩爱上一个最后面临死亡的女孩
be able to make it in time来得及
Be careful with that, it has fragile objects in it. They are china for my friend小心那个,里面有易碎的东西。那是我为朋友带的瓷器
be in another's shoes处于别人的地位 (位置,处境)
be in negotiation withM 与 M 商议
be 5 miles in circumference周围5 英里
beclad in穿着…衣服,外衣
Before leaving the hotel, you should enclose the tip in a sealed envelope and mark it "Chambermaid" and leave it in a obvious place离开宾馆之前,你应该把小费封在信封里,并注明“给服务员”,并把信封留在一个明显的位置
belong in属于列人一类准在
bird in lay产蛋母鸡〔禽〕
blow in花光
blow in浪费
blow in突然来到
blow in自喷
blow in
blow in使吹人
blow in the furnace开炉送风
blow in the furnace开炉
bob in进人
bob in走进
booming in搭〔拆〕浮桥
Can I put it in the overhead compartment?我能把它放进头顶行李舱吗?
Can you install a car seat in one of those cars? I have a 3-year-old son with me您能在其中一辆车中为我3岁的儿子加一个车座吗?
cast-iron consisting of graphite in a matrix of austenite and containing nickel 16%16% 高镍耐蚀铸铁含 Nil6,Cu6,C3,Sil.5%
1 cd/in1坎/英寸²
centre in以…为中心
centre in集中在〔于〕
Certain seats are made available to persons with a disability if the request is made at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled flight我们为残疾人士提供了一些座位,但必须在预订航班起飞前至少24小时提出请求
Certain serious diseases can be successfully treated if detected in an incipient stage某些危险疾病如果在早期被发现,就可以成功地治疗
Check-out time should be before 12 at tomorrow noon. Breakfast time is from 7:30 am till 10:30 am, available in restaurant. Here are your breakfast vouchers结账时间是明天中午12点,早餐是7点半到10点半在餐厅用餐。这是您的早餐券
Chemistry in Britain英国化学
cleave it in two劈成两半
Could you tidy up the bathroom first? I have just taken a bath, and it's in a mess可以先整理一下浴室吗?我刚刚洗浴过,里面一团糟
cow in milk产奶牛
Critical Review in Analytical Chemistry分析化学评论
Crossing 9 nations in the center of Europe from its German source to its Romanian mouth, flows the Danube River多瑙河发源于德国,流经欧洲中部的九个国家,在罗马尼亚汇入大海
deal in从事于
deal in分给某人一份
deal in做…买卖
deal in交易
difference in height高〔度〕差
difficult that it was, the work was finished in time虽然工作困难,但还是按时完成了
diffier in degree but not in kind只是程度上而不是性质上有所不同
Do not pack valuables, such as cash, credit cards, jewelry or expensive electronics in a suitcase that you will check with the airline切勿把现金、信用卡、珠宝及昂贵电子产品等贵重物品放在航空公司托运的行李箱内
double in slam-going auction满贯叫牌中的加倍
double raise in minor加两副
double raise in minor关煞跳加叫
drive in开〔进,诱,压〕人
drown oneself in埋头于
dyed in the wood彻底的
dyed in the wood未织之前染的
dyed in the wood原毛加工前染色的
dyed in the wood完全的
dyed in the wood生染的
Electric or cooking equipment without permission is forbidden in order to guarantee your safety为安全起见,未经允许,请不要在房内使用电器和烹调设备
enclose... in…将… 放〔装,封〕人…
except in a few instances除少数情况外
except in so far as除去
except in so far as除非
expected number of control in balanced hand均型牌中控制希望墩
12 feet in width宽 12 英尺
flew 120 sorties in 20 groups岀动了 20 批共 120 架次
Flight 421 arrives in L. A. at 2:00 p. m. and you will have about a 30-minute layover before your connecting flight421次航班下午2点抵达洛杉矶,在您转乘联运航班前大约有30分钟
For brands that do not fall into the luxury category, like Adidas, expansion elsewhere in China can sometimes be difficult像阿迪达斯这样的非奢侈品品牌,在中国其他地方扩张可能会比较困难
for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute为了方便起见,我们是这样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒
for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute为了方便起见,我们是这样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒,承包有关电力系统的电力生产、分配及应用等各方面的整套综合装置的安装及启用
For more than 150 years, Boucheron has held an esteemed place in the world of haute joaillerie宝诗龙在世界奢华珠宝界享誉150多年
good conductor that it is, copper is widely used in making wires因为是良导体,铜被广泛用来做电线
He has a feeling of tightness in the chest or a feeling that he is suffocating他胸部觉得闷闷的,好像透不过气来
He met this trio at a hip hop concert staged in the garden of a mansion在一栋楼房的花园里有一场街舞音乐会,在这里他遇见了这三名青年
He said it could have been a lot worse, had the ambulance not gotten to you in time他说要不是救护车把你及时送到医院,那情况就糟多了
Here in the closet is a safe. You can use it if you have valuable items这边衣柜里有一个保险箱。如果您有贵重的物品,可以寄存在里面
Here is your bill. It's 2, 000 yuan in all这是您的账单。总共2 000元
Hi, Max, I'm Molly, and in charge with picking you up你好,麦克斯,我是茉莉,负责来机场接你
hide one's head in the sand把头埋进沙里不正视现实
His sea green eyes lighted when Lily in red dress came in莉莉身着红裙走进来时,他那海绿色的眼睛闪闪发光
Hollywood movie producers believe that most Americans want to see action movies. Many of their movies show scenes in which the actors chase each other in cars, or in airplanes or on foot好莱坞的电影制片人认为美国人大多喜欢看动作片,于是许多电影便充斥着演员开车、开飞机或徒步追逐的场面
hop in上车
How about cabbage in oyster sauce? It's tender and tasty,油白菜怎么样?又鲜又嫩
How about the charges for the service available in other cities?那么在外地使用又是怎么收费的呢?
How are you and Cook? Still living in town?你和库克怎么样?还在城里住吗?
How can he get in contact with you?他怎么跟您联系呢?
How do people in Wales spend Valentine's Day?在威尔士人们如何过情人节?
How do you like the boiled beef in chili soup?你觉得水煮牛肉怎么样?
How far is the nearest drive-in?到最近的免下车餐馆有多远?
How is the climate in Inle Lake?茵莱湖的气候怎么样?
How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?您打算入住多长时间?
How long does my passport have to be valid in order to apply for a U. S. visa?我的护照有效期必须为多长时间才可以申请美国签证?
How long is the stop-over? Will we be staying overnight in Hong Kong?过境要停多久?我们要在香港停留一夜吗?
How long will you be staying in the United States?预计在美国停留多久?
How many are there in your party, please?请问你们一共有几位?
How many guests will there be in your party?你们一行有多少人?
How many persons are there in your party, madam?请问共有多少人用餐,女士?
How many persons are there in your party, sir?请问共有多少人用餐,先生?
How many universities have you applied for? How many of them admitted you? Why do you want to study in this university?你一共申请了多少所大学?有几所录取了你?为什么选择这所大学?
How much are they in all?一共多少钱?
How were the restaurants in the Palm Cove?棕榈湾的餐厅怎么样?
How would you like to pay, sir, in cash or by credit card ?先生,请问您是用现金付款还是用信用卡付账?
I am afraid that we only can guarantee the table before 8:00 in the evening恐怕我们餐厅只能为您留桌到晚上 8:00
I am afraid that you have dialed the wrong number. Please look up the correct number in the telephone directory恐怕你打错电话了。请到电话簿里去查询正确的电话号码吧
I am afraid we only serve lunch until 2:00 in the afternoon我们餐厅午餐时间到下午两点
I am sorry, sir. There has been an error in your bill. Please wait a minute while I correct it对不起,先生,您的账单算错了。请稍候,我马上把它改过来
I am sorry that your ticket can only be refunded in the office where it is issued抱歉。您的客票只能回到原购票地点退票
I am very glad to tell you that you do not need a visa, since we have an agreement with your country, and in accordance with the treaty, people from both your and my countries are allowed to enter the other country without visas我很高兴地告诉您,入境不需要签证,因为贵国和我国签订了一项协议,协议中规定贵国和我国公民进入对方国家无须签证
I bought the bangle in Thailand. What do you think of it?我在泰国买了这只手镯,你觉得怎么样?
I can't find it anywhere in my hotel room我找遍了宾馆房间都找不到
I did not have the energy to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I stuffed it on the empty seat next to mine我没有力气把包放进头上的储物柜里,所以我把它塞在了我旁边空着的座位上
I feel so sorry that I damaged the transformer accidentally in the morning when I used my computer对不起,早上我在使用电脑时,不小心将变压器烧坏了
I have all my clothes in it里面有我全部的衣服
I have applied 2 universities and one of them accepted me. I choose this university because I think it is an excellent university in computer science我一共申请了 2所大学,其中一所录取了我。选择这所大学是因为该大学在电脑科技领域成绩卓著
I have to go back to France in 6 weeks六周后我要回法国的
I just heard that there will be heavy snow in 4 hours我听说4小时后会有大雪
I lost my hand bag. There are a digital camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card in it我把手提包弄丢了。里面有一部数码相机、一块腕表、护照,还有几张旅行支票和一张信用卡
I' m going downtown, but couldn't find the way. Is it right for me to go in this direction?我要去市中心,但是迷路了,往这个方向走对吗?
I' m going for a trip to New York tomorrow. Whats the weather like in New York?我明天要到纽约去游玩,那儿的天气怎么样?
I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar cheques我要 300 美元票面为100美元的支票
I really need this suitcase. All my clothes are in it我真的需要这个行李箱。我的衣服都在里面呢
I think I'd better buy some carsickness pills since it's easy to get sick in an air-conditioning bus坐空调车容易晕车,我想还是买点晕车药比较好
I want to ask about the right of residency a foreigner has in another country. Could you give me some information about it?我想咨询关于外国入境者的居留权问题,您能给我讲讲这方面的知识吗?
I want to ask that if a third-country national can apply in China? Can I apply for a nonimmigrant visa here in China instead of returning to my home country?请问,第三国公民可以在中国申请签证吗?在中国申请非移民签证,而不是回到我的祖国申请?
I want to visit my friends in New York City. I think a B2 visa would be required我想去纽约看朋友。我觉得应该需要一个B2型旅行签证
I was very disappointed with the central heating in my room. It was freezing all night我房间的供暖系统太让我失望了,我整晚都很冷
I'd like this eau de cologne, but I can't find my wallet. I had my American Express Card and passport in it我想买这瓶科隆香水,但是找不到我的皮夹了,里面有美国运通卡和护照
I'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water, it might shrink otherwise我想这件毛衣应放在冷水中用手洗,否则它会缩水的
I'd like to see different new models of several brands shown in your 4S store我想看看您4S店里不同汽车品牌最新的车型
If a foreigner wants to obtain long-term residency in another country, he or she has to apply for it first and then wait for permission假如外国公民想获得长期居留权,就必须先申请,然后再等候批准
If I buy the gold necklace in your shop, could I have it cleaned or repaired in my country?如果我在你们店买了黄金项链,回国后能清洗或修理吗?
If the sales volume is large enough, we will give you larger orders in the future如果销量够大,我们未来加大订购量
If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住
if there were no dust in the
if there were no dust in the…如果空气中没有灰尘
If you could plan your trip early and reserve your seat in advance, you would be given a huge discount如果能尽早计划行程并预订机票,乘客将享受非常优惠的机票价格
If you have to take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in如果打车,上车时要确保司机重打计价器
If you need to make a change in flight, date or class after you purchase your ticket, please notify us as soon as possible and we will take the appropriate action您购票后,如果要求变更航班、日期、舱位等,请尽早通知我们,以便我们进行合理处理
If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you假如您认为账单有误,我们可以为您核对一下
If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期
I'm so sorry for the errors in the work. Please give me a couple of days to check it up again我对工作中的错误感到很抱歉,请给我几天时间再检查一遍
In 1986, a few Italians established a "Slow Food Society" as a way of boycotting fast food1986 年,几个意大利人建立了 “慢餐协会”,抵制快餐
in a relatively all-sided way比较全面地
in a scarcely audible voice以几乎听不见的声音
In 1863, Abraham Lincoln set aside the last Thursday of November as a national Day of Thanksgiving1863年,亚伯拉罕・林肯规定每年十一月的第四个星期四是全国感恩节
in all their bearings从各方面
In an 8-inch fry pan over medium-high heat, melt the butter, swirling the pan to coat it evenly把黄油放在8英寸平底锅中用中火融化,旋转平底锅让黄油均匀平铺在锅底
in any given case 4π²n would be a constant4π²n²照理应是常量
in any given case 4π²n would be a constant在任何的给定场合
in blast正在〔不在〕鼓风
In fact, the Hollywood studio staple has for a while been the big budget extravaganza that will sell overseas实际上,为了其主要影片能够走向国际,好莱坞曾一度为其每部大片预备了大量资金
In Kenya, panel cookers are being manufactured for just 2 dollars在肯尼亚,板式炊具人造成本只需2美元
In most restaurants, after 8 p. m. or so, all the coffee is decaf because no one wants to clean two different coffeepots在大多数餐馆,大概8点之后,所有的咖啡都是脱咖啡因的咖啡,因为没有人愿意洗两种不同的咖啡壶
in much the same way that以和…大致相同〔类似〕的方式〔方法〕
in one's childhood小时候
in order that以便
in order that目的在于
in order that为了
in parts分〔有〕几部分
in respect that因为
in respect that考虑到
in respect that既然
in respect that就…而论
in sb.'s blood世代相传
in sb.'s blood遗传
in so much that...因此
in so much that...以致
in so much that以致
in so much that因此
in so much that到…的程度
in so much that...到…的程度
in spite of that尽管虽然如此然而仍旧
In such a case, the hotel should certainly pay for it. The indemnity shall not exceed ten times the laundry charge如果发生这样的事情,酒店肯定会赔偿的。赔偿费不超过洗衣服费的十倍
in such a way that通过下述方式
in such a way thatas to + inf.以这样的方式即
in Tables 1 through 4从表 1一直到表4
In terms of the symptom, the doctor will analyze it and then get to know the details就症状来说,医生会先分析,然后才能得知具体的病情
in that在于
in that既然
in that因为
in that在这点上
in that由于
in that case那么
in that case如果那样
in that case既然是那样
in that case假使那样的话
in that case既然那样
In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself那样的话,您可以开一张现金支票,然后自行取款就可以了
In that case, you' d better go to the Medical Department像你这样的情况还是去看看内科吧
In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that鉴于你的情况,你得在挂号卡上填写你的年龄、性别、住址等信息
in that event在那〔这〕种场合〔情况下〕
in that event在那时候
in that regard关于这〔那〕一点
in that regard在这〔那〕方面
in the belief that相信
in the chapters that precede在前面各章中
in the confidence that信任
in the confidence that相信
in the event that即使
in the event that万一
in the hope that期望
in the hope that希〔盼〕望
in the mind's eye在某人想象中
in the name of M为M的缘故
in the name of M替M
in the name of M代表M
In the old days, people preferred classy and high value movies, whereas today, the common person prefers a movie with violence, nudity, or other things of that nature过去,人们喜欢高品位的电影,但在今天,民众却对充斥着暴力、裸露镜头以及其他类似情节的电影情有独钟
in the pages that follow在下面页中
in the seventies of the 20th century在 20 世纪 70 年代1970 年一1979 年
in the shop there were several men, who were all busy at their work车间里有几个人,他们都在忙着
In the U. S. , federal laws allow the importation of up to 1 liter of alcoholic beverage and up to 200 cigarettes and 100 cigars for personal use在美国,联邦法律允许带近一升的含酒精饮品,及二百支香烟和一百支雪茄供个人使用
In 2013, the Volkswagen, a long wheelbase limousine model, was launched 2013年,大众推出长轴距轿车模型。五、化妆品
in the year 2008在 2008 年
in the years that followed在以后几年中
in top以高速挡 (gear)
in two claps of a lamb's tail马上
in two claps of a lamb's tail赶快
in two claps of a lamb's tail立即
It allowed South Africans into the playoff in Agadir这让南非人得以参加阿加迪尔的决赛
It hurts smack in the middle of my gut!肚子正中间的地方最疼!
It is common in China for an applicant to have relatives in other countries or a petition to immigrate on file. These factors by themselves will not necessarily prevent approval of your application中国申请人有亲戚在国外或者正申请移民是很常见的。这类情况不会妨碍你获得批准
It is expected that the customer will leave a tip for the servers of restaurants in America在美国餐厅吃饭,通常要付小费
It is my first time in London. Can you tell me how to call a taxi?这是我第一次来伦敦,您能告诉我怎么叫的士吗?
It looks like you are the victim of a break-in看起来,你是入室盗窃的受害者
It runs every hour on the hour. So the next train leaves in 20 minutes每小时一列,整点发车,所以下趟车在20分钟后出发
It seems to me that there is no cool air in the room. Will you examine it?房间里好像没有冷气。你能检查一下吗?
It should be the height of the season in Bali现在本应是巴厘岛最繁忙的旅游旺季
It ushered in the new theater season这预示了新的戏剧旺季的来临
It wasn't until after world war II. The soldiers based in Italy had eaten lots of pizza and wanted to continue eating it when they came home直到二战以后比萨在美国才开始变得流行起来。当时驻扎在意大利的美国士兵吃了很多比萨,他们回到家乡还想继续吃
It's a marvel that he wasn't killed in the car crash他在车祸中没死真是万幸
It's because our prices are so good. And this car has a lot of miles on it. But it's in nice shape, isn't it?因为我们的价格公道,而且这辆车跑了很多的里程数。但是外观看起来还是不错吧
It's easier to call a taxi company listed in the Yellow Pages for a telephone directory and ask them to send a cab to pick you up at the airport比较简单的做法就是,按照电话簿黄页部分所列出的出租车公司的号码打电话叫车,让他们派车上机场接您
It's infuriating! I have to be in Tokyo by six真气人!我得在6点以前到达东京
It's my pleasure. Why don't you check in? I'll see to the heavy luggage我很乐意帮忙。你去办登记手续吧。我会看着大件行李的
It's not polite to waste any food in the buffet吃自助餐时浪费食物是不文明的
It's probably similar to folk dancing in your country也许它同你们国家的民族舞相似
It's traditional dish in Beijing. The duck is roasted. You should eat it with a kind of sauce一种传统的北京菜。鸭子烤过了,就着调料吃
It's traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day感恩节吃火鸡是美国的传统
January 16th is San Antonio Atonement Day in Spain. Men show their braveness by riding horses through the fire1月16日是西班牙的圣安东尼赎罪节,男人们骑马穿过火焰来展示他们的勇敢
Jewelry seller Chow Tai Fook aims for a Hong Kong IPO in the first quarter of 2012, people familiar with the situation said Monday知情人士周一表示,珠宝零售商周大福计划于2012年第一季度在香港上市
jump raise in responder's suit跳加叫应叫者花色
Just go through the No. 8 ticket-barrier over there. A train will be in directly从8号检票口往前走,列车马上就进站
Keep a close eye to your carry-on when you are in the departure lounge在候机室时要看管好自己的随身行李
keep in让火燃着不熄
keep in呆着不出去
keep in压住
keep in排紧
keep in抑制
keep in扣留
Keep in a cool place在凉处保管
keep in a cool place在冷 〔干〕处保存
keep in a file存卷
keep in a file汇存
keep in a file归档
keep in a file订存
keep sb. in countenance使某人镇定
keep M in custody拘留 M
keep M in gear with使M —直与N相适应 (N)
keep... in hand支配
keep... in hand管理
keep... in hand掌握着
keep in memory没有忘记
keep in memory记着
keep in mind考虑到
keep in mind记着
keep M in mind of使 M 想起 N (N)
keep M in operation保持 M 运转〔有效〕
keep M in good order使 M 保持整齐
keep... in remembrance记着
keep... in remembrance把…记在心里
keep in reserve留作预备
keep M in shape使M保持原形不走样
keep ...in store备有
keep ...in store贮存
keep M in subjection使 M 处于被统治地位
keep M in suspense使 M 担心不知结果如何
keep in the background背地里
keep in the background在幕后
keep in the background暗中
keep in the center回归原位
keep M in touch with使M同N保持联系〔接触〕 (N)
keep M in touch with使M 了解N (N)
keep in touch with保持与…接触〔联系〕
keep M in tune使M处于良好的状态
keep oneself in the foreground处在最显著的地位
keep oneself in the foreground站在前面
Keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left右手拿刀,左手拿叉
knit in织进〔人〕
late in the 1970's在 20 世纪70年代后期
leave one's place in the ranks出列
let in水,空气等
let in放进
let in放〔插,嵌〕人
let in让进人
Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare我和你分摊计程车费吧
let the proof be in the pudding让实践来证明优劣
liquids are different from solids in that liquids have no definite shape液体不同于固体之处在于液体没有确定的形状
Look, a female lion claims her spot in a tree near the Zambezi River in Zambia一只母狮子在赞比亚赞比西河旁的一棵树上宣示它的主权
Look, the sign in that girl's hands read Molly and Melody. She is meeting us看,你那个女孩手里的牌子上写着“茉莉和麦乐迪”,她是来接我们的
Louis Vuitton has been in business for an amazing 3 centuries and continues to be fore front in the hand bag industry路易・威登的经营已有3个世纪之久,这令人惊奇。它仍继续站在手提包业界的前列
make a comer in垄断
make a comer in囤积
make a dent in削弱
make a dent in对…产生不利影响
make a hole in在… 打洞
make a stir inM 在 M 引起轰动
make an entry of M in将M记人〔登记进〕N中 (N)
make an epoch in...在…上开创了一个新时代〔纪元〕
make an experiment in对…做实验
make an experiment in做…实验
make an order of magnitude improvement inM 把 M改善了一个数量
make extraordinary progress in...在…方面取得极其巨大的进步
make M in the shape of把 M 做成 N 形 (N)
make the headlines in成为…的头条新闻
My dear, I'm afraid that I cannot visit you in New Zealand. I was refused by the visa officer亲爱的,我不能来新西兰看你了,我被拒签了
My driver's license, some credit cards, and more than $200 in cash are all lost我的驾照、信用卡和两百多美元现金,都丢了
My son in Seattle sent me this check for 5, 000 U. S. dollars我在西雅图的儿子寄给我一张5 000美金的支
My wife left her shoulder bag on a number one-o-one bus. Has anyone turned it in yet?我太太把单肩包掉在101公交车上了。有人捡到送去你们那里了吗?
no defects did they find in these parts在这些部件中他们没发现任何缺陷
obstruct M in阻〔妨〕碍 M (+ ing, 做)
Oh, that is a detailed application! You should remember that all questions must be answered in English. Besides, you are required to upload a photograph taken within the last six months噢!这是个很烦琐的申请过程。你要记住所有问题都需要用英语来回答。还需要上传一张近六个月之内拍的照片
OK. I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately好了,到时间办登记手续啦。如果遇到困难,我们会及时帮助你
OK, there will be a cab waiting outside in 10 minutes. It will take less than 5 minutes to check out好的,十分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等您。退房最多只需五分钟
On a more optimistic note, movies such as Brokeback Mountain have helped society view homosexuality in a more positive manner从更乐观的方面讲,像《断背山》这样的电影帮助社会从更加积极的角度看待同性恋
On New Year's Day, people in certain countries gather on beaches and run into the water, which is known as polar bear plunges新年当天,人们有习俗聚集到海边,跳入水中集体冬泳。他们管这叫“北极熊跳”
one part in 10⁴万分之一
Only 2 euros more, you'll get large coke and fries instead of medium. And today we are offering free toys in all the meal boxes只要多加2欧元,就能把中等的可乐和薯条换成大的。而且今天所有的套餐都有免费的玩具赠送
own oneself in承认
parts per 100 parts of mix, in rubber compounding每100份混合料中的份数橡胶配料用语
parts per 100 parts of rubber, in rubber compounding每100份橡胶的份数橡胶配料用语
Passengers to Seattle can be checked now, the bus is leaving in 30 minutes去往西雅图的乘客可以检票,汽车将于半小时后发车
People choose to eat jiaozi to connote their wishes for good fortune in the New Year人们吃饺子表达在新的一年里金玉满堂的美好祝愿
People like to watch spectacular action films, comedies and horror films in groups and will abandon their televisions and mobile phones人们乐意成群结队去观赏大场面的动作片、喜剧片或恐怖片,并愿意为此将自家的电视机、手机搁在一边
People usually tip 15% of the overall bill, minus the tax, in most cases大多数情况下,人们通常按账单总额的15%减去税费以后的标准给小费
Pineapple tarts are low in fat. It's new on the menu新推出的菠萝蛋挞就是低脂的。 (小贴士:西餐和中餐有着本质的区别,如果到了一家吃西餐的餐厅,就要遵守吃西餐应该遵守的礼仪。首先,越高档的饭店越需要事先预约。预约时,不仅要说清人数和时间,也要表明是否要吸烟区或视野良好的座位。如果是生日或其他特别的日子,可以告知宴会的目的和预算,并且在预订时间内到达。其次,再昂贵的休闲服,也不能随意穿着上餐厅。吃饭时穿着得体是欧美人的常识。去高档的餐厅,男士要穿着整洁的上衣和皮鞋;女士要穿套装和有跟的鞋子。如果指定穿正式服装的话,男士必须打领带。再次,由椅子的左侧入座。最得体的入座方式是从左侧入座。当椅子被拉开后,身体在几乎要碰到桌子的距离站直,领位者会把椅子推进来,腿弯碰到后面的椅子时,就可以坐下来。最后,用餐时,上臂和背部要靠到椅背,腹部和桌子保持约一个拳头的距离,两脚交叉的坐姿应避免。)
Pizza came to America with Italian immigrants in the latter half of the 19th century比萨是 19 世纪后半期随着意大利的移民传到美国的
Please explain in detail when and where and how you lost your purse请详细介绍你何时何地钱包丢失的
Please follow the instruction of station staffs and leave the station in order请按站务员的指示有序离开车站
Please just leave it in the laundry bag in the wardrobe放在衣柜里的洗衣袋就行了
Please put the luggage over special height, length, and weight in the trunk请把超过一定高度、长度和重量的行李放进汽车行李箱
Please tell us or notify in the list whether you need your clothes washed, dry-cleaned, ironed or mended请告诉我们或在洗衣单上写明您的衣服是否需要水洗、干洗、熨烫或缝补
poles come in standard lengths ranging from 25 to 90 ft电线杆做成25英尺~ 90英尺标准长度的
put the electromagnet in place with the end about 1/4 inch above the iron bar使其一端位于铁棒上方约1/4英寸的地方
put the electromagnet in place with the end about 1/4 inch above the iron bar把电磁铁装好
rebid in original suit再叫原来花色
school M in在N方面训练M (N)
scorer in chief记录长
Since there are only 20 minutes during the two flights, you'd better stay in the transfer correspondence两趟航班之间只间隔20分钟,您最好待在中转处
So far it looks like we will be leaving two hours late, but keep checking the departing flights status board just in case目前看来会延误两小时,不过,请多查看飞离航班信息牌,以防万一
some errors usually creep in常常不知不觉出现某些错误
Some keep the palm leaves, braiding them and using them as sacred decorations in their homes一些人把棕榈叶保留下来,编织起来放在家里作为圣物装饰
some 40 tons in weight约 40 吨重
steel foundries take in power at 11 kV铸钢厂引人的是电压为11千伏的电力
Stress often plays a role in insomnia, so try to change your reaction to it压力通常是失眠的原因之一,所以要尝试改变压力带来的副作用
Sure, black pudding is a sausage made by cooking pigs' or cows,blood. It is usually served as part of a traditional full breakfast in England当然可以,血肠是用猪血或牛血灌制而成的,是一种传统英国早餐
taijiquan in 24 forms二十四式太极拳
take 4,000 observations in 8 hours8 小时内进行 4000 次观测
ten-in-one ration十人一天的配给食物
That explains why Chanel, Lacoste and Dior rank in the top five brands with the highest level of recognition这就是为什么香奈尔、鳄鱼和迪奥排进了前五名,它们具有最高的品牌认知度
That would be in aisle 7, with the condiments. It is next to the ketchup在第七过道,和调味品一起,就在番茄酱的旁边
that would be in March 1990那大概是在 1990 年 3 月
The ATM is maintained by the staff of the bank every afternoon, and they will put money in it每天下午银行都会来人对自动柜台机进行维护,并补充现金
The baggage checked in the first would come out later, for the porters put it in the airplane earlier than others at departing airport搬运工在出发机场将先托运的行李先装上飞机,所以现在就晚出来.
the crane is 20 feet in height这台起重机高 20 英尺
the cutter is supplied with a tolerance on width of plus 0. 005 in. and minus 0. 001 in.这铣刀的宽度公差为 +0,005 英寸和-0,001英寸
The doctor ordered that you should stay in bed for several days, and if you feel any shortness of breath, please let me know, and I will tell the doctor医生说,您应该卧床休息些日子。如果您感到气急,请告诉我,我会转告医生的
The exclusive brass peacock is available in different size and weight and the material will surely make it last for a lifetime这种黄铜孔雀独一无二,有不同的大小和重量,这种材料无疑能让它保存一辈子
The fee in total should be $180费用总计应为 180 美兀
The first “day of Thanksgiving” actually took place at Berkeley, Virginia in 1619 - a year before the Mayflower brought the pilgrims to Massachusetts实际上,美国人第一次庆祝感恩节是在1619年,地点是弗吉尼亚州的伯克利市,一年以后,五月花号将清教徒带到了马萨诸塞州
The food eaten today for Thanksgiving is very different from the food that was eaten at the first Thanksgiving in今天感恩节吃的食物与1621年感恩节的食物具有很大差别
the heavy solid lines in Fig. 4 indicate where to cut图 4 中的粗实线条表示应该从哪里切开〔应切开之处〕
The kettle on the fire is nearly dry. Put some more water in it火上的壶要烧干了,再往里面倒些水
the law of chance says you should get 50 heads and 50 tails in 100 tosses of a coin机会律指出,掷100次硬币,理应有50次是正面朝上,50 次是反面朝上
The mechanisms that control appetite and energy balance in the human body are elegantly calibrated控制食欲和人体能量平衡的机制,在体内调节方面是相当精准的
The new style in cowboy shirt did not take on, despite all attempts to popularize it尽管尽力推广牛仔衫的新式样,但其销量依然不佳
the odds are in our favour优势是在我们方面
The robber is about 180 cm in height, he was wearing a T-shirt and blue trousers. He was running away westward抢劫者身高1米80左右,穿着T恤和蓝色裤子,他向西逃跑了
The shirt is all right. I like the style, but I'm not sure about the color. Do you have that in other colors?这件衬衫还不错,我很喜欢这个款式,但是颜色我不太喜欢,还有别的颜色吗?
The traffic problem is that more and more people in this city can now afford to buy a car交通问题的部分原因在于,这个城市里能买得起私家车的人越来越多
The wine was a gift from my friend. He bought it in France. How does it taste?这红酒是我朋友从法国买回来送给我的,味道怎么样?
the worst flood in 80 years80年来最大的洪水
There are some cock-roaches in the room. Please wipe them out房间里有嶂螂,请把它们除掉
There is a floor show in our pub. Would you like to see it?酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看吗?
there is no point in doing that那样做毫无〔没多大〕意义
there is no point in doing that做那事没有〔没多大〕用处
there is no point in doing that那样做没有〔没有多大〕必要
There is no water in the water closet. Would you please have it repaired?马桶无水,请修理一下
there is not much point in doing that那样做毫无〔没多大〕意义
there is not much point in doing that做那事没有〔没多大〕用处
there is not much point in doing that那样做没有〔没有多大〕必要
there is something in that这里面有点道理
there is something new in that这里面有点新东西
there is something not very plain in that这里面有点什么不很清楚的东西
There used to be a variety of foods at choice in that cafeteria那家自助餐馆以前有各种各样的食物可供选择
There're two sockets in the bathroom, for 110V and 220V respectively浴室里有两个分别为110伏和220伏的插座
These tests suggested that the ovarian tumor was benign, and that she also had malaria and signs of inflammation in the lungs, which could have been caused by pneumonia or tuberculosis这些测试表明,她的子宫肿瘤是良性的,但她患有疟疾,并在肺中发现了炎症的迹象,这些病症可能是由肺炎或肺结核引起的
This is a self-service station, and it's cheaper if you pay in cash这是自助加油站,付现金比较便宜
This is an exchange memo. Please fill in your name and the amount you intend to change这是外汇兑换单,请填上您的姓名及需要兑换的金额
This is Barbara in room 209. I'd like to order breakfast,please我是209房的芭芭拉。我想要订份早餐
This is Mr. Roger in room 8808. Mr. Smith will come for this while I am out. Could you hand it to him,please?这是8808房间的罗杰先生,我走后,史密斯先生会来。您能帮我把这个交给他吗?
this is the very key for that lock, I lost it in this very room这正是那把锁的钥匙,我就是在这房间里把它弄丢的
this will be discussed at some length in Chapter 4这将在第四章比较详细地讲
Through the further weather forecast that your flight will further delay due to heavy fog in Chengdu area最新消息是,您的航班因为成都地区大雾,将会继续延误
Today, Chow Tai Seng has grown to a company with 35 branches and over 600 jewelry chain stores in more than 200 cities in the country如今,周大生公司拥有三十五个分公司,600多家珠宝连锁店遍布在全国200多个城市
tone in withM 与M和谐〔调和〕
Tourists get sunstroke easily at noon while feeling frozen stiff in the evening游客在中午很容易中暑,而在晚上很容易冻僵
Traditionally, spring begins on St. Valentine's Day February 14th , the day on which birds chose their mates. In parts of Sussex, Valentine's Day was called “the Birds,Wedding Day”按照传统,情人节这一天也预示着春天的来临,小鸟们会在这个时候选择它们的伴侣。在英国的苏塞克斯郡,人们称情人节为“百鸟成婚节”
turning in内旋
understand it in its proper latitude充分理解它
up in arms竭力反对
up in arms起来进行武装斗争
up to one's neck inM 深陷于M中
up to one's neck inM 齐颈陷在M中
up to one's eyes in work忙得要命〔债台高筑〕 (debt)
up to the ears in work工作极繁忙
up to the eyes in work忙得要命〔债台高筑〕 (debt)
Valentine's Day is not a public holiday, in which government offices, stores, schools and other organizations are open as usual情人节不是一个公共节日,在这一天,政府、商店、学校以及其他办公机构会照常办公
Was there anything interesting you met in the Ningaloo Reef?在宁格鲁礁,遇到有趣的事了吗?
We are due in Paris at 7:30 p. m. local time, but we're going to London as the weather in Paris is bad原定于当地时间下午 7:30 到达,但是我们要迫停伦敦,巴黎天气很糟糕
we are glad that we have succeeded in the experiment我们很高兴因为实验成功了
we can't discover any material in an element but itself否定的关系代词相当于 who not, that not 没有不…的
we can't discover any material in an element but itself除该元素本身之外
we can't discover any material in an element but itself我们不可能发现任何别的物质
we can't discover any material in an element but itself在一个元素里
We have delicious economy class cuisine. Our in-flight menus are specially created to reflect the culinary influences of the regions to which we fly. Toothsome dessert treats are available on our menus, including our classic ice cream that never fails to delight我们提供美味的经济舱菜肴。机上的菜单可以反映出飞机抵达处的美食风尚。另外,我们还提供一系列的美味甜食,包括备受好评的冰激凌
We open 24 hours in the coffee shop我们咖啡厅 24 小时营业
We serve a wide range of low-fat desserts. Pineapple tart is low in fat. It's new on the menu我们有很多低脂点心。菠萝塔就不含脂肪,还是新推出的
We will only charge you cost value, that is 50 dollars in total我们只收取总共50美元的成本费
We would like invite elderly passengers and passengers who travel with children or infants to board the plane first. Please also have your passport ready for the secondary check in the jet bridge. Thank you for your patience我们现在邀请老年旅客及带小孩儿的旅客登机。请在登机时准备好您的护照,我们将在廊桥处做第二次护照检查。感谢您的耐心等待
We'll be at the London tower in a minute. Please get ready to get off the bus伦敦塔快到了,请做好下车准备
Well, it's too big. It might fall down and hurt somebody. Could you place it under the seat in front of you, please?嗯,这包太大了,可能会掉下来砸伤人。把它放在您前面的座位下面好吗?
Well, of course, in that case the airline will pay you compensation. But I'm sure we'll find it当然,如果找不到,航空公司会赔偿,但我们相信能找到
what nuts are those in that bin那个料箱里是些什么螺母
When you discover that the only alternative to the standard V-6 is a V-6 hybrid, you understand in which direction the industry is headed: better fuel economy and less torque留意一下就会发现,唯一用来替代标准V-6引擎的是一款 V-6混合动力引擎,可见汽车业发展方向是:更高的燃油经济性,更小的扭矩
wipe in电视,电影划人
wire in拼命干
wire in使劲工作
wire in在…周围安设铁丝网
with that object in view以那个为目的
Would you please put it in a gift box?你能不能把它装在礼品盒里?
Yeah. It's really convenient. All the theaters and shopping malls are within walking distance. Well, I gotta go. I'll get in touch with you soon是的,城里很方便。所有的电影院和购物中心都很近。我回头再和你聊吧
Yes, with this visa, you can stay in the United States for up to 90 days是的,有了旅行签证,你可以在美国逗留90天
Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到了喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了
You can fill in this lost property report, and I'll keep my eye out for it你来填张失物登记表,我会替你留意的
You were talking to us the other day that you went diving in Australia那天你说你去澳洲潜水了
Your credit card will be swallowed by ATM if you don't retrieve it in 30 seconds如果 30 秒之内不将卡取走,您的卡将会被自动柜台机收回
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