
Terms containing in/off | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.allow for write-offs in the yearly account允许在年度账内冲销
agric.amount written off in respect of depreciation折旧提成
tech.auto off control in condensation结露自动关机控制
dril.back-off kelly-in倒扣方入
expl.be cut off in one's prime英年早逝
hockey.best player in taking face-offs最佳争球队员
China, polit.build a moderately well-off society in an all-round way全面建设小康社会
China, polit.build a well-off society in an all-round way全面建设小康社会
commer.Buyers are holding off in anticipation of lower prices买方预料价格要下跌而停止购进
tech.drive in/drive off ship机动车辆专运船
shipb.drive-in/ drive-off ship滚装船
busin.drop-off in production产量减少
gen.Each girl in the party was paired off with a boy舞会上每个姑娘都与一个小伙子相配成对
shipb.emergency switching-off device operating test for oil pump and bilge pump in engine room机舱油泵和舱底泵应急切断装置操作试验
shipb.emergency switching-off device operating test of ventilator in engine room机舱通风机应急切断装置操作试验
avia.engine-off in flight空中停车
hockey.face -off won in percentage from total face-offs争球成功率
gen.face-off spot in neutral zone中区争球点
hockey.face-off won in percentage from total face-offs争球成功率
busin.falling-off in freight货运量减少
el.mach.falling-off in speed转速下降
busin.fall-off in export外贸减少
tech.fall-off in illumination照度衰减
securit.global sell-off in equities全球性股票抛售
gen.go off in a faint昏过去
met.gradual fall-off in intensity强度逐渐下降
gen.He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer他的手刚摆到一半,立刻停下来,脱下他的高尔夫球帽,闭上眼睛,深深地鞠躬并默默祈祷
securit.head off panic in financial markets防止金融市场中出现恐慌情绪
tech.in off position在关闭位置
chem.in off position在关闭状态
proj.manag.In order to turn off thyristor unfailingly, the inverter circuit should be rebuilt为了保证可控硅可靠关断、需要改造逆变电路主回路
gen.In the early part of her career, she sang for an orchestra but her style really took off when she went solo•在音乐生涯早期,她曾在一个乐团演唱,但事业真正腾飞是在她转入独唱的时候
genet.in vitro run-off transcription体外全长转录
telecom.in/off电源通/断电源开关上的标记,取代 on/off
el.in-service off-line tester服务中脱机测试器
commer.It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run安装这套大型机器代价很高,但长远来看还是会赚钱的
tech.lay-off in winter冬季停工
wrest.lift off in kneeling position抱膝提
footb.line up in position for the kick-off排起阵势准备开球
met.narrow face bulging in off-corner position窄面偏离角位置鼓肚
math.off in calculations计算错误
met.off-corner internal crack in billet小方坯偏离角内裂纹
busin.off-in calculations计算错误
shipb.operating test of emergency switching-off device for oil pump and bilge pump in engine room机舱油泵和舱底泵应急切断装置操作试验
textilepay off in a lump sum一次付清
baseb.pay off in game-winning runs决胜分中起作用
shipb.pay off in one lump sum一次付清
econ.pay off in the lump sum一次付清
spaceplasma jet cut-off in water水中等离子流切断
earth.sc.processing and archiving of radar and gauge data off-line and in near real-time system近实时雷达和水位计数据脱机处理和归档系统
gymn.round-off in front of low bar低杠前腱子
expl.R-technologic reforms, which can bring about profound, step-junction increases in coal recovery, are still way off革命性技术变革虽然能使煤炭开采率逐渐上升、意义重大、但距今尚有一段距离
agric.run-off in depth径流深
interntl.trade.set off a barred claim in defense of an action援引自己的时效期满的债权作为对原告诉权的辩护
met.sharp fall-off in intensity强度急剧下降
securit.shrug off difficulties in credit market摆脱信贷市场困境
scub.take off in backward dives面对板起跳
econ.take off in economic development经济发展的起飞
busin.take off in economic development经济发展腾飞
scub.take-off in backward dives面对板起跳
commer.The agent is, in appropriate cases, entitled to a set-off or a lien on the principal's goods or money在适当情况下,代理人对委托人的货物或款项有抵消或留置的权利
dentist.The anesthetic will wear off in about two or three hours两三小时后麻醉效果会消失
proj.manag.The bank now intends to be the first to throw off the government's golden fetters一$ l0bn in the form of preferred stock and share warrants现在、该行有意率先去除政府的"金脚镣"、即以优先股和认股权证形式存在的100亿美元
commer.The panic buying triggers off a sharp advance in market price抢购引起市场价格急剧上涨
commer.There was a ship in distress off the shore海岸外有船遇险
ceram.These porcelains are very exclusive, very high-status luxury items for the mega-rich The person who kicks it off in England is Queen Mary II in the late 17th century这些瓷器很独特,被当时的超级富豪用作高级奢侈品。真正在英国开启这一时尚的是17世纪末的玛丽二世
proj.manag.Traders noted a late sell-off in small-cap shares, which have recently outperformed the broader market交易员指出、近期表现好于大盘的小盘股在临近收盘时出现跳水
econ.trigger off a sharp advance in price引起价格急剧上涨
busin.trigger off a sharp advance in price引起物价急剧上涨
gen.We'll be at the London tower in a minute. Please get ready to get off the bus伦敦塔快到了,请做好下车准备