
Terms containing imposed | all forms | exact matches only
China, polit.abolish all unequal treaties which had been imposed on China by various imperialist countries废除帝国主义列强加给中国的一切不平等条约
tech.acting type of imposed force外力作用方式
econ.All levies imposed upon the output were borne by the manufacturer对产品征收的一切税款都是制造商承担的
busin.amount imposed征收金额
econ.an imposed budget强制预算
econ.an imposed budget派定预算
tech.direction of imposed force外力作用方向
tech.duty is imposed on对……课税
interntl.trade.emergency import duties imposed征收的紧急进口税
busin.emergency import duties imposed征收紧急进口税
China, lawfine shall, in addition, or shall only, be imposed on并处或者单处罚金
econ.foreign taxes imposed on international boycott income对国际抵制收入的外国税收
gen.full voltage is imposed to crank the engine全部电压都用来开动发动机了
fin.imposed budget强制预算
busin.imposed budget派定预算
tech.imposed budget自上而下强制预算
bridg.constr.imposed deformation外加变形
tech.imposed deformation强加的变形
agric.imposed dormancy强制休眠
el.imposed effect on frequency deviation频率偏差产生的作用
el.imposed effect on generation change发电量变化产生的作用
el.imposed effect on tie-line deviation联络线故障产生的作用
tech.imposed fabric强置性组构
tech.imposed fill加填土
tech.imposed floor load楼面活荷载
bridg.constr.imposed load强加的荷载
bridg.constr.imposed load作用荷载
bridg.constr.imposed load外加荷载
archit.imposed load外施荷载
tech.imposed load强加荷载
tech.imposed load施加荷载
bridg.constr.imposed load acting with additional load与附加荷载同时作用所施加的荷载
agric.imposed rest强制休眠
gen.imposed rotation method旋转就位法
hydroel.st.imposed sediment discharge来沙率
oilimposed stress作用应力
busin.indemnity imposed强制性赔偿
busin.indemnity imposed强制性赔偿
tech.longitudinal imposed load纵向外加荷载
tech.magnitude of imposed force外力大小
UN, polit.mandatory sanctions measures imposed实施的强制性制裁措施
commer.No preconditions should be imposed不应强加先决条件
China, lawobligations imposed by the contract合同规定的义务
China, lawpunishment imposed by the school学校给予的处分
UN, afr.reporting procedures and accounting standards that are imposed by various donors捐助方所要求的报告程序和会计标准
busin.self-imposed control自主控制
agric., tech.self-imposed test自我强制检验
met.super-imposed multihearth type roaster重叠多膛焙烧炉
commer.The existing premium of 5,000 baht per metric ton imposed by the government was a hindrance to rice export政府现在实施的每公吨5,000铢的出口加价是大米的出口障碍
expl.The fine end of the fragment size distribution curve is controlled by the rock's inherent breakage characteristics and the nature of the stresses imposed by the detonation of the explosive碎岩粒度分布曲线的细端受岩石固有破碎特点的控制、而且受炸药爆轰施加的应力性质的控制
econ.The government has imposed a 5% tax on salt政府已征收5%的盐税
econ.Trade barriers on foreign cars was imposed by the government政府对外国车辆设制了贸易壁垒
textiletwo super imposed fabric双幅叠织的平面织物
textiletwo super imposed fabric双幅叠织平面织物
econ.unreasonable charges imposed不合理摊派费用
bridg.constr.wind load acting with imposed load与所施加的荷载同时作用的风荷载
econ.Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内