
Terms for subject Business containing imports | all forms | exact matches only
administer import restriction执行进口限制
administration of export and import进出口管理
advanced deposit requirement on import输入预交保证金制度
amount of export and import进出口额
amount of import and export进出口额
application for extension of date of expiry of import permit进口许可证延期申请书
application for import of foreign goods外国货进口申请书
application for import permit of materials for processing export goods岀口加工原料进口许可证申请书
application for import permit subcovering license综合分批进口许可证申请书
application for import permit without foreign exchange settlement不结汇进口许可证申请书
application for withdrawal from bond for import保税货物出仓完税进口报单
articles prohibited on import禁止进口的货物
average import content ratio平均进口率
be engaged in import and export trade从事进出口贸易
be proficient in import and export profession精通进出口业务
blind import practice盲目引进
bottleneck of the import program输入程序障碍
calculating import parity计算进口平价
certificate of foreign exchange settlement for import进口结汇证书
charge for licensing of import permit进口签证费
clothing export and import服装进出口
combination import manager联合进口部经理
commodity composition of import and export商品进出口结构
commodity export and import accounting商品进出口会计
commodity export and import corporation商品进出口公司
commodity export and import funds商品进出口基金
commodity export and import quotas商品进出口配额
commodity export and import revolving funds商品进出口周转基金
commodity export-import company商品进出口公司
commodity export-import merchant商品进出口商
commodity import account商品进口账户
commodity import accounting商品进口核算
commodity import advance商品进口预付款
commodity import duty商品进口税
commodity import entry system商品进口报关制度
commodity import for manufacturing工厂进口货
commodity import for storage存入保税仓库的进口商品
commodity import from bonded warehouse取自保税仓库的进口商品
commodity import inspection expense商品进口检验费用
commodity import inspection system商品进口检验制度
commodity import manager商品进口部经理
commodity import prepayment商品进口预付款
commodity import substituting industry商品进口取代工业
commodity import substitution capacity商品进口取代能力
commodity import substitution potential商品进口取代潜力
commodity import sundry charge a/c商品进口杂费账户
composition of export and import进出口商品结构
conceal real import amount匿报进口额
contract of insurance for the transportation of imports and exports进出口货物运输保险合同
current fund for import进口流动资金
customs declaration for imports and exports进出口货物报关单
cut down the cost of import and export降低进出口成本
declaration for import进口报关
demand for import进口需求量
directory of import and export进出口公司名录
directory of import and export进出口商品录
dismantlement of import tariff废除进口关税
dollar import美元支付的进口
duty-free import免税进口
effective duty rate on imports进口货物实际税率
emergency import紧急进口指因国内发生天灾或罢工等紧急情况,供求失衡,而紧急进口所需商品
emergency import duties imposed征收紧急进口税
engage in both export and import business经营进出口业务
excess of import贸易逆差指在一段时间内,一国的总进口值大于总出口值之间的差额,帐户上将此差额用红字标写,又称赤字
excess of import over export输入超过输出
existing quantitative import restrictions目前输入限量
expanding import扩大进口
export and import输出入
export and import进出口
export and import of capital资本输出入
Export Import Bank进出口银行
Export-Import Bank of USA美国进出口银行 (Eximbank)
export-import cover ratio进出口比率又称出口抵偿率
export-import financing structure进出口资金筹措机构
export-import firm进出口商行
export-import licensing进出口许可证制
export-import operation进出口经营
export-import operation进出口业务
finance of import输入资金
finite import source有限输入源
foreign claim incidental to import随着输入而导致的外国债权
foreign trade-import对外贸易—进口
free import免税进口
general imports普通进口货
global import quota全球进口配额
global import quotas全球性进口配额
gold import point黄金输入点见 gold point
government import monopoly政府进口垄断
import agency进口代理机构
import and export进岀口
import and export输出入
import and export by commodities进出口商品结构即各类进出口商品在进出口贸易中的比重
import and export credit进岀口信贷
import and export duty and tax进出口关税和其他税项
import and export license system进岀口许可制
import and export of government monopoly政府垄断的进出口
import arrears进口欠款
import auction进口拍卖
import ban禁止进口
import biased progress偏重于技术进步的输入
import bill进口汇票即以收取进口商品价款而签发的汇票
import bill payable account应付进口汇票账户
import bounty进口奖励金
import certificate进口执照证明书
import certificate and delivery verification system进口许可证与交货检验制度
Import Certificates and Delivery Verifications System进口许可证与交货检验制度
import commission agent代办进口的代理商
import commission house代办进口的商行
import commission house进口代理行
import-competing goods进口竞争产品
import content of local equipment本国设备中的进口成分
import control进口管理管制
import cost进口成本
import country进口国
import credit a/c进口信贷账户科目
import credit insurance进口信用保险
import curtailment进口缩减
import customs clearance进口结关
import debt a/c进口支出账户科目
import dependence进口依存度指一定时期进口额占国民生产总值的比率
import deposit进口保证金押金
import deposit scheme进口存款制度
import draft进口汇票
import duty memo进口税备忘录
import duty risk货物进口税险
import entitlement a/c进口头衔账户
import exchange settlement进口结汇
import-export bank进岀口银行
import-export business进出口业务
import-export case进出口案例
import-export industry进出口工业
import/export tariff进口 / 出口运费率
import factor进口代理商
import finance输入资金
import financing credit输入资金信贷
import for manufacturing进口加工
import foreign advanced technology引进外国先进技术
import foreign goods外国货进口
import freight and insurance a/c进口运费及保险费账户
import freight bill进口运费汇票
import function输入函数
import guarantee money进口保证金
import inflation输入通货膨胀
import inflatum输入通货膨胀
import levy征收进口税
import licencepermit进口许可
import licence进口许可证电报用简略语
import licencing system进口许可证制
import license bond进口许可证
import list进口商品目
import list进口统计表
import loan repayment偿还进口贷款
import manager进口部经理
import manager进口主管经理
import merchant专业进口商
import mortgage进口保证
import multiplies进口乘数
import notice进口呈报
import notice进口通知
import of management引进管理经验
import parity price进口平价价格
import payment licence进口结汇许可证
import point黄金输入点
import prepayment进口预付款
import profit index进口盈利指数
import promotion促进进口
import quota certificate进口配额证
import raw material进口原料
import regulation进口条例
import restraints进口限制 (restriction)
import substituting industry进口替代工业
import substitution取代进口
import substitution进口替代指以国货代替进口货的政策
import substitution potential进口取代潜力
import substitution strategy进口替代战略
import sundry charges a/c进口杂费账户
import surtax进口附加税如反倾销税、反补贴税等
import tabulation system进口报表制度
import technology引进技术
import technology on a selective basis有选择地引进技术
import tender进口招标指进口国用招标方法采购商品
import trader进口商
import turnover tax进口流通税
import with original packing原装进口
imports of capital资本输入额
imports of foreign capital外资引进额
imports of goods商品进口额
imports of goods and service货物与劳务进口额
imports of goods and services货物与劳务进口额
imports of technology技术引进额
improvement trade for import加工进口贸易见 passive improvement trade
income elasticity of demand for imports收入水平对进口需要的弹性影响
income from import and export进出口收入
index number of import price进口价格指数
index number of quantum of imports and exports进出口物量指数
index number of the price-ratios of import and export products进出口商品价比指数
index number of unit value, imports or exports进出口单位价格指数
index number of unit value of imports and exports进出口单价指数
index of import price进口价格指数
index of physical volume in import and export进出口物量指数
index of price parities between import and export commodities进出口商品比价指数
index of quantum imports of exports进出口贸易数量指数
indicator of import plan进口计划指标
indirect import index间接进口指数
induced import诱发进口
indus trial import programmes credit工业进口规划信贷
industrial import program credit工业进口规划信贷
insurance for imports and exports进出口货物保险
insurance of export-import goods进出口货物保险
international negotiation of import and export in service国际劳务进出口谈判
investment for export and import进出口投资
invisible export and import无形进岀口
invisible import无形进口指无形贸易的支出
inviting tenders for imports and exports进出口商品招标
issuance of the import licence开具进口许可证
joint pooling of imports进口商品联营
joint pooling of imports and exports进出口联营
knockdown import拆卸分装进口
labor service export and import劳务进出口
labor service export and import company劳务进岀口公司
large amount of import and export大进大出
lay duty on import对进口货课税
level of prices at imports and exports进出口商品价格水平
level of total import总进口量水平
liberalization of import放宽进口限制
liberalization of import licensing and exchange control解除进口领证和外汇管制
licence for import进口许可证
licence for the import of commodities进口货物许可证
licensing to administer import restriction实行进口许可证制度
licensing to administer import restriction经许可执行进口限制
limitation on preferential import优惠进口限制
limitation on preferential import对优惠进口的限制
links of import and export进出口环节
management in import and export进出口管理
management of export and import进出口经营
maximize imports and exports大进大出
monopoly in import and export专营进出口
net import净进口
net imports净输入
net imports净进口
net imports of goods货物进口净额
net imports of service劳务输入净额
non-liberalized import item非自由进口项
nontaxable import免税进口
non-taxable import goods免税进口货物
offer subject to import license以领到进口许可证为准的报盘
official import and export list官定进出口货物清单
oil import quotas石油进口限额
output of import substitute进口取代量
output of substitutes of import goods进口商品替代产出
overbalance of import入超
payment by transfer for imports转账拨付进口货款
physical volume of imports货物进口量
plant product import设备产品进口
potential of export and import进岀口潜力
power of export and import进出口权
principal imports and exports主要进出口商品
private import and export company私营进出口公司
procedure of import进口程序
prohibit import禁止进口
prohibited import禁止进口
protected import征收保护性关税保护性进口
protective import measure保护进口措施
quantitative regulation of imports进口商品定额
quantum indexes of exports and imports进岀口数量指数
quota of import进口配额
rate of import liberalization进口自由化率
re-import entry再进口报单
re-import permit再进口许可证
residual import control剩余输入控制
restriction of import进口管制限制
retained import国内消费进口
right of import for enterprise企业进口权
right to import进口权
rule of export and import进出口条例
sampling inspection of imports进口商品抽样检验
seasonal import restriction季节性进口限制
service import agreement劳务进口协议
service import and export company劳务进岀口公司
service import and export trade劳务进出口贸易
special import专门进口常指进口消费品及本国自由贸易区输入的货物
special import levy专门进口税
special import point特定现金输入点
specific import duties进口从量税
speculative import投机性进口
sum of imports and exports进出口总额
system of import declaration进口申报制度
tax on import进口税
tax-free import免税进口货
technology import技术进口
temporary import暂时临时进口
token import象征性输入即先作小额试验性输入
total amount of exports and imports进出口总额
total volume of import and export进出口总额
tourist import旅游进口
transit improvement trade for import加工输入贸易即被动加工贸易
transit pass for import进口转运单
turnover of imports and exports进出口额
type of import进口方式
unbalance in import and export进出口不平衡
undeliverable import goods account无法交付进口货物账户
uniform rate of import duty统一进口税率
unilateral import单方进口
unilateral import control单边进口管制
unilateral import quota单方进口配额
unit value of import进口单位值
unplanned import计划外进口
unrequited exports and imports无偿进出口货
unrestricted imports自由进口商品
value of import进口额
value of import and export进出口额
variable import levy差价进口税指某类产品的进口价格低于国内同类产品价格,对两者的差额征收差价进口税以保护国内市场和厂商利益
visible import有形进口即商品进口,以区别劳务进口
volume of imports进口额
We plan to import rubber bellows from China, but we are short of working capital我们公司想从中国进口一批橡胶波纹管,但我们缺少流动资金
widen import and export扩大进出口贸易