
Terms containing imports | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a matter of great import重大事情
tech.absolute availability of import绝对进口供应额
tech.acceptance and settlement of import bills进口票据的承受与清算
gen.ad valorem import duties从价进口税
busin.administer import restriction执行进口限制
busin.advanced deposit requirement on import输入预交保证金制度
agric.agricultural import农产品输人
busin.amount of export and import进出口额
busin.amount of import and export进出口额
tech.amount of imports进口额
tech.angle of import冲击角
tech.angle of import攻角
tech.angle of import碰撞角
tech.annual import年进口量
tech.anticipated import提前进口
busin.application for extension of date of expiry of import permit进口许可证延期申请书
busin.application for import of foreign goods外国货进口申请书
tech.application for import of foreign goods外国货物进口报单
busin.application for import permit of materials for processing export goods岀口加工原料进口许可证申请书
busin.application for import permit subcovering license综合分批进口许可证申请书
busin.application for import permit without foreign exchange settlement不结汇进口许可证申请书
busin.application for withdrawal from bond for import保税货物出仓完税进口报单
tech.appointed import licensing bank进口签证银行
busin.average import content ratio平均进口率
tech.beggar-my-neighbor import barriers以邻为壑的进口壁垒
shipb.bilateral import双边进口
busin.blind import practice盲目引进
agric.cereal import bill谷物进口费用
tech.certificate for import inspection进口检查合格证
busin.certificate of foreign exchange settlement for import进口结汇证书
tech.certificate of import进口许可证
tech.certificate of import进口证明
tech.certificate of import licence特许进口证明书
tech.charges for licensing of import permit进口签证费
comp.name.China Aviation Oil Import and Export Co. Ltd中航油进岀口有限责任公司
comp.name.China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products中国机电产品进出口商会
comp.name.China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Medicines and Health Products中国医药保健品进出口商会
comp.name.China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles中国纺织进出口商会
comp.name.China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Light Industrial Products and Arts-Crafts中国轻工工艺品进出口商会
gen.China Electronics Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国电子技术进出口公司
gen.China Electronics Import & Export Corporation, Beijing Branchназв.комп. 中国电子技术进出口公司北京市分公司
gen.China Film Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国电影输出输入公司
comp.name.China Metallurgical Import & Export Corporation中国冶金进出口公司
avia.China National Aero Technology Import and Export Corporation中国航空技术进出口公司
avia.China national aero technology import and export corporation中国航空技术进出口总公司
gen.China National Aero Technology Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国航空技术进出口公司
gen.China National Agricultural Machinery Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国农业机械进出口联营公司
gen.China National Arts & Crafts Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国工艺品进出口公司
gen.China National Breeding Stock Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国种畜进出口公司
gen.China National Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import & Export Corporation Shanghai Foodstuffs Branchназв.комп. 中国粮油食品进出口公司上海市食品分公司
gen.China National Chemicals Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国化工进出口公司
gen.China National Coal Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国煤炭进出口总公司
gen.China National Instruments Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国仪器进出口公司
gen.China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国轻工业产品进出口公司
shipb.China National Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Corporation中国机械设备进出口总公司
avia.China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation中国机械进出口总公司
gen.China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation Shanghai Branchназв.комп. 中国机械进出口公司上海市分公司
gen.China National Medicines and Health Products Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国医药保健品进出口公司
gen.China National metals & Minerals Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国五金矿产进出口公司
gen.China National Native Produce & Animal Byproducts Import & Export Corporation, Shanghai Native produce Branchназв.комп. 中国土畜产进出口公司上海土产公司
gen.China National Packaging Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国包装进出口公司
gen.China National Publications Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国图书进出口总公司
agric.China National Tea Import and Export Corporation中国茶叶进出口公司
gen.China National Technical Import Corporationназв.комп. 中国技术进口公司
tech.China National Technical Import & Export Corporation中国技术进出口总公司
gen.China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation, Shanghai Garments Branchназв.комп. 中国纺织品进出公司上海市服装公司
gen.China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation, Shanghai Knitwear Branchназв.комп. 中国纺织品进出口公司上海市针织品分公司
comp.name.China Precision Machinery Import & Export Corporation中国精密机械进出口公司
gen.Chinese National Import and Export Corp.中国进出口公司
gen.Chinese National Import and Export Corp.中〔华全〕国进出口公司
gen.Chinese National Machinery Import and Export Corp.中国机械进出口公司
shipb.classification of the import and export commodities进出口商品分类
busin.combination import manager联合进口部经理
tech.competitive import竞争性进口
tech.competitive import竞争性输入
tech.composite import price index综合进口价格指数
shipb.composition of exports and imports进出口商品构成
tech.conditional import有限进口
tech.consumption-related import消费品输入
tech.contingent import duty附加关税
tech.contraband of import非法进口
busin.current fund for import进口流动资金
busin.cut down the cost of import and export降低进出口成本
tech.declaration for import进口报关单
shipb.declaration for import进口申报单
tech.depend on import依靠进口
shipb.developing import country发展中的进口国家
tech.direct export and import直接出口和进口
shipb.direct import and export直接进出口
busin.dismantlement of import tariff废除进口关税
tech.dismantlement of import tariffs废除进口关税
busin.dollar import美元支付的进口
tech.duplication of imports重复引进
shipb.duty clause for import进口税特别条款
tech.duty free import免税进口
avia.duty free import certificate免税品进口许可证
tech.duty free imports免税输入品
tech.duty limited import进口限制
busin.duty-free import免税进口
avia.duty-free import certificate免税品进口许可证
shipb.economic results in import-export trade进出口贸易经济效果
comp.name.EIBC The Export-Import Bank of China中国进出口银行
tech.elasticity of export and import进出口弹性
agric.embargo on imports人口禁运
agric.embargo on imports输人品禁运
tech.emergency import紧急输入
tech.emergency import duties紧急进口税
tech.energy import能量输入
busin.engage in both export and import business经营进出口业务
shipb.engage in import and export经营进出口业务
busin.excess of import贸易逆差指在一段时间内,一国的总进口值大于总出口值之间的差额,帐户上将此差额用红字标写,又称赤字
busin.excess of import over export输入超过输出
tech.excess of imports逆差
busin.expanding import扩大进口
busin.export and import输出入
busin.export and import进出口
tech.export and import进出口 (指外贸方面)
tech.export and import licensing system出进口许可制度
busin.export and import of capital资本输出入
tech.export and import price index进出口物价指数
tech.export and import records or performance进出口实绩
tech.export and import revolving fund进出口周转基金
agric.export / import输出和输人
agric.export / import出口和进口
busin.Export Import Bank进出口银行
tech.Export-Import Bank进出口银行 (美国)
tech.Export-Import Bank of Japan日本进出口银行
busin.Export-Import Bank of USA美国进出口银行 (Eximbank)
shipb.export-import corporation进出口公司
busin.export-import cover ratio进出口比率又称出口抵偿率
tech.export-import cover ratio出进口比率
shipb.export-import enterprises进出口企业
tech.export-import financing进出口资金融通
busin.export-import financing structure进出口资金筹措机构
busin.export-import firm进出口商行
tech.export import firm进出口商
busin.export-import licensing进出口许可证制
busin.export-import operation进出口业务
busin.export-import operation进出口经营
tech.export-import operation进出口营业
gen.For many imports, regular tariffs are zero对许多进口货来说免征关税
shipb.gap between import and export进出口差额
tech.gap between imports and exports进出口差额
busin.general imports普通进口货
busin.global import quota全球进口配额
busin.global import quotas全球性进口配额
busin.gold import point黄金输入点见 gold point
busin.government import monopoly政府进口垄断
multimed.graphics import component图形输入组件
tech.gross import进口总额
tech.gross import进口总值
agric.gross imports总进口量
agric.gross imports总输人量
shipb.handle imports and exports办理进出口业务
gen.He resorted to tariffs and import quotas他诉诸关税和进口配额
gen.I'm satisfied with your products. As you're from Bolivia Import and Export Corporation, could you help us find a forwarder to transport the goods to Qingdao Port directly and advise us the related fee?我对你们的产品很满意。既然你是玻利维亚进出口公司的职员,能否帮忙找代理直接给我们运输到青岛港?将会产生的费用也请你告诉我
shipb.import advanced equipment进口先进设备
shipb.import advanced production-technology进口先进生产技术
consult.import advanced proprietary technologies引进先进技术
shipb.import advanced scientific and technological achievements引进先进科技成果
shipb.import advanced technical equipment引进先进技术设备
adv.import advertising进口广告
consult.import advisory committee进口咨询委员会
gen.Import Advisory Committee进口咨询委员会
agric.import agency进口办事处
tech.import agent进口代理
shipb.import agent进口代理人
tech.import airway bill of lading空运进口货物提单
tech.import and export licence进出口许可证
tech.import and export license system进出口许可证制 (度)
brit., busin.Import and Export List进出口商品目录
shipb.import bounty进口津贴
shipb.import-broker representative进口商经纪人代表
shipb.import bucketwheel dredger built by American进口美国造斗轮挖泥船
shipb.import bucket-wheel dredger built by American进口美国造斗轮挖泥船
shipb.import bulk carrier进口散装货船
shipb.import bulk carrier built by Japan进口日本造散装货船
tech.import cargo进口货 (物)
shipb.import certificate进口证书
tech.import charge进口费用
tech.import collateral进口担保品
tech.import commission进口代办行
tech.import-competing goods进口竞争货物
tech.import credit account进口收入账户
tech.import credit insurance输入信用保险
tech.import curtailment削减进口
tech.import customs clearance进口通关
nautic., tech.import customs quota进口关税配额
tech.import debit account进口支出账户
shipb.import demountable cutter suction dredger进口组合式绞吸挖泥船
shipb.import demountable cutter suction dredger built by Holland进口荷兰造组合式绞吸挖泥船
tech.import document arrival notice进口单据至达通知书
shipb.import documents进口单据
tech.import dumping输入倾销
brit., busin.Import Duties Act1932 年英国进口税法
tech.import duty进口
tech.import duty clause进口关税条款
tech.import duty memo进口税缴纳证
tech.import duty memo of customs海关进口税缴税单
shipb.import duty memorandum进口税缴纳证
shipb.import ejector dredger进口射流挖泥船
shipb.import ejector dredger built by American进口美国造射流挖泥船
tech.import entitlement account进口头衔账户
shipb.import equipment price进口设备价格
tech.import exchange进口汇兑
shipb.import-export cargoes进出口货物
tech.import-export commodity inspection进出口商品检验
shipb.import-export contract进出口合同
shipb.import-export duties进出口税
tech.import-export license system进出口许可证制 (度)
tech.import-export link system输出入连锁制
tech.import-export offset agreement输出入相抵协定
tech.import-export operation进出口作业
tech.import-export operations right进出口经营权
tech.import-export ports进出口口岸
shipb.import-export tariff进出口税则
tech.import financing进口融资
tech.import financing进口资金融通
tech.import for expanding export以进养出
agric.import freeze进口冻结
tech.import freight and insurance进口运费及保险费
tech.import freight and insurance account进口运费用保险费账户
shipb.import general cargo ship进口杂货船
shipb.import general cargo ship built by Poland进口波兰造杂货船
tech.import goods进口货 (物)
shipb.import grab dredger进口抓斗挖泥船
shipb.import grab dredger built by Japan进口日本造抓斗挖泥船
shipb.import high science and technology进口高科技
shipb.import integrated barge进口分节驳
shipb.import integrated barge built by American进口美国造分节驳
tech.import labour power输入劳动力
tech.import letter of credit进口货信用证
nautic., tech.import letter of credit进口开证
tech.import levy进口捐
avia.import licence进口执照
tech.import licence system进口许可证制 (度)
tech.Import Licencing Board进口许可委员会
fisheryimport license进口许可
tech.import license system进口许可证制 (度)
tech.Import Licensing Code进口签证规约
tech.import licensing system进口许可证制 (度)
tech.import link system输入入连锁制
tech.import list海关进口货物分类表
tech.import loan repayment偿还进口借款
shipb.import luxurious passenger ship进口豪华客轮
shipb.import luxurious passenger ship built by France进口法国造豪华客轮
tech.import manifest进口载货清单
AI.import mechanism导人机制
shipb.import middleman进口中间商
shipb.import new ships进口新船
tech.import of advanced technology引进先进技术
shipb.import of automobile-making new technology引进汽车制造新技术
tech.import of complete machines整机进口
shipb.import of computer hardware引进计算机硬件
shipb.import of computer new hardware引进计算机新硬件
shipb.import of computer new software引进计算机新软件
shipb.import of computer new technique引进计算机新技术
shipb.import of computer software引进计算机软件
shipb.import of computer technique引进计算机技术
shipb.import of diesel-engine new technology引进柴油机新技术
shipb.import of diesel-engine technology引进柴油机技术
shipb.import of environment-protection technology引进环保技术
shipb.import of latest nondestructive detect technique引进最新无损探伤技术
shipb.import of new environment-protection technology引进新环保技术
shipb.import of new garbage disposal technology引进垃圾处理技术
shipb.import of new sewage treatment technology引进污水处理技术
shipb.import of new technology引进新工艺
shipb.import of nondestructive detect technique引进无损探伤技术
shipb.import of sewage-treatment technology引进污水处理技术
shipb.import of sophisticated technology引进尖端技术
tech.import of technique技术进口
tech.import of volume index进口物量指数
tech.import offset agreement输入入相抵协定
shipb.import oil tanker built by Romania进口罗马尼亚造油轮
tech.import order进口订货单
shipb.import packing进口包装用材料
shipb.import packing进口包装
shipb.import passenger hydrofoil进口水翼客轮
shipb.import passenger hydrofoil built by Russia进口俄罗斯造水翼客轮
tech.import permit准进口证
tech.import permit进口准单
tech.import permit进口批件
fisheryimport permit进口许可
avia.import permit进口许可
horticult.import permit输入许可证
shipb.import policies进口政策
avia.import power输人功率
shipb.import precision instruments进口精密仪器
shipb.import precision machine tool进口精密机床
tech.import profit indices进口盈利指数
shipb.import push boat进口推轮
shipb.import push boat built by American进口美国造推轮
tech.import quarantine进口检疫
tech.import quota输入限额
tech.import quota限额输入
tech.import quotas system进口配额制
tech.import rate进口货运费率
consult.import -replacing industries进口替代工业
tech.import requirement进口需求量
agric.import requirements进口需要量
shipb.import selfpropelled bucket dredger进口自航链斗挖泥船
shipb.import selfpropelled bucket dredger built by Holland进口荷兰造自航链斗挖泥船
shipb.import selfpropelled drag suction dredger进口自航耙吸挖泥船
shipb.import selfpropelled drag suction dredger built by Japan进口日本造自航耙吸挖泥船
shipb.import selfpropelled trailing suction hopper dredger进口自航耙吸挖泥船
shipb.import selfpropelled trailing suction hopper dredger built by Holland进口荷兰造自航耙吸挖泥船
shipb.import split hopper trailing suction dredger built by Holland进口荷兰造开体耙吸挖泥船
shipb.import split-hopper trailing suction dredger进口开体耙吸挖泥船
tech.import structure输入结构
shipb.import subsidy进口津贴
tech.import substitute and export substitute进口替代与出口替代
tech.import substituting economy进口替代型经济
tech.import-substitution strategy进口替代战略
tech.import sundry charge account进口杂费账户
tech.import sundry charges进口杂费
shipb.import surcharges进口附加费
tech.import target输入目标制
tech.import tariff进口税 (率)
shipb.import traffic进口贸易
shipb.import turnover进口总额
tech.import value输入价值
tech.import water引进水源
shipb.import with original package原装进口
shipb.import without foreign exchange settlement不结算外汇进口
consult.imports advanced proprietary technologies引进先进技术
shipb.imports bill of lading进口货提单
shipb.imports' general agent进口总代理
tech.imports of good and material services货物和物质性服务的进口
shipb.imports premium进口货保险费
shipb.imports procurement policy进口货采购政策
shipb.imports valuation list进口货估价表
busin.improvement trade for import加工进口贸易见 passive improvement trade
tech.income elasticity of demand for import进口需求的收入弹性
tech.index number of import prices进口物价指数
tech.index of import and export进出口指数
tech.index of import volume进口物量指数
tech.index of terms of trade for imports进口贸易比价指数
busin.indicator of import plan进口计划指标
tech.individual import licence个别进口许可证
busin.indus trial import programmes credit工业进口规划信贷
tech.inspection and testing of imports and exports进出口商品检验
busin.insurance for imports and exports进出口货物保险
busin.insurance of export-import goods进出口货物保险
shipb.insurance of import goods进口货物保险
shipb.insurance on import duty进口关税保险
busin.international negotiation of import and export in service国际劳务进出口谈判
tech.international through goods traffic plan for imports and exports国际联运进出口运输计划
busin.investment for export and import进出口投资
busin.invisible export and import无形进岀口
tech.invisible exports and imports无形出口和进口
busin.invisible import无形进口指无形贸易的支出
tech.invisible import非商品输入
agric.invisible imports无形输人
busin.joint pooling of imports进口商品联营
tech.joint pooling of imports进口联营
busin.joint pooling of imports and exports进出口联营
busin.knockdown import拆卸分装进口
busin.labor service export and import劳务进出口
busin.labor service export and import company劳务进岀口公司
tech.law of import输入法规
busin.lay duty on import对进口货课税
tech.make-up of the imports进口结构
busin.management in import and export进出口管理
busin.management of export and import进出口经营
tech.management of import orders进口订货管理
tech.Manufactured Imports Promotion Organization进口产品促销组织
tech.marginal import quota边际进口率
tech.marginal propensity to import边际输入倾向
tech.methods for handling imports进口产品的处理办法
busin.monopoly in import and export专营进出口
ecol.national administration office on import and export of endangered species国家濒危物种进出口管理机构
tech.national administration on import and export of endangered species国家濒危物种进出口管理机构
busin.net import净进口
agric.net import base净输人盐基
agric.net imports净进口货
busin.net imports净输入
busin.net imports净进口
agric.net imports净输人品
busin.net imports of goods货物进口净额
busin.net imports of service劳务输入净额
tech.no-draft import不结汇输入
busin.nontaxable import免税进口
tech.number of import to arrange in order进口量所居位数
busin.offer subject to import license以领到进口许可证为准的报盘
busin.official import and export list官定进出口货物清单
tech.oil-imports quota石油进口限额
tech.optimal structure of imports and exports最优化进出口商品结构
tech.optimum import适时进口
comp.name.Oriental Scientific Instruments Import & Export Corporation东方科学仪器进出口公司
busin.output of import substitute进口取代量
busin.output of substitutes of import goods进口商品替代产出
tech.overbalance of imports贸易入超
tech.overbalance of imports逆差
agric.over-quota imports超配额进口
tech.parallel import平行进口
tech.pattern of import and export merchandise进出口商品结构
tech.percentage annual import进口量占百分比
busin.plant product import设备产品进口
agric.plant quarantine import requirements植物检疫进口规定
shipb.port import进口港
tech.port of loading for imports进口装货港口
busin.potential of export and import进岀口潜力
tech.power import动力输入
tech.power import动力运用
busin.power of export and import进出口权
tech.power to engage in import and export trade进出口经营权
tech.price control of import commodities进口商品价格管理
tech.price elasticity of demand for import进口需求的价格弹性
shipb.price elasticity of imports and exports进出口商品价格弹性
shipb.price ratio between imports and exports进出口货物价格比
busin.principal imports and exports主要进出口商品
busin.private import and export company私营进出口公司
busin.procedure of import进口程序
tech.process of import输入手续
tech.profitability of the import and export enterprises进出口企业的盈利性
busin.prohibited import禁止进口
tech.prohibited import articles禁止进口货物
busin.protective import measure保护进口措施
shipb.quality of exports and imports进出口商品的品质
busin.quantitative regulation of imports进口商品定额
shipb.quantitative regulation of imports进口限额
tech.quantum index of imports进口物量指数
busin.quota of import进口配额
busin.rate of import liberalization进口自由化率
tech.re-import再进口 (货物)
tech.restriction of luxury imports限制奢侈品进口
agric.restriction on imports限制进口货
agric.restriction on imports限制输人品
tech.retained import保留输入
busin.right of import for enterprise企业进口权
tech.right to handle imports and exports经营进出口业务权
busin.right to import进口权
tech.risk of contingent import duty进口关税风险
busin.rule of export and import进出口条例
tech.screening of import commodities筛选进口商品
busin.seasonal import restriction季节性进口限制
gen.Shanghai Stationery & Sporting Goods Import & Export Branchназв.комп. 上海文教体育用品进出口公司
gen.Shanghai Toys Import & Export Companyназв.комп. 上海玩具进出口公司
comp.name.Shanxi Coal Import and Export Group Co., Ltd山西煤炭进出口集团有限公司
gen.Sichuan Provincial Import Corporationназв.комп. 四川省外贸进口公司
shipb.source of imports进口货的来源
tech.special import特别进口
tech.special import licensing专案进口签证
tech.Special import measures act特别进口措施法 (加拿大)
tech.specification of imports进口货物明细表
tech.subject to import license需取得进口许可证的交易
tech.subsidized import受补贴的进口
agric.suspension of imports进口冻结
tech.system of import and export license进出口许可证制 (度)
busin.tax on import进口税
tech.tax on imports进口税
tech.tax surcharge on imports进口附加税
tech.tax-exempt import免税进口
tech.tax-exempt import免税输入
tech.tax-exempt import免税进口货物
busin.tax-free import免税进口货
tech.tax-free import免税进口货 (物)
tech.tax-free import免税进口
tech.tax-free import免税输入
busin.temporary import暂时临时进口
gen.The government attaches great importance to the import and export commodity inspection work政府非常重视进出口货物的检验工作
gen.the State Administration for the Inspection of the Import & Export Commodities of PRCназв.комп. 中华人民共和国国家进出口商品检验局
agric.timber import trade木材进口贸易
agric.total imports总输人量
tech.total value of import进口总值
shipb.total value of import and export进出口总额
tech.total volume of import and export trade进出口贸易总额
tech.total volume of imports and exports进出口贸易总额
busin.tourist import旅游进口
busin.transit improvement trade for import加工输入贸易即被动加工贸易
busin.transit pass for import进口转运单
busin.turnover of imports and exports进出口额
tech.undeliverable import goods无法交付的进口货
tech.unilateral import quota自由配额
tech.unit value index of imports进口单位价值指数
shipb.unrestricted import不受限制的进口
busin.unrestricted imports自由进口商品
shipb.validity of import license进口许可证的有效期
shipb.valuation of imports进口货估价
busin.value of import进口额
shipb.value of import进口额进口价值
busin.value of import and export进出口额
tech.value of imports进口额
shipb.value of imports by country of production按国别的进口货价值
tech.variable import levy可变动的进口税征收额
tech.variable import levy非固定进口税
busin.variable import levy差价进口税指某类产品的进口价格低于国内同类产品价格,对两者的差额征收差价进口税以保护国内市场和厂商利益
tech.variable import levy变动进口税征收额
ecol.variable import levy差价关税
shipb.volume of import进口量
busin.volume of imports进口额
agric.volume of imports输人量
gen.We are a state-run import and export corporation dealing in automobile carriers我们是一家经营货运卡车的国营进出口公司
busin.We plan to import rubber bellows from China, but we are short of working capital我们公司想从中国进口一批橡胶波纹管,但我们缺少流动资金
shipb.We won't import this kind of goods unless the price is reasonable.对这类商品,只有在价格合理时我们才进口
gen.What does this import?这意味着什么?
comp.name.Xinguang Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation Sichuan China中国四川省新光工业进出口公司
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