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A lot of new important points are embraced in the new contract新合同内包括了许多新要点
All the important decisions of the company shall be submit ted to and approved by the board of directors公司的一切重大决定必须提交公司董事会并得到董事会的批准
An important part of a secretary's job is dealing with incoming calls秘书工作的一个重要部分是处理打进来的电话
Both quality and quantity are important. Don't emphasize one and deemphasize the other质和量都重要,不要强调一方面而忽视另一方面
Cash budgets are important to the management of cashflows现金收支预算在现金流动的管理中很重要
Good industrial relations play an important part in the running of the company良好的劳资关系在公司运行中起着重要的作用
If we want to win the competition, it is important to know the rival s' background如果我们想赢得这场竞争,重要的是要了解对手的背景
important case重大案件
important clause特别声明条款
important document要件
important money大钞
important omission重要遗漏
In order to compete, it is very important for suppliers to deliver on time为了竞争,供应商按时交货是很重要的
In our trade relations, it is very important for us to protect patents and trade marks effectively在贸易关系中,我们有效地保护专利和商标是非常重要的
It is very important for the government to curb the current inflation政府控制目前的通货膨胀是非常重要的
It's important to build up good reputation树立良好的信誉非常重要
Packaging is very important because customers are likely to judge by appearance包装很重要,因顾客很容易从外观上判断
Poor quality is an important factor in the firm's lower profits质量差是该公司利润低的一个重要原因
The managing director attends to the transaction of all important business of the company himself and doesn't leave it to anyone else总经理亲自处理公司的一切重要事务,不把这事交托给其他任何人
The superior quality of the materials and the high standard of workmanship are the important specialities of our products优质材料及高标准工艺是我厂产品的两大重要特点
This important proposal will be put to board此项重要建议将提交董事会考虑
This opportunity does favor our making an important decision这一机会确有利于我们作出一项重要的决定
This opportunity does favour our making an important decision这一机会确有利于我们作出一项重要的决定
This order is important for our company's future, because our business depends on it这笔订货对我公司的未来业务很重要,因为本公司的有赖于它的完成情况