
Terms containing illegally | all forms | exact matches only
China, lawattempt to illegally cross the national border企图偷越国
tech.crime of illegally cutting down and denuding forest or other woodlands盗伐、滥伐林木罪
fin.crime of illegally trading in foreign exchanges套汇罪
busin.cross the border illegally非法越境
China, lawdispose the securities as illegally held处理非法持有的证券
China, lawexercise function and powers illegally违法行使职权
China, lawextort from another person or illegally accept another person's money or property索取、非法收受他人财物
China, lawfunds illegally raised非法募集资金
China, lawillegally accept another person's money or property非法收受他人财物
China, lawillegally arrange for another person to sell blood非法组织他人出卖血液
baseb.illegally batted ball不合法击球
baseb.illegally batted ball不合法击出的球
China, lawillegally break into another person's house非法侵入他人住宅
China, lawillegally buy or sell the people's police uniform非法买卖人民警察制式服装
China, lawillegally carry非法携带
China, lawillegally catch非法猎捕
China, lawillegally catch or kill非法捕杀
baseb.illegally caught ball不合法接球
baseb.illegally caught ball不合法接到的球
China, lawillegally change非法变更
China, lawillegally confiscate property违法没收财物
China, lawillegally connect盗接
China, lawillegally crossing the national border偷越国
China, lawillegally crossing the national frontier偷越国
China, lawillegally cultivate opium poppies非法种植罂粟
baseb.illegally delivered ball不合法投球
baseb.illegally delivered ball不合法投出的球
China, lawillegally demand违法要求
China, lawillegally deprive非法剥夺
forestr.illegally derived forest product非法林产品
forestr.illegally derived forest product非法攫取的林产品
China, lawillegally detaining违法拘留
China, lawillegally dismantle擅自拆除
China, lawillegally fell非法采伐
China, lawillegally fining违法实施罚款
China, lawillegally fly非法悬挂
China, lawillegally harvest非法捕捞
China, lawillegally hold other persons' credit cards非法持有他人信用卡
China, lawillegally impose charge for非法收取费用
China, lawillegally intercept非法拦截
China, lawillegally interfere非法干预
China, lawillegally interfere非法干涉
China, lawillegally loan guns非法出借枪支
econ.Illegally making use of others' brands constitutes infringement非法使用他人商标构成商标侵权
China, lawillegally manufacture guns非法制造枪支
China, lawillegally manufacture the people's police uniform非法生产人民警察制式服装
tech.illegally obtained evidence非法获得的证据
China, lawillegally obtained funds违法资金
China, lawillegally offer military secrets非法提供军事秘密
billiar.illegally pocketed ball非法进球
China, lawillegally possess narcotic drugs非法持有毒品
China, lawillegally possess opium非法持有鸦片
China, lawillegally purchase非法收购
China, lawillegally raise funds违法集资
China, lawillegally reclaim grasslands非法开垦草原
China, lawillegally recruit非法招用
China, lawillegally seal up非法查封
China, lawillegally search or detain非法搜查或者拘禁
China, lawillegally seize a passport非法扣押护照
China, lawillegally sell or transfer weapons or equipment of the armed forces非法出卖、转让军队武器装备
China, lawillegally sell special invoices for value-added tax非法出售增值税专用发票
China, lawillegally set up outposts非法设卡
China, lawillegally store infectious disease pathogen非法储存传染病病原体
China, lawillegally trade in foreign exchange非法买卖外汇
China, lawillegally transact非法从事
China, lawillegally transfer非法转让
China, lawillegally transfer at low prices非法低价出让
China, lawillegally transfer grasslands非法转让草原
China, lawillegally transfer or scalp land-use right非法转让、倒卖土地使用权
China, lawillegally transfer sea areas非法转让海域
China, lawillegally transport非法运输
China, lawillegally use weapons违法使用武器
China, lawillegally using another person's credit card冒用他人信用卡
China, lawmake arrangement for another person to illegally cross the national border组织他人偷越国 (frontier)
China, lawproducts illegally produced违法生产的产品
China, lawproperty illegally transferred非法转让的财产
China, lawsell guns illegally非法销售枪支
China, lawstay abroad illegally境外非法滞留
China, lawstay illegally非法滞留
China, lawstock as illegally held非法持有的股票
China, lawstock exchange as illegally established非法开设证券交易场所
China, lawtransport another person to illegally cross the national border运送他人偷越国 (or frontier)