
Terms for subject Economy containing if-A | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
A copy of our catalogue is enclose d, and if you are interested in any item, please contact us附上目录一份,如感兴趣,请与我方联系
A discretion of 4% can be given to you if necessary如有必要,你方可获得4%的处理权 (即你方可作4%范围以内的让价)
A letter of credit will be established immediately if the said licence is approved如该许可证得以批准,将立即开出信用证
According to The Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a citizen should pay certain tax to the government if his income is above the stated level根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》,公民的收入超出规定水平时需向政府支付一定的税款
Each party is entitled to terminate the said agreement if there is a default on the part of the other party如一方违约,另一方有权终止该协议
If a mate default is made by one party, the other party may terminate this agreement at once协议一方如果发生重大违约行为,另一方可立即终止本协议
If the amount deducted is more than adequate we shall release a half of such excess amount如扣下的这笔金额已超出适量,我方将退回这笔超额中的一半
If the number of shareholders present is up to a quorum n., a meeting of shareholders can be held如果出席的股东人数达到法定人数,才能举行股东大会
If the reliability of the buyers concerned can't be guaranteed by a reputable bank, I am afraid that we can't accept D/A payment如果没有信誉良好的银行担保有关买主的信用,我们不接受承兑交单付款方式
If the shoes are too small, you can exchange them for a larger pair如鞋子太小,你可以换一双大的
If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner如果承租人有意把房产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同
If you do your best to settle our claim, we believe that it will create a good impression on customers如果你们尽力解决索赔问题,我们相信此举会在客户中产生良好印象
If you give these goods a trial n., I'm sure you'll be satisfied with them如果你方试用一下这些货物,我确信你方会满意的
If you have a look at the price list you will find that its price has appreciated如果你看一下价格单,你会发现它的价格已经上涨了
If you place a substantial order, we will be pleased to offer you art extra 3% off the current prices如大量订货,按现价再减3%
If your camera agrees with the taste of our market, we feel confident of placing a trial order with you如你方照相机适销本市场,我们有信心向你方订购一批试销
If your prices are fair we can place a large order with you but we request you to give us a substantial discount如果你方的价格公道,我方可向你方大量订购,但我方要求给我们较大的折扣
In this circumstance it would cause us a great loss if we were to accede to your request for signing this contract在这种情况下,若同意你方签订此合同的要求,将招致我方很大损失
It will be much appreciated if you lay aside a supply for us如果你们能为我们保留货源将不胜感激
Our company will appreciate it if you will make us a reasonable firm offer如给我方一个合理的实盘,我公司将甚为感激
The manager will give his employees a supplement to their premium if the company's sales surpass 30%如果公司的销售量超过30%,经理将给其雇员增加奖金
We can guarantee a consistent supply of commodities to you if you place an order for goods regularly如你方不断订货,我方保证经常供应你方所需商品
We will submit a report to the Board of directors under oath if necessary如有必要,我们将向董事会提交一份报告,以明信守
We wish to inform you that if you fail to effect payment within the stipulated time, we shall lodge a claim with you兹通知你方如不能在规定时间内付款,我方将对你方提出索赔
We wonder if you can issue an open policy for $10.000 at a rate of about 1 % to 2% on general shipments by approval vessel to New York我们想知道你们是否按1%至2%左右保险费率对核准的船只运往纽约的杂货开具预约保单,金额约为一万美元
We would be very glad to have an opportunity to demonstrate our ability of making a creative design if you have requirement for any other sorts of new style如果你公司对其他新式商品有需求,我们将非常高兴能获得机会向你公司显示一下创造新式样的能力