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A daemon is also available, it warns you when a NTFS disk is mounted and if writing is not enabled it asks you if you want to enable it, or can enable it automatically后台程序也可用、它警告你什么时候 NTFS 磁盘被安装、而且如果没有启用写盘、它将询问您是否要启用它、或者可以自动启用它
A programmable damper ensures a precise readability of the indicating value in case of pulsation or if pressure peaks occur可编程减震器可以保证显示数值的精确性和可读性、 防止抖动或压力峰值造成的影响
All right. If it's okay, we would like to sign an agency agreement with you immediately那好。如果可以、我们会与你们立即签订代理协议
An order processing system inside an e-commerce site may poll the database to see if any new orders need to be processed电子商务站点内的订单处理系统可能轮询数据库以查看是否有任何新订单需要处理
And for me, as a service provider, I would never be able to provide you a car for an hour if the transaction cost was anything对于我、作为一个服务提供商、如果交易成本很高、我就不能在一个小时内给客户提供一辆汽车
And if the new state-owned enterprise is to get a return on the huge investment required, broadband charges for consumers will have to rise如果负责这个项目的国有企业打算在如此巨大的投入下有所回报、那么消费者的支出不得不涨
By definition, the numeric value of a relational or logical expression is 1 if the relation is true, and 0 if the relation is false如果关系为假、则结果为数值0
By definition, the numeric value of a relational or logical expression is 1 if the relation is true, and 0 if the relation is false根据定义、在关系表达式或逻辑表达式中、如果关系为真、则表达式的结果为数值1
For the moment there will be no cheque clearing capability, but this is something which could be added later if there -was sufficient demand暂时来说、不包括支票结算的功能、但日后若有足够需要、我们仍可考虑增设
Happily, its $1,900 bn of reserves are still growing, even if the pace of reserve accretion is slowing幸运的是、中国 1.9 万亿美元的外汇储备仍在继续增长、虽说增幅有所放慢
However, this might be simplified if there was a language already represented with a simple data structure然而、如果有一种语言已经使用一个简单的数据结构表示、那么这种情况就可以简化了
If all the objects in the managed heap survive a collectio then there is no need for memory compaction如果托管堆中的所有对象均未被回收、 则不需要压缩内存
If anything, he appears keener on discussing an increase in sales tax from its current 5 per cent than either of his predecessors如果说有什么不同的话、他似乎比自己的两位前任更热衷于探讨上调目前5%的销售税问题
If checked, the cursor is placed at the end of the occurrence found如果勾选此项、光标被放置在被找到的结果行末尾
If facebook is suddenly able to tap into your preferences as well, the platform could be that much more powerful如果 facebook 突然能够挖掘你的参数设置、那么该平台的功效就能变得更加强大
If I need some accounting advice, I always go to a professional accountant如果需要会计方面的建议、我会去找专业会计师
If it is not feasible to adopt the effective interest rate method for the amortization. the straight-line method may be adopted若采用实际利率法进行摊销是不切实可行的、 那么可以采用直线法进行摊销
If no actual duration has been entered, the actual cost is placed at the beginning of the task如果未输入实际工期、则实际成本将放置在任务的开始
If Shanghai wins the bid this time, China will be the first developing country to host the World Exposition如果此次上海申办成功、中国将成为第一个举办世界博览会的发展中国家。
If the company provides some fringe benefit to its employees, do I have to include such amount in this box?若公司提供附带福利给其雇员、是否须于该栏内包括有关款项?
If the computer does not start in safe mode, try starting the computer by using the recovery console如果计算机不能在安全模式启动、尽量使用恢复控制台启动计算机
If the data cable works well, it is possible that USB interface on the computer goes wrong若数据线也正常、则有可能是主机的 USE 接口出现问题了
If the expected inflation rate rose by a notch or two, wages and interest rates would shift up to match it如果预期通胀率上升1〜2 个点、则工资与利率调整率应与之相匹配
If the rectangle is 256 pixels -wide, the red component of a given pixel will be one greater than the red component of the pixel to its left如果矩形的宽度为256个像素、则给定像素的红色分量将多于其左侧像素的红色分量
If the selected font is too large for the rectangle, this method does not attempt to substitute a smaller font如果选定字体相对于矩形而言太大、此方法将不会尝试替换为较小字体
If the system clock on the users computer is ahead of the system clock on the server that contains her user profile, the server profile may not load如果用户电脑上的系统时钟快于含有它的用户配置文件的服务器的系统时钟、服务器的配置文件不被调用
If the telephone network in New York State was a stand-alone business, it would already be in bankruptcy如果纽约州的电话网络属于一个独立的企业、那它早就破产了
If the wave packet has a narrow bandwidth, it will extend over a large region of space and time如果包带的带宽很窄、那么它将占据一个很大的空间和时间区域
If there are partitions already on the second disk, simply re-format -whatever ones you need如果第二块硬盘已经有分区、只需要格式化您所需要的那些分区
If they are not, you will need to use Search and Replace to replace old styles with new ones如果不相同、您需要使用查找和替换、以新样式取代旧样式
If this level of software piracy were reduced, more computer users -would see the benefits of open-source software如果能够有效杜绝此类软件盗版、则将有更多的计算机用户感受到开源软件的益处
If this parameter is disabled, the UM server invites the caller to leave a voice mail message如果禁用此参数、UM 服务器将邀请呼叫者留下语音邮件
If you are a statistically-savvy user, you might prefer to use its intuitive command language, and analyze your data swiftly and with ease如果你是统计学的老手、你也许更喜欢使用直观的命令语言、快捷、方便地分析数据
If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure your security settings can support it如果您要访问某安全站点、请确保您的安全设置能够支持
If you collate the latter with the earlier edition, you will find many parts have been rewritten你若将新版与旧版对照、会发现许多部分都改写了
If you do not know what your proxy settings should be, contact your network administrator or internet service provider如果您不清楚代理应如何设置、请联系网络管理员或互联网服务供应商 (ISP)
If you don't want to format the volume right now, click "Do not format this volume", and then click "Next"如果您不想立即格式化该卷、请单去"不要格式化这个卷"、然后单击 "下一步"
If you find this site helpful, please bookmark it如果您觉得这个网站对您很有帮助、请将它加到书签
If you had an earlier version of DirectX installed on your computer, you will see little difference in used space on your hard drive如果在计算机中安装有以前版本的 DirectX、您将发现所用的硬盘空间略有不同
If you multiply a color vector by the identity matrix, the color vector does not change如果用单位矩阵乘以颜色矢量、则颜色矢量不会发生改变
If you quit your session, all your global variables were saved by the system to a disk file如果你退出一次编程会话、你所有的全局变量就被系统保存到磁盘上的一个文件里
If you think a post-recovery price-earnings ratio for the S&P 500 will be something like 14 to 15, then this assumption makes sense如果你认为标普500经济复苏后的市盈率在14至15之间、那么这个假设就有它的道理
If you use a format file, the source and target tables do not need to be identical如果使用格式化文件、则源表和目标表不必相同
If you watch your video recording with these tips in mind, you'll see that you dont look as nervous as you feel. Enjoy the confidence boost!如果你带着这些建议再去看你的录像、你会发现你不像你感觉到的那么紧张了。好好享受你暴涨的自信心吧!
It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us如能惠寄样本和价格表、 亦必感激不尽
Plus if you want your files to be of any use to your community, you have to make sure their file format is compatible with their software另外、如果你希望你的文件对社区有用、你必须保证文件的格式与他们的软件兼容
Readers may be AC-powered if they are near power outlets or may be battery-powered读取机如果接近电源、 可直接与交流电源连接、 或者由电池提供电力
Select output folder for photos + self-extracting archive and email if you -wish安果你想、可以选择输出文件夹中的照片+自解压档案文件和电子邮件
Similarly, each partner should have a share of loss if the business has overall adjusted loss同样地、如该业务整体上有经调整的亏损、每名合伙人均应分配亏损
Some jobs are better suited to telecommuting than others. For instance, if you are a security guard, you probably cannot telecommute有些工作比其他工作更适合远程办公。比方说、如果你是个保安、那你可能就没法远程办公了
Sorry, This is our rock-bottom price. If you find it unworkable, we have no other choice but to call the deal off很抱歉、这是我们的最低价。如果你们认为不能接受、那么我们没有办法、生意只好告吹
The device you are trying to use is not currently available on your network. Check to see if the device is on the network and try again您要使用的设备当前在您的网络上不可用。请检查此设备是否在网络上、然后再试一次
This is sustainable only if return on capital employed improves dramatically只有当已动用资本回报率 ROCE显著提高时、这种状态才能得以持续
This would be useful if you wanted to skip a particular instruction or a set of instructions that appeared to be causing a problem如果您想跳过似乎会引起问题的某个特定指令或一组指令、 这就会很有用
Use specified information for remote login. If you specify URL, the password will be cached for future usage使用指定信息远程登录。如果你指定 URL、密码会被储存以备将来使用
Well, perhaps we should talk about payment. If you worked with us, how much commission would you expect?嗯、我想我们该谈谈报酬了。如果你和我们合作、你希望得到多少佣金?
What do you do if your project doesn't have a spec?假如您的项目没有规格说明书、 您该怎么办?
what-if evaluation假设估值
When sending a file that includes a resource fork, you will be asked if you want to include it发送含有源叉的文件时、系统会提示您是否要包含源叉
When the proxy server receives a response, it sends the results back to the client as if it were the original server当该代理服务器接收到响应时、它将结果发送回客户端、如同它是初始服务器一样
You will be notified via email when your sample arrives; if you do not use email, please enclose a self-addressed postcard for receipt notification当你的样品送达后、将给你邮寄电子邮件以确认。如果没有电邮、请准备一个作为确认送达的有你地址的明信片