
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing ice | all forms | exact matches only
base of ice sheet冰层底面
breakup of ice解冻
breakup of ice in a river河流解冻
detached ice guard独立破冰棱
drift ice漂冰
dynamic ice force动冰力
dynamic ice pressure动冰压力
edge of ice prism破冰棱刃口
floe ice浮冰
force of floating ice浮冰力
force of ice冰力
frazil ice冰凌
frozen ground soil with a few ice少冰冻土
frozen ground soil with much ice多冰冻土
frozen ground with full ice饱冰冻土
glazed ice薄冰
harbour free of ice不冻港
highest level of ice drifting最高流冰水位
ice apron破冰体
ice apron of pier桥墩破冰结构
ice berg冰塞
ice blister冰丘
ice breaker破冰棱
ice breaking pier破冰墩
ice cone冰锥
ice content含冰率
ice content of frozen soil冻土含冰量
ice cover, cover of ice冰覆盖层
ice floe凌汛大片浮水
ice floe water level流冰水位
ice floes流冰
ice gorges壅冰
ice guard破冰棱
ice guard of pier桥墩破冰结构
ice hummock冰丘
ice jam冰塞
ice jam冰壅
ice jam冰阻
ice jam stage冰壅水位
ice layer with soil含土冰层
ice layer with water含水冰层
ice pressure冰凌压力
ice prism破冰棱
ice push冰壅
ice-rich frozen soil富冰冻土
ice-rich permafrost富冰多年冻土
ice sheet冰层
ice shove冰壅
ice wedge冰楔
large piece of ice大块冰
lowest base of drifting ice最低流冰底面
lowest level of ice drifting最低流冰水位
pack ice大浮冰
river ice河冰
static ice pressure静冰压力
strong drift ice强烈流冰
top of highest drifting ice最高流冰的顶面
track on ice冰渡
water-bearing ice layer含水冰层