
Terms for subject Technology containing ice | all forms | exact matches only
accretional ice sheet堆积冰盖
accumulation of floating ice浮冰积聚
acicular ice针冰
advance of ice cover冰层推进
advance of ice cover冰层运动
age of ice冰龄
aged ice ridge老化冰脊
agglomeratic ice sheet块集冰盾
agglomeritic ice附集冰
aggradation of ice level冰位抬高
air cushion ice breaking platform气垫破冰平台
amidship ice belt region船中冰带区
amorphous ice非晶质冰
amount of ice冰量
appearance age of continental ice-sheet大陆冰盖出现年代
atmosphere-ocean-land-ice system大气一海洋—陆地一冰雪体系
atomic ice breaker原子破冰船
avalanche ice堆冰
avalanche ice雪崩冰块
average limit of sea ice平均海冰界线
belt of ice冰带
bottom ice底层冰
bottom ice底冰
bottom ice锚冰【水文】
bound by ice冰冰封的
Brandenburg ice stage勃兰登堡冰阶【地】
break-up of the ice in a river开江
brink ice岸冰
brink ice边冰
broken ice稀疏冰
broken ice碎冰块
broken ice破碎的冰
cat ice薄冰壳
chemical ice添加化学保藏剂的冰
chlorinated ice加氯冰
chlorine ice氯冰
chopped ice machine碎冰制造机
clear ice纯净冰
close drift ice密集流冰群
close ice密集冰
close ice密集流冰群
close ice密集流水
close pack ice密集浮冰群
collar ice贴岸冰
compacted ice lee edge密集冰的下风边缘
corrie ice碗状大冰块
cracked-ice pattern冰裂纹
crystal ice悬冰
debris ice堆积冰
debris-laden ice冰碛冰
debris-laden ice岩屑冰
density of sea-ice海冰密度
detach ice除冰 (块)
detention by ice冰封阻留
disturbed ice扰动冰
drift ice淌凌
drifting ice导冰
dry ice固体二氧化碳 (俗称干冰)
dry ice fire extinguisher干冰灭火器
dry ice freezer干冰制冷器
duration of ice cover封冻历时
dynamical ice detector动态结冰探测器
dynamical ice pressure流冰动压力
efflorescent ice花状冰
electrification ice nucleus带电冰核
eutectic ice低共熔冰
eutectic ice冻结的低共溶溶液
evapouration from ice冰面蒸发
fast ice紧密冰
fast ice固定冰
fast ice boundary固定冰边界
fast ice edge固定冰边缘
field ice大浮冰
field of ice冰场
field of ice冰原
final clearing of ice终冰
firn ice粒雪冰
firn ice冻结粒雪
firn ice万年雪冰
firn ice avalanche粒雪冰崩
flaked ice plant片冰厂
flaked ice plant片冰设备
flange ice岸冰
flat ice平坦冰
flat ice平坦海冰
flaw ice岸冰
floating ice大浮冰
floating ice-boom挡冰柱
floating ice group浮冰群
floating ice jam浮冰拥塞
floating ice sluice排浮冰闸
floe ice大浮冰
floe ice concentration浮冰密集度
flooded ice覆水冰
flooded ice淹没冰
flooding ice冰泉
flow ice流冰
flow ice流动冰块
flower ice雪花覆盖
foliated ice片状冰
foliated ice wedge叶状冰楔
forecast of ice冰情预报
forecast of ice condition冰情预报
forecast of ice-jam stage壅冰水位预报
formation of ice冰的形成
formation of ice结冰
forward ice belt region船首部冰带区
frazil ice松冰团
frazil ice冰片
frazil ice水内小冰块
frazil ice河流的底冰
frazil ice针冰
frazil ice脆冰
frazil ice forecast初冰预报
freshwater ice淡水冰
glare ice凝水
glare ice光滑冰
glass ice冰壳
glassy ice玻璃状冰
glaze ice透明冰
glaze ice雨凇冰
glazed ice雨凇 (下降时呈液态,着地后就冻成冰)
granular ice晶粒冰
granular ice粒状冰
grease ice海水初冻形成的泞糊冰
grease ice泥泞冰
grease ice油脂状冰
grease ice糊状冰
ground ice地下冰
ground ice土内冰
ground ice河底冰
ground ice地面冰
ground ice锚冰【水文】
ground ice mound冰丘
ground ice mound土底冰丘
hanging ice悬浮冰
high low ice level control高低冰位控制器
highest ice floe water level最高流冰水位
highest stage with drift ice流冰最高水位
ice accumulation积冰
ice accumulation on ship船舶积冰
ice annulus冰环
ice bight冰凹湾
ice bore冰钻孔
ice breaking tug破冰拖轮
ice channel冰间航道
ice channel冰区水道
ice chest冰箱
ice chest冰柜
ice chest冰库
ice chest冷箱
ice clogging冰块拥塞
ice clogging流冰壅塞
ice cloud crystal冰晶云
ice conglomerate冰砾岩
ice covered覆盖的
ice covered冰封的
ice-covered channel冰封河道
ice-covered channel封冻水道
ice-covered channel冰封的渠道
ice-covered channel冰覆盖渠道
ice-covered lake封冻湖
ice-covered sonar冰下声呐
ice-covered stream封冻河流
ice covering表面结冰
ice creep冰滑动
ice creep冰蠕动
ice crusher碎冰机
ice-deflecting boom拦冰栅
ice desert冰漠
ice disintegration冰崩
ice evapouration冰蒸发量
ice evapouration level高空冰汽转相高度
ice flat油脂状冰
ice flow冰水径流
ice flow control冰流控制
ice forecasting service冰情预报工作
ice front冰铎
ice front冰壁
ice front冰崖
ice gang融冰流
ice gang淌凌
ice gang流冰
ice gate排冰闸 (门)
ice gate排冰门
ice gate泄冰闸门
ice gauge测冰仪
ice gauge测冰尺
ice gauge量冰尺
ice grouser冰锚桩
ice grouser防滑链条
ice hold冰舱
ice lane冰间水道
ice lane冰间航道
ice lane冰隙
ice load冰负荷
ice load冰压力
ice make capacity制冰能力
ice mantle冰冠
ice mantle冰帽
ice mantle冰盾
ice mantle冰盖
ice mantle冰雨
ice master冰区引航员
ice mosaic混冻冰
ice motion冰流
ice motion冰的流动
ice movement冰川运动
ice movement冰移动
ice nip冰的挤压力
ice nip冰挤压
ice nip密集冰
ice nip两块大浮冰相遇
ice ocean power plant冰洋发电站
ice pack浮冰量
ice pack冰裹法
ice pack冰排
ice pack大块浮冰 (群)
ice pack积冰
ice plant冰厂
ice plant制冰厂
ice plant制冰装置
ice plant制冰设备
ice plate冰盘
ice pneumatic conveying system气力输冰系统
ice reconnaissance冰情勘查
ice reconnaissance冰况侦察
ice reconnaissance冰情侦察
ice region冰区
ice ribbon冰带
ice ribbon冰条纹
ice skate rink溜冰场
ice skate rink滑冰场
ice rink冰上运动场
ice saw冰锯
ice scouring冰蚀作用
ice scouring冰挖作用
ice scouring machine锯冰机
ice screwing浮冰漩涡 (形成冰丘)
ice sea deposit冰海沉积
ice shell plating冰带外板
ice-strengthened ship冰区加强船
ice-strengthened tanker冰区加强油船
ice-strengthened tug破冰拖轮
ice supply quay供冰码头
ice tongs冰块夹
ice tongs冰夹具
ice tongs冰钳
ice tongs traction bow冰钳式牵引弓
ice tongue
ice tongue伸入海中的冰山舌
ice tongue afloat浮冰舌 (延伸到海中的狭窄半岛形浮冰)
ice up结冰
ice up全面冻结
ice up被冰覆盖
ice veered island冰覆岛
ice vein冰脉
ice velocity冰移动速度
ice wall冰壁
ice wall冰墙
ice water installation制冰水设备
ice water interface冰水界面
ice water pipe冰水管
ice water test冰水试验
immobile ice固定冰
indoor ice rink室内溜冰场
indoor ice rink溜冰馆
inland ice冰盾
inland ice大陆冰盖
inland ice冰原
inland ice内陆冰 (川)
inshore ice近岸冰
interstitial ice缝隙冰
interstitial ice地下冰
intrusive ice侵入冰
inundated ice淹没冰
island ice岛冰
juxtaposed ice stream并置冰川
land ice
land ice陆冰
last ice终冰
last ice date终冰期
lasting of ice cover封冰历时
lasting of ice cover封冻历时
light ice薄冰
light ice floe薄冰块
lily pad ice饼状冰
limit of drift ice浮冰界
limit of ice-shelf浮架界
limit of pack-ice浮冰界
live ice活冰川
live ice流动冰川
live screw bottomed ice day tank底部设有活动螺旋的日调节冰箱
lolly ice松冰团
lolly ice冰晶
lolly ice疏松冰
lolly ice海上浮冰
loose pack ice稀疏冰
mainland ice大陆冰川
mainland ice大陆冰盖
maximum ice thickness to operate作业最大冰层厚度
mean ice edge平均冰界
medium first-year ice当年中冰 (厚度 70 ~ 120 厘米)
medium ice content frozen soil多冰冻土
medium ice-field中冰源
medium ice floe中冰盘
medium ice floe中冰块
medium ice floe中浮冰块
melt snow and ice冰雪融化水
milky ice乳白冰
mountain ice-cap平顶冰川
movement of ice冰凌运动
movement of ice流冰
name of continental ice-sheet大陆冰盖名称
natural ice天然冰
neve ice粒雪冰
neve ice永久积雪冰
new ice初始冰
newly-frozen ice初期冰
newly-frozen ice初期岸冰
newly-frozen ice新冰
North Pole ice北极冰
old ice陈冰
old ice多年冰
on-ice wind上冰风
opaque ice不透明冰
open drift ice稀疏浮冰群
open drift ice稀疏流冰群
open ice疏冰
open pack ice稀疏浮冰群
open pack ice稀疏冰
operational ice criterion通航冰况标准
operational ice criterion通行冰况标准
ordinary ice常见冰
pack ice大块浮冰 (群)
pack ice密集冰块
pack ice zone浮冰区域
packed ice密集冰
period of ice-cover封冰期
period of ice-cover封冻期
period of ice drifting冰封期
period of ice drifting流冰期
permanent ice foot多年贴岸冰
permanent ice foot永久冰壁
piedmont ice山脚冰
piedmont ice山麓冰
plate ice饼状冰
plate ice冰饼
plate ice荷叶冰
pneumatic ice delivery system气动输冰系统
pneumatic ice delivery system风动输冰系统
pneumatic ice delivery system气压输冰系统
polar cap ice极地冰
polar ice极冰
polar ice极地冰
polar ice cloud极地冰晶云
polar ice sheet极地冰盖
polar ice sheet极地冰原
polycrystalline glacier ice复晶冰川冰
poor ice content frozen soil少冰冻土
porous ice多孔冰晶
pressure ice起伏冰
pressure ice挤压冰
pressure ice压力冰
pressure ice area冰块拥塞区
pressure ice foot挤压冰壁
pressure ice foot沿岸冰麓
pressure of ice冰压力
protection against ice run防凌
rafting ice筏冰
rain ice冻雨
rain ice雨凇 (下降时呈液态,着地后就冰冻)
reef blasting under ice cover冰下炸礁
rich ice content frozen soil富冰冻土
ridged ice多脊冰
rime ice不透明冰
rime ice冰凇
rime ice霜形冰
river blockage due to ice-cover封江
river ice-drifting河流流冰
rotten ice蜂巢冰
rotten ice蜂窝冰
rubber ice松冰 (团)
runway surface ice detector跑道道面结冰测
salinity of sea-ice海冰盐度
salt ice盐冰
salt-water ice海冰
salt-water ice海上制成的冰块
salt-water ice咸水冰
satin ice纤维状冰
saturated ice frozen soil饱冰冻土
screw ice碎冰堆
screw ice冰屑
screw ice挤压冰
screw ice小冰堆
screw ice旋冰堆
sea ice-atmospheric interaction海冰一大气相互作用
sea-ice climatic cycle海冰气候周期
sea-ice coding海冰数据编码
sea-ice dynamics海冰动力学
sea-ice forecast海冰预报
sea-ice forecasting海冰预报
sea-ice margin海一冰分界面
sea-ice observation海冰观测
sea-ice platform海冰平台
sea-ice prediction海冰预报
sea-ice shelf浮冰架
sea-ice shelf海冰架
sea-ice variability海冰可变性
segregated ice分凝冰
segregated ice离析冰
sheet ice
sheet ice水面薄冰层
sheet ice冰层
shelf ice浅海冰层
shelf ice大陆边缘冰层
shell ice薄冰盖
shell ice冰壳
shell ice壳冰
ship ice log船上观测的冰情日记
shipboard ice navigation support system船载冰区航行支持系统
shoreside melting ice岸边融冰
slab ice厚冰
slack ice稀疏冰
slack ice稀疏流冰群
slack ice屑冰
slat-flecked ice波纹冰
slight ice微冰
slob ice浓密冰泥
sludge ice半溶冰
sludge ice冰花
sludge ice初凝冰
slush ice软冰
slush ice初凝冰
slush ice半溶冰
slush ice松软冰
slush ice冰泥 (浆)
slush ice雪水
slush ice河底冰
slush ice chute冰雪泻槽
slush ice run冰泥流
slush ice run冰泥下淌
small ice-field小冰原
small ice floe小冰盘
small ice floe小浮冰
small ice piece小冰块
soft ice快融解的冰
split of ice cover冰盖层裂缝
spring ice蜂巢冰
stream ice狭长流冰区
stream of ice带状流冰
stream of ice冰流
stream of ice流冰带
sublimated ice升华冰
subsoil ice底冰
subsoil ice地下冰
subterranean ice地下冰
Taber ice分凝冰
tented ice拱形冰锥
thick first-year ice当年厚冰 (厚度一百二十厘米以上)
thick ice厚冰
thinning of the Arctic ice cap北极冰盖逐渐变薄
trapped air in old ice古冰气泡中的空气
treatment of ice pavements结冰路面的处理
tube ice空心筒形冰
tube ice大体积混凝土预冷用空心筒形冰
tube ice管状冰
turret ice侧立冰
turret ice竖立冰
two-year ice两年冰
unbroken ice未破碎冰
unconsolidated ice cover松散冰盖
under-ice diving冰下潜水
under-ice reef blasting冰下炸礁
under-ice saturation dive冰下饱和潜水
under-ice tunnel冰下隧洞
under-ice work冰下作业
underwater ice水内冰
unloading by ice melt冰盖卸荷运动
very close drift ice非常密集流冰群
very close pack ice非常密集浮冰群
very close pack ice密集流冰
very old ice多年堆积冰
very open drift ice非常稀疏流冰群
very open ice全分离流冰
very open pack ice非常稀疏浮冰群
very open pack ice甚疏浮冰群
volume of ice冰量
volume of ice cone冰锥体积
wash and strain ice foot冲挤冰脚
water ice造冰
water ice流下水冻成冰
weathered ice风化冰
winter ice冬冰
winter spreading for road-ice control冬季撒沙
working group on sea ice海冰问题工作组
young coastal ice初期岸冰
young ice初冰
young shore ice初期岸冰
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