
Terms for subject United Nations containing human | all forms | exact matches only
Action Plan for the Human Environment人类环境行动计划
Ad Hoc Committee on an International Convention against the Reproductive Cloning of Human Beings禁止人的克隆生殖国际公约特设委员会
Ad Hoc Committee on an International Convention against the Reproductive Cloning of Human Beings禁止人的生殖性克隆国际公约特设委员会
Advisory Panel on the Establishment of an International Fund or Financial Institution for Human Settlements设立人类住区国际基金或金融机构咨询小组
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights非洲人权和人民权利宪章
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights非洲人权和人民权利法院
Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions亞太國家人權机构論壇
Centre for Human Rights and Environment人权和环境中心
code for the protection of human rights against terrorism保护人权不受恐怖主义侵犯法典
Committee on Industry, Technology and Human Settlements工业、技术和人类住区委员会
Committee on Industry, Technology, Human Settlements and the Environment工业、技术、人类住区和环境委员会
Conference on the Global Environment and Human Response toward Sustainable Development全球环境和人类采取措施促进可持续发展会议
Conference on the Global Environment and Human Response towards Sustainable Development全球环境和人类响应可持续性发展问题会议
Conference on the Protection of Human Rights in Criminal Justice Proceedings刑事司法程序中的人权保护会议
Congress of Local Authorities for the Development of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋负责人类住区发展问题地方当局大会
Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine《欧洲委员会关于在生物学和医学应用中保护人权和人类尊严公约》
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment联合国人类环境会议宣言
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment斯德哥尔摩宣言
Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium关于新千年中的城市和其他人类住区的宣言
Ectogenesis, or the production of an individual and autonomous human being outside the uterus of a female, that is, in a laboratory体外培育
Environment and Human Settlements Division环境和人类住区司
ESCAP Network of National Focal Points for Human Resources Development亚太经社会人力资源开发国家协调中心网
ESCAP/UNIDO Division of Industry, Human Settlements and Technology亚太经社会/工发组织工业、人类住区和技术司
ESCAP/World Tourism Organization Seminar on Challenges for Human Resource Development in Tourism in the Asia-Pacific Region in the New Millennium亚太经社会/世界旅游组织关于亚太区域新千年旅游业人力资源开发面临的挑战讨论会
Expert Group Meeting on Human Resources Development on the ESCAP Region亚太经社会区域人力资源开发专家组会议
Expert Group Meeting to Review the Jakarta Plan of Action for Human Resources Development in the ESCAP Region审查亚太经社会区域人力资源开发雅加达行动计划专家组会议
fusion of human gametes with those of another animal将人类配子与另一种动物的配子混合在一起
genetically identical human beings遗传上相同的人
Global Programme against Trafficking in Human Beings打击贩卖人口全球方案
Globalization, Liberalization and Sustainable Human Development SHD全球化、自由化与可持续人类发展
Guidelines for collecting, analysing and disseminating statistics and indicators on human resources development收集、分析和传播人力资源开发统计数据和指标的指导方针
Guidelines on Human Rights and the Fight against Terrorism人权与反恐怖主义斗争准则
Guidelines on promoting public awareness of human resources development提高公众对人力资源开发的认识的指导方针
Habitat Agenda and the Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements of the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat II, 19961996年第二次联合国人类住区人居二会议关于人类住区的《人居议程》和《伊斯坦布尔宣言》
High-Level Mission on the situation of human rights in Darfur达尔富尔人权状况高级别特派团
holistic approach in the work done in the fields of social development, human rights and non-discrimination根据社会发展、人权和不歧视领域工作所采用的整体办法
HRDDP Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations support to non-United Nations security forces人权尽职政策
HRDDP Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations support to non-United Nations security forces关于联合国向非联合国安全部队提供支持的人权尽职政策
human avian influenza人禽流感
human bird flu人禽流感
human development index人类发展指数
human environment人类环境
Human genome mapping人类基因制图
human germ line人类体系 (wrong)
human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome人体免疫机能丧失病毒/后天免疫机能丧失 综合症 (艾滋病毒/艾滋病)
Human Resource Development Initiative人力资源开发倡议
Human Resources Development Award人力资源开发奖
Human Resources Development Unit人力资源开发股
Human Resources Network人力资源网
Human Resources Service人力资源处
human trafficking cases贩卖人口案
Human Values of Biodiversity: Perspectives from Indigenous and Traditional Peoples生物多样性的人类价值:土著和传统民族 的看法
In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权
Independent expert on the situation of human rights in the Sudan苏丹人权状况独立专家
instrumentalization of human beings使人类成为工具
Integrated Plan of Action on Human Resources Development superseded人力资源开发综合行动计划
Integrated Plan of Action on Human Resources Development for the ESCAP Region人力资源开发综合行动计划
Inter-agency Task Force on Human Resources Development人力资源开发机构间工作队
International Covenants on Human Rights国际人权盟约
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change全球环境变化人的方面国际方案
Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements and the Habitat Agenda伊斯坦布尔人居宣言
Jakarta Plan of Action on Human Resources Development in the ESCAP Region superseded亚太经社会区域人力资源开发雅加达行动计划
Joint ECLAC/UNCHS Unit on Human Settlements拉加经委会/人类住区中心人类住区联合股
Macao Declaration on Human Resource Development in the Tourism Sector in the Asian and Pacific Region亚太区域旅游部门人力资源开发澳门宣言
Manama Declaration on Cities and Human Settlements in the New Millennium新千年城市和人类住区麦纳麦宣言
Meeting of Senior Officials on Human Resources Development in the ESCAP Region亚太经社会区域人力资源开发高级官员会议
National Observatory for Human Rights国家人权观察社
Network of National Focal Points for Human Resources Development国家人力资源开发协调中心网
Network of Training, Research and Information Institutes in Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋人类住区训练、研究和信息机构网
office of human resources management人力厅
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights难民专员办事处 = 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处
Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative牛津大学贫困与人类发展研究中心
Pan American Charter on Health and Environment in Sustainable Human Development泛美可持续人类发展方面健康与环境宪章
Plan of Action on National and Regional Initiatives for Human Resources Development: Its Technological Dimensions关于人力资源开发及其技术方面的国家及区域性倡议的行动计划
protection and monitoring of the human rights of persons with disabilities保护和监测残疾人人权
Regional Network of Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements地方人类住区管理当局区域网
Regional Seminar on Human Resources Development to Improve the Quality of Life in Intermediate Cities开发人力资源提高中等城市生活质量区域讨论会
South Pacific Action Committee for Human Ecology and Environment南太平洋人类生态与环境行动委员会
South Pacific Conference on the Human Environment南太平洋人类环境会议
Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Sudan苏丹人权状况特别报告员
Tokyo Conference on Global Environment and Human Response Towards Sustainable Development东京全球环境和人类对可持续发展的反应会议
Training Course on Teaching Human Rights in the Asian and Pacific亚太地区传授人权培训班
Trust Fund for the Conference on the Global Environment and Human Response towards Sustainable Development全球环境和人类对可持续发展的反应会议信 托基金
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements人居中心
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements联合国人类住区中心
United Nations Conference on Human Settlements联合国人类住区会议
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights联合国人权事务高级专员
United Nations Human Settlements Programme人居署
United Nations Human Settlements Programme联合国人类住区规划署
United Nations Task Force on Environment and Human Settlements联合国环境和人类住区工作队
United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security联合国人类安全信托基金
Universal Declaration of Human Rights世界人权宣言
Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights《世界人类基因组与人权宣言》
viable human embryos能生长发育的人体胚胎
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action of the World Conference on Human Rights, 1993关于人权的维也纳宣言和行动纲领
World Map of Human-induced Soil Degradation世界人为土壤退化图