
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing human | all forms | exact matches only
dried human placenta紫河车
human-animal feces and urine人畜粪尿
human chorionic gonadotrophin膜促性腺激素
human chorionic gonadotrophin膜促性腺激素由灵长类胎盘绒毛膜产生的一种促性腺激素,与垂体前叶分泌的促黄体素的作用相似。常用于促进排卵
human chorionic gonadotropin膜促性腺激素由灵长类胎盘绒毛膜产生的一种促性腺激素,与垂体前叶分泌的促黄体素的作用相似。常用于促进排卵
human chorionic gonadotropin膜促性腺激素
human chorionic gonadotropin绒毛膜促性腺激素
human diploid cell rabies vaccine人二倍体细胞狂犬疫苗
human embryology人体发生学
human engineering人机学从人的生理与心理研究人和设备、环境、工作制度等,目的在提高工效
human engineering人类体力工程学
human herpesvirus 1 group人疱疹病毒 1 群
human luteinizing hormone人黄体化激素
human lutei-nizing hormone人黄体化激素
meat for human consumption屠宰出售的肉类
unfit for human consumption不适于人食用的
United Nations Conference on Human Environment联合国人类环境会议
United Nations Habitat and Human Settlement Foundation联合国生境和人类定居基金会