
Terms for subject Technology containing housing estate | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
center of housing estate小区中心
housing estate住宅群
housing estate居住小区
housing estate居住点
housing estate公寓住宅区
housing estate集中规划和经营的一片地区
housing estate住宅组群用地
housing estate住宅用地
housing estate development新村建设
housing estate development居住区建设
housing estate development新村开发
housing estate planning小区规划
housing estate road居住区道路
housing estate road住宅区道路
housing estate road居民点道路
housing estate unit居住区单元住房
large housing estate大型居民点
management of housing estate住宅群经营在连片的建筑用地上按规划进行住宅建设并统一经营管理
mine housing estate矿工居住区
new workers' housing estate工人新村
private housing estate私人房产业
Siemensstadt housing estate1929年西德柏林郊外西门子镇居住区
suburban housing estate郊区住宅房地产