
Terms containing hot rolled | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
met.as-hot rolled热轧的
gen.as-hot rolled热轧成的
met.as-hot rolled bar热轧棒材
met.as-hot rolled plate热轧厚板
met.as-hot rolled rounds热轧圆钢
met.as-hot rolled sheet热轧薄板
met.as-hot rolled steel strip热轧带钢
tech.coated hot rolled flat product热轧涂层扁钢制品
tech.coated hot rolled flat product热轧涂层钢板
busin.cold rolled/hot rolled冷轧/热轧
tech.deformed hot rolled high yield bar热轧变形高强钢筋
tech.deformed hot rolled mild steel bar热轧变形低碳钢筋
met.dry hot rolled coil普通热轧板卷
met.flat hot rolled bar薄板坯
met.flat hot rolled bar热轧扁钢
met.flat hot rolled finished strip热轧成品带材
met.flat hot rolled finished strip热轧成品带材
tech.flat hot-rolled bar热轨扁钢
met.flatness of hot rolled strip热轧带钢平面度
steel.HGI: hot rolled galvanized iron热轧镀锌钢板
met.high strength hot rolled reinforced bar高强度热轧钢筋
tech.high-strength hot rolled reinforced bar高强度热轧钢筋
bridg.constr.high-strength hot rolled reinforcement高强度热轧钢筋
met.hot rolled热轧
archit.hot rolled热轧
plast.hot rolled热滚压的
mech.hot rolled热轧的
el.hot rolled热碾的
avia.hot rolled热滚压
met.hot rolled band热轧带材
met.hot rolled bar热轧棒材
met.hot rolled bearing steel热轧轴承钢
met.hot rolled billet热轧坯料
met.hot rolled billet热轧小方坯
met.hot rolled breakdowns semi-finished strip热轧半成品带坯
met.hot rolled coil热轧钢卷
met.hot rolled coil热轧带卷
busin.hot rolled coil热轧卷材
met.hot rolled copper热轧铜材
tech.hot rolled deformed bar热轧异形钢筋
bridg.constr.hot rolled deformed reinforcement热轧弯形钢筋
met.hot rolled finish热轧光洁度
met.hot rolled finished sheet热轧成品薄板
met.hot rolled metal热轧金属材料
met.hot rolled mill product热轧轧材
met.hot rolled mill product热轧产品
met.hot rolled non-oriented silicon steel热轧无取向性硅钢薄板
gen.hot rolled, pickled and limed热轧、酸洗并用石灰处理过的钢丝
met.hot rolled pickled coil热轧酸洗带卷
met.hot rolled pipe热轧管
met.hot rolled plate热轧中厚板
roll.hot rolled prime热轧一级品板材
roll.hot rolled prime热轧优质板
met.hot rolled product热轧产品
met.hot rolled reinforced bar热轧钢筋
bridg.constr.hot rolled reinforcement热轧钢筋
expl.hot rolled reinforcing bar热轧钢筋热轧钢筋由钢铁厂直接热轧成材,按其强度由低到高分为 I、II、III 和 IV 四个级别
met.hot rolled rod热轧棒材
met.hot rolled round热轧圆钢
bridg.constr.hot rolled section热轧型钢
bridg.constr.hot rolled shape steel热轧型钢
bridg.constr.hot rolled sheet热轧钢板
met.hot rolled sheet热轧薄板
met.hot rolled silicon sheet热轧硅钢薄板
shipb.hot rolled stainless steel plate热轧不锈钢板
oilhot rolled steel热轧钢
bridg.constr.hot rolled steel bar热轧钢筋
archit.hot rolled steel bar热轧棒钢
bridg.constr.hot rolled steel beam热轧钢梁
bridg.constr.hot rolled steel plate热轧钢板
met.hot rolled steel strip热轧钢带
steel.hot rolled steel strip热轧钢板
tech.hot-laid rolled asphalt热铺碾压沥青
construct.hot-rolled asphalt热碾沥青
tech.hot-rolled asphalt热铺碾压沥青
tech.hot-rolled asphalt base layer热碾压沥青基层
bridg.constr.hot-rolled atmospheric corrosion resisting steel抗大气侵蚀的热轧钢
tech.hot-rolled band热轧钢带
tech.hot-rolled band热轧带材
met.hot-rolled bar热轧棒材
tech.hot-rolled bar热轧条材
tech.hot-rolled bar热轧圆钢
tech.hot-rolled bar热轧钢筋
met.hot-rolled billet热轧小方坯
met.hot-rolled breakdown strip coil热轧带坯卷
met.hot-rolled breakdown semifinished strip热轧半成品带坯
met.hot-rolled breakdown strip热轧带坯
met.hot-rolled broad steel strip热轧宽带钢
tech.hot-rolled bronze door热轧铜门
expl.hot-rolled carbon steel热轧碳素钢热轧碳素钢除含铁元素之外,还含少量的碳、硅、锰、硫等元素,其力学性能取决于含碳量的多少。由于含碳量的不同,热轧碳素钢分为含碳量低于0.25%的低碳钢,含碳量为0.25%hot0.6%的中碳钢和含碳量高于0.6%的高碳钢
tech.hot-rolled channel steel热轧槽钢
met.hot-rolled coil热轧钢卷 (These hot-rolled coils are then reduced further by cold rolling. 然后,这些热轧带卷通过冷轧进一步减薄。)
tech.hot-rolled coil热轧带卷
met.hot-rolled composite热轧复合材料
tech.hot-rolled copper热轧铜
tech.hot-rolled deformed steel bar热轧变形圆钢
railw.hot-rolled deformed bar热轧带肋钢筋
tech.hot-rolled deformed steel bar热轧变形钢筋
tech.hot-rolled deformed steel bar热轧异形钢筋
met.hot-rolled deformed steel bar热轧异形钢筋
tech.hot-rolled drill热滚麻花钻
met.hot-rolled dual-phase low carbon steel wire rod热轧低碳双相钢盘条
met.hot-rolled equal leg angle steel热轧等边角钢
tech.hot-rolled finish热轧光洁度
met.hot-rolled finish热轧精整度
tech.hot-rolled finish热轧表面加工
met.hot-rolled finished product热轧钢材
tech.hot-rolled finished sheet热轧成品薄板
met.hot-rolled finished strip热轧成品带材
met.hot-rolled flat product热轧扁平材
tech.hot-rolled flat product热轧扁钢
auto.hot-rolled flat steel热轧扁钢
met.hot-rolled general I-beam热轧普通工字钢
met.hot-rolled H-section steel热轧 H 型钢
tech.hot-rolled joist热轧钢龙骨
met.hot-rolled long product热轧条钢
met.hot-rolled long product热轧长材 (Welded sections are long products of open cross-section which have a shape characteristics of those products defined in 6. 2. 1. The sections are made up by welding together combination of hot-rolled long products, hot-rolled flat products and cold-rolled flat products instead of being obtained directly by hot rolling. 焊接型钢是具有开口横截面的条钢,它们的形状特点已由 6. 2.1 条界定。焊接型钢不是通过热轧直接获得,而是将热轧条钢、热轧扁平材和冷轧扁平材焊接组合制成。)
tech.hot-rolled long product热轧线材
met.hot-rolled L-sectional steel热轧 L 型钢
met.hot-rolled metal热轧金属材料
tech.hot-rolled mild steel热轧软钢
met.hot-rolled mill product热轧轧材
met.hot-rolled mill product热轧钢材
met.hot-rolled mill product热轧产品
met.hot-rolled mill products热轧轧材
met.hot-rolled mill products热轧钢材
met.hot-rolled mill products热轧产品
met.hot-rolled narrow steel strip热轧窄带钢
tech.hot-rolled narrow strip热轧窄钢条
met.hot-rolled narrow strip coil热轧窄带卷
met.hot-rolled nonoriented silicon steel热轧无取向性硅钢薄板
polygr.hot-rolled paper热压光纸
met.hot-rolled pickled coils热轧酸洗带卷
met.hot-rolled pickled strip coil热轧酸洗带卷
tech.hot-rolled pipe热轧管
railw.hot-rolled plain bar热轧光圆钢筋
met.hot-rolled plate热轧中厚板
met.hot-rolled plate热轧厚板
tech.hot-rolled plate热轧板
met.hot-rolled primes热轧优质板
met.hot-rolled primes热轧一级品板材
met.hot-rolled products热轧产品
tech.hot-rolled reinforced bar热轧钢筋
met.hot-rolled rod热轧盘条 (The raw material for making wire is hot-rolled rod about 6mm diameter. 生产金属丝的原料是直径约为 6mm 的热轧盘条。)
met.hot-rolled rod热轧棒材
met.hot-rolled roughness热轧材表面粗糙度
met.hot-rolled round热轧圆钢
bridg.constr.hot-rolled round bar热轧圆钢筋
tech.hot-rolled round steel热轧圆钢
met.hot-rolled sample热轧试样
tech.hot-rolled sand carpet热压沥青砂毡层
met.hot-rolled seamless steel pipe热轧无缝钢管
met.hot-rolled seamless steel tube for truck semi-sleeve汽车半轴套管用热轧无缝钢管
met.hot-rolled seamless tube热轧无缝管
bridg.constr.hot-rolled section热轧截面
tech.hot-rolled section热轧型钢
met.hot-rolled section for automobile wheel felloe汽车车轮轮辋用热轧型钢
met.hot-rolled sheet热轧薄板
tech.hot-rolled sheet热轧钢板 (steel)
tech.hot-rolled sheet metal热轧金属板
met.hot-rolled sheet minimill热轧薄板小钢厂 (【技】一种以电弧炉为炼钢设备,通常后配炉外精炼、连铸和薄板轧钢设备的钢厂。)
met.hot-rolled silicon sheet热轧硅钢薄板
el.mach.hot-rolled silicon steel sheet热轧硅钢片
tech.hot-rolled silicon steel sheet热轧硅钢板
mech.hot-rolled steel热轧钢
tech.hot-rolled steel bar热轧钢筋
tech.hot-rolled steel joist热轧钢龙骨
met.hot-rolled steel pipe热轧钢管
met.hot-rolled steel plate热轧钢板 (指厚板)
met.hot-rolled steel product热轧钢产品
tech.hot-rolled steel section热轧型钢
met.hot-rolled steel sheet热轧钢板 (指薄板)
met.hot-rolled steel sheet热轧薄钢板
met.hot-rolled steel strip热轧带钢
met.hot-rolled steel strip热轧钢带
met.hot-rolled steel strip coil热轧带钢卷
met.hot-rolled steel strip crown热轧带钢凸度
met.hot-rolled steel strip flatness热轧带钢平直度
met.hot-rolled steel strip for bicycle自行车用热轧钢带
met.hot-rolled steel strip for pressure vessel压力容器用热轧钢带
met.hot-rolled steel strip reel热轧带钢卷取机
met.hot-rolled steel tube热轧钢管
met.hot-rolled strip热轧带材
met.hot-rolled strip热轧带钢
tech.hot-rolled strip热轧钢条
met.hot-rolled strip coil热轧带钢卷
met.hot-rolled strip coil热轧带卷
met.hot-rolled strip crown热轧带钢凸度
met.hot-rolled strip reeler热轧带钢卷取机
met.hot-rolled structural section热轧结构型材
tech.hot-rolled structural section热轧结构型钢
met.hot-rolled structural shape热轧结构型材
auto.hot-rolled structural steel热轧结构钢
met.hot-rolled structural steel section热轧建筑型钢
met.hot-rolled structural steel shape热轧建筑型钢
auto.hot-rolled thin steel sheet热轧薄钢板
met.hot-rolled tri-clad plate for plough wall犁壁用热轧三层钢板
met.hot-rolled tri-clad wide strip for plough wall犁壁用热轧三层宽带钢
tech.hot-rolled tube热轧管
tech.hot-rolled uncoated flat product热轧无镀扁钢
met.hot-rolled wide steel strip热轧宽带钢
met.hot-rolled wide strip coil热轧宽带卷
met.hot-rolled wide strip for pipeline of natural gas天然气管线用热轧宽带钢
met.hot-rolled window sash热轧窗框钢
tech.hot-rolled window sash热轧钢窗框
tech.hot-rolled wire热轧线材
tech.hot-rolled wire热轧钢丝
met.hot-rolled wire rod热轧线材
met.oiled hot rolled coil涂油热轧板卷
met.pickled hot rolled coil酸洗热轧板卷
tech.plain hot rolled wire热轧光面钢丝
met.profile control of hot rolled strip热轧带钢板形控制
met.quality standard for hot rolled finished steel热轧钢材质量标准
ecol.wastewater from hot rolled steel热轧钢废水