
Terms for subject Chemistry containing hot | all forms | exact matches only
acrylic hot melt adhesive丙烯酸热熔胶
ethylenevinyl acetate hot melt adhesive乙烯-醋酸乙烯热熔胶
fastness to hot pressing耐热压牢度
foamable hot melt adhesive可发泡热熔胶
hot-air band dryer热风带式干燥器
hot-air dryer热风干燥器
hot air duct热空气导管
hot air spraying热喷涂
hot air vulcanization热空气硫化
hot and cold water immersion test热冷水浸渍试验
hot atom chemistry热原子化学
hot atoms热原子
hot atoms反冲原子
hot-blast furnace热风炉
hot blast heater热风炉
hot-blast stove热风炉
hot break juicing热榨
hot breakdown热打浆
hot cracking热裂
hot dip metal coating热搪
hot dip plating热浸镀
hot-drawn tube热拔
hot drip gum test热滴胶质试验在热空气流中蒸发汽油滴以测定汽油中胶质含量
"hot" ensemble"执"索综
hot feed extruding热喂料挤出
hot fluid bed cure沸腾床硫化
hot gas line for defrosting融霜热气管线
hot industry高温工业
hot isostatic press等压热合
hot isostatic press等热静压成型
hot isostatic press or cold isostatic press热冷等压成型
hot isostatic pressing等压热合
hot isostatic pressing等热静压成型
hot isostatic pressing or cold isostatic pressing热冷等压成型
hot isostatic pressure等热静压力
hot junction热接点热电偶的热端
hot laboratory热实验室
hot liquid vulcanization热液硫化
hot material conveyor belt耐热运输带
hot melt热融
hot-melt adhesive热熔型胶粘剂
hot melt adhesive wet热熔胶网
hot melt applicator热熔涂布机
hot melt coating热熔融涂装如热浸涂,热喷涂
hot melt coating可剥热浸涂涂层
hot melt extruder热熔挤出机
hot metallurgy laboratory强放射性冶金实验室
hot milling roll热轧机
hot oil头发蓬松剂
hot oil焗油
hot particle核爆炸沉降物中强放射性粒子
hot photogrammetry corrosion monitoring热图像法监测
hot pit热鞣池
hot plasma高温等离子体
hot polymerization热聚合作用
hot press of board纸板热压机
hot pressed oil热榨油
hot pressed sintering热压烧结
hot process soap热法皂
hot ray reflecting fiber热射线反射纤维
hot reduction热还原
hot retreading高温胎面翻新
hot-rolling mill热轧机
hot runner热流道注塑模的
hot sealing tape热封带
hot shortness热缩性
hot-stretch bath热拉伸浴
hot styrene rubber高温丁苯橡胶
hot styrene-butadiene rubber高温丁苯橡胶
hot tensile strength高温拉伸强度
hot top保温帽
hot water cure热水硫化
hot water tank热水槽
hot well热水井凝汽器的
hot-wire thermal conductivity detector热丝热导检测器
low pressure hot spray低压热喷涂
polyamide hot melt adhesive聚酰胺热熔胶
polyester hot melt adhesive聚酯热熔胶
portable hot melt gun手提式热熔枪
three stages hot air conveying type dryer三层带式热风干燥机
water soluble hot melt adhesive水溶性热熔胶