
Terms for subject Agriculture containing hopper | all forms | exact matches only
beet hopper收获机甜菜箱
blending hopper掺和箱
blending hopper搅拌箱
bulk hopper散装[蔗种]箱
cheese hopper酪蝇
cotton hopper planter箱斗式棉花播种机
devil hopper角蝉科 (复, Membracidae)
devil hopper角蝉
dust hopper喷粉机粉剂箱
feed hopper喂料分送斗
feed hopper喂料斗
filling hopper装料漏斗
flea hopper盲蝽
frog hoppers沫蝉
haulm hopper茎叶篮
haulm hopper茎叶漏斗
hopper base漏斗底
hopper control蝗虫防治
hopper floor蔗种箱底
hopper floor蔗段箱底
hopper-type scale斗式秤
infeed hopper喂人斗
legume seed hopper豆类排种器
liftings discharge hopper升运卸料斗
mash hopper混合湿饲料箱
mash hopper稠料斗
mixed hopper搅拌箱
mixed hopper混合箱
over-the-drier hopper干燥机上粮箱
pickup hopper捡拾箱
plant hopper飞虱
planter hopper移植机秧苗箱
planter hopper筒形排种器
potato harvester with bulk hopper马铃薯带装薯箱收获机
potato hopper马铃薯箱
root hopper块根箱
seed hopper种子漏斗
seedplate hopper圆盘排种筒
self-emptying hopper bottom自卸料箱底
self-emptying hopper bottom自卸粮箱底
silage hopper青贮料箱
sludge hopper污泥斗
subsidiary hopper副种箱
sugarbeet harvester with bulk hopper带盛斗甜菜收获机
supply hopper喂人斗
supply hopper供给斗
unhulled grass-seed hopper未脱壳牧草种子排种箱
unloading tipper hopper卸载翻斗
wax hopper蜡蝉