
Terms for subject Volleyball containing hit | all forms | exact matches only
assisted hit借助击球
attack hit进攻性击球
attack hit fault后排队员进攻性犯规
continuous hit back连续反击
cross-net hit过网击球
double hit两次触球
fault of the attack hit进攻性击球犯规
flank hit侧面击球
four hits4次击球
front hit正面击球
half-speed hit轻扣
half-speed hit to a weak area向防守薄弱区轻扣
hard-hit attacking shot重扣
hard-hit attacking shot扣硬球
hit back反击
hit back反攻
hit off a blocker's hands劈手扣球
hit off a blocker's hands打拦网手出界
hit off a blocker's hands打手出界
hit the ball in the air空中击球
hit the ball in the net击球擦网
hit the ball in the net击球不过网
over-net hit过网击球
pat hit轻扣
punch through the block hit从拦网手的空隙扣过
restriction of the attack hit进攻性击球限制
second hit第二次击球
service hit touching the net发球未过网
simultaneous hit by opponents网上双方同时击球
simultaneous hit by two teammates两个同队队员同时击球
simultaneous hit by two teammates同时击球
straight clear the block hit躲开拦网手打直线
straight clear the block hit避开拦网手打直线
surpass the block hit超手扣球