
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing highest speed | all forms | in specified order only
alloying element of high speed steel高速钢的合金元素 (【技】高速钢的合金元素有:碳、钨、钼、铬、钒、钻等。钨和钼是高速钢的主要合金元素,对钢的二次硬化和各项性能均起重要作用。)
aluminium-containing high speed steel含铝高速钢
automatic high-speed isostatic pressing自动高速等静压制
cobalt high speed steel钴高速钢 (14W, 4Cr, 1V, 5Co)
complex high-speed steel多元高速钢
continuous casting machine with high casting speed高拉速连铸机
continuous casting of high-speed steel高速钢连铸
cyaniding of high speed steel高速钢碳氮共渗处理
cyaniding of high speed steel高速钢氰化处理
excessively high end wall speed【连】 侧面板速度过高
extra-hard high-speed steel超硬高速钢 (【技】含碳量很高,淬火回火硬度可高达 68 ~ 70HRC, 常含有5% ~ 12%的 Co, 耐热性能很高而韧性低的高速钢。)
flux for high-speed continuous casting高速连铸用保护渣
Gaede's high-speed metal pump盖德高速金属扩散泵
high casting speed at low superheat低过热度快铸
high casting speed caster高拉速连铸机
high casting speed powder高拉速连铸保护渣
high casting speed slab caster高速板坯连铸机
high exit speed stream高出口速度注流
high outlet speed stream高出口速度注流
high speed高速
high speed ball mill高速球磨机
high speed billet casting mould高速连铸小方坯结晶器
high speed blanking高速冲剪下料
high speed burner高速烧嘴
high speed cement快硬水泥
high speed centrifuge高速离心机
high speed circuit breaker高速断路器
high speed cold pilger mill高速周期式冷轧管机
high speed cropping高速剪切头尾
high speed current limitting fuse快速保险器
high speed current limitting fuse高速限流熔丝
high speed cutting metal高速切削金属
high speed development快速显影
high speed development高速发展
high speed disintegrator高速粉碎机
high speed disintegrator泰生式洗气机
high speed disintegrator高速旋转洗气机
high speed drill高速钻机
high speed electron高速电子
high speed engine高速发动机
high speed extrusion高速挤压
high speed fluid jet working高速射流加工
high speed forming machine高速成形机
high speed fuse高速熔断丝
high speed gear高速齿轮
high speed generator高速发电机
high speed hammer mill高速锤式粉碎机
high speed hammer mill高速锤磨机
high speed hardening furnace高速淬火炉
high speed heating furnace快速加热炉
high speed hot press高速热压机
high speed isostatic pressing高速等静压制
high speed liquid chromatography高速液相色谱法
high speed loop高速环
high speed memory高速存储装置
high speed mill高速轧机
high speed photography高速摄影术
high speed photography高速照相术
high speed press高速压力机
high speed printer高速印刷器
high speed printer高速打印机
high speed pump高速泵
high speed relay快速继电器
high speed screen高速屏蔽
high speed steel锋钢
high speed steel高速钢
high speed steel compound roll高速钢复合轧辊
high speed steel roll高速钢轧辊
high speed steel scale高速钢鳞皮
high speed storage高速存储器
high speed switch快速开关
high speed thermal analysis快速热分析
high speed tool steel高速工具钢
high speed vibrator高频振动器
high speed wear快速磨损
high speed welding快速焊接
high speed wire mill高速线材轧机
high speed X-ray film高速 X 射线胶片
high-carbon high speed steel高碳高速钢
high-speed agitating mixer高速搅拌式混合机
high-speed agitation mixer高速搅拌式混合机
high-speed alloy steel高速合金钢
high-speed bar straightening machine高速棒材矫直机 (The Bronx Engineering Co. Ltd. has delivered a $ 2million high-speed bar straightening machine to Qualitech Steel Corp. 布朗克斯工程有限公司已将一台价值 200万美元的高速棒材矫直机交货给奎里泰克钢公司。)
high-speed blanking高速冲剪下料
high-speed blanking高速下料
high-speed burner高速烧嘴
high-speed cold pilger mill高速周期式冷轧管机
high-speed compaction【粉】 高速压实
high-speed continuous casting of slab高速板坯连铸
high-speed continuous casting of thin slab薄板坯高速连铸
high-speed continuous casting of ultra low carbon steel超低碳钢高速连铸
high-speed continuous casting process高速连铸法
high-speed continuous casting technology高速连铸技术
high-speed continuous casting technology for steel strip高速带钢连铸技术
high-speed continuous strip caster高速带钢连铸机
high-speed continuous strip casting technology高速带钢连铸技术
high-speed conveyer高速运输机
high-speed cropping高速剪切头尾
high-speed crusher高速粉碎机
high-speed cutter高速刀具
high-speed DIAMOLD高速钻石形结晶器
high-speed fluid jet machining高速射流加工
high-speed fluid jet working高速射流加工
high-speed forging press快锻液压机 (【技】锻压速度接近于气锻的液压锻压机。目前快锻液压机已成为现代化特殊钢厂的必备设备,用于耐热合金、不锈钢、高速钢、模具钢等材料的锻造。)
high-speed forming machine高速成形机
high-speed heating furnace分段快速加热炉
high-speed hot dipping高速热浸镀
high-speed impact test高速冲击试验 (【技】用高速试验机对材料进行拉伸试验,测量试样断裂功的试验方法。试验结果包括拉伸强度、断裂伸长率以及特性曲线下所包含的整个面积,用于求出试样的断裂功,以此来评价材料对拉伸速度的敏感性。)
high-speed lime injection高速石灰喷射
high-speed medium thickness slab caster高速中厚板坯连铸机
high-speed mold width change快速结晶器调宽
high-speed mold width change结晶器快速调宽
high-speed mold width changing快速结晶器调宽
high-speed mold width changing结晶器快速调宽
high-speed no-twist Vee mill高速无扭 V 型轧机
high-speed pouring at low temperature低温快注
high-speed punch machine高速冲压机
high-speed radiography高速射线照相术
high-speed rod mill高速线材轧机 (High speed rod mills roll steel into rods for nails, screws, and wire for fencing and suspension bridges. 高速线材轧机可将钢轧制成用于制造钉子、螺钉的线材,以及用于制造栅栏和修建悬索桥用的钢丝。)
high-speed rolling高速轧制
high-speed solidification technology快速凝固技术 (【技】由液态到固态的冷却速率相当快,从而获得传统铸件或铸锭冷却速率下所不能获得的成分均匀性、相结构和显微组织。)
high-speed steel高速钢 (【技】用于高速切削硬金属的高合金工具钢。它具有很高的热硬性,当切削温度达到 600°C 左右时,硬度仍无明显下降。这类钢的淬透性很高,还具有高的硬度、耐磨性和足够的强度。我国把高速钢分成五种类型:钨系高速钢、钼系高速钢、高碳高钒高速钢、钻高速钢和超硬性高速钢。: The addition of nickel, chromium, molybdenum or tungsten produces 'alloy steels', including high-speed steels, stainless steels, and die steels. 向钢中添加镍、铬、钼或钨可以生产出"合金钢",其中包括高速钢、不锈钢、模具钢等。)
high-speed steel billet高速钢小方坯
high-speed steel compound roll高速钢复合轧辊
high-speed steel cutting tool高速钢刀具
high-speed steel grade高速钢钢号 【种】
high-speed steel ingot高速钢钢锭
high-speed steel produced by ESR电渣重熔高速钢
high-speed steel quenching高速钢淬火 (【技】根据高速钢钢件的不同尺寸、形状和使用目的,淬火冷却方式可选用油淬、分级淬火、等温淬火等。高速钢淬火的最大特点是奥氏体化温度很高,目的是使合金碳化物尽可能多地溶人基体,使钢具有更大的二次硬化潜力。)
high-speed steel roll高速钢轧辊
high-speed steel scale高速钢鳞皮
high-speed steel tool高速钢刀具 (Using such high-speed steel tools, metal parts can be machined many times faster than by the use of plain carbon steel tools. 使用这种高速钢刀具切削金属部件的速度比使用普通碳素钢刀具快许多倍。)
high-speed strander高速捻股机
high-speed strip shear高速带钢剪
high-speed thermal analysis高速热分析
high-speed tool steel高速工具钢 (【技】高速工具钢的主要合金元素有 W、 Mo、 Cr 和 V 等。一些特种高速钢中还含有 Co 和 Al 等元素。高速钢的主要用途是作为高速切削工具的材料,同时还用于制作性能要求高的模具、轧辊和机械零件等。)
high-speed tool steel roll高速工具钢轧辊
high-speed wire rod mill高速线材轧机 (【技】通常指轧制速度高于45 m/s 的现代线材轧机。其特点是:轧制速度高、产品盘重大、尺寸精度高、采用控轧控冷工艺。有的高速线材轧机的轧制速度已达120 m/s, 盘重达2 t。)
high-vanadium high speed steel高钒高速钢 (【技】含钒量一般在3%以上,含碳量在1.2%以上,含有大量的 MC 型碳化物的高速钢,适宜制造特别耐磨的刀具和机械零件,但可磨削性差,难以用来制造形状复杂的精密刀具。)
Klemperer's high-speed glass pump克雷姆佩雷尔高速玻璃扩散泵
low tungsten high speed steel低钨高速钢 (1.5C, 1.03Mn, 0.86Si, 8.01Cr, 3.37V, 2.63W,1.29Al,0.09N)
lubricant for high speed rolling mill高速轧机用润滑剂
molybdenum high speed steel钼高速钢
molybdenum high-speed steel钼高速钢
molybdenum series high-speed tool steel钼系高速工具钢
multielement high-speed steel多元高速钢
niobium-containing high speed steel含铌高速钢
nitrogen-containing high speed steel含氮高速钢 (【技】高速钢中加人氮可以细化晶粒,促使钼系和钨钼系钢中的 M₂C 型碳化物转变,提高淬、回火硬度和热塑性,有利于提高钢的切削性能。)
non-oxidizing high speed heating furnace无氧化快速加热炉
nonoxidizing high speed heating furnace无氧化快速加热炉
no-twist high-speed block mill高速无扭成组轧机
PM high speed steel粉末冶金高速钢
PM high speed steel粉末高速钢 (【技】采用粉末冶金方法制取的高速钢。其主要生产流程为:先用雾化法生产低氧高速钢预合金粉末,然后用冷、热等静压机将粉末压实为全致密的钢坯,再锻、轧成材。)
PM high speed steel高速钢
pneumatic-mechanical high-speed forming气动机械高速成形
powder for high casting speed高拉速连铸保护渣
Premium high speed alloy普雷米乌姆高速合金
programme control type high speed deep drawing hydraulic press程序控制高速深拉延【深冲】液压机
progressive hardening of high-speed steel高速钢二次硬化 (【技】高速钢淬火后硬度升高是第一次硬化。其后分别在 350°C 以下、350° C 以上回火,最终在520 ~ 580°C 温度范围内回火出现第二个硬度高峰,并且超过淬火硬度,即为二次硬化。)
special high-speed steel特种高速钢
stainless high speed steel不锈高速钢
super high speed alloy steel超高速合金钢
super-high speed steel超高速钢
super-high-speed alloy超高速切削合金
super-high-speed steel超高速钢
tungsten high-speed steel钨高速钢
tungsten high-speed steels钨高速钢
tungsten-molybdenum high-speed steel钨钼高速钢