
Terms for subject Business containing highest | all forms | exact matches only
age of high mass-consumption高消费时代
age of high mass-consumption大量消费高峰时代
all high物价空前最高记录
all high空前最高纪录
all high物价上涨高峰
all time high销量或产量空前高峰
allowance for work in high temperature高温津贴
apparent high correlation表面高相关
attainable high level可达到的高水平
balanced budget at high level income and employment高收入高就业水平的平衡预算
capable of high precision可能的高精度
capable of high quality可能的高质量
civilian high technology民用高技术
closing high收盘涨价
come high高价出售
continuous high level持续高水平
extra high极高
extra high超高的
extra high frequency超高频
extra high frequency超高额
Extra High Reliability极高可靠性
extreme high reliability超高可靠性
freedom of the high sea公海航行贸易自由
gap between low and high incomes高低收入间差距
High Abrasion Furnace高耐磨炉
high accident locating高事故触发地点
high-accuracy formula高精确度公式
high altitude air traffic control高空交通指挥
high altitude VOR高空甚高频全向信标
high and dry搁浅
high and low到处
high and low高低贵贱
high angle conveyor高角输送机
high-angle missile远程导弹
high angle missile远程导弹
high angle of attack大冲角
high angle path高角轨道
high authority最高当局
high authority高级机构
high ball混有汽水姜汁的威士忌
high band width高带宽
high bidding喊高价
high bonds可靠债券
high-C circuit大电容电路
high capacitance cable大电容电缆
high capacity大功率
high capacity重载
high capacity cable大电容电缆
High-Capacity Communication System高容量通信系统
high-carbon ferro-manganese高碳锰铁
high-carbon, high-chrome高碳高铬的
high-carbon steel, heat-treated热处理高碳钢
high change商业兴隆期
high class上等的
high class上层
high class高档的
high class高级的
high-class society上流社会
high commissioner高级专员
high compliance高声顺
high compliance speaker高声顺扬声器
high consumption society高消费社会
high contract高度阶相切
high correlated高相关的
High Count of Justice〈美〉高等法院
high coupon高收益证券
high coupon利息优厚证券
high coupon高利率证券
high credit高档信贷
high credit trance高档信贷部分贷款
high cube cargo轻泡货
high cube cargo高柜货物
high cube cargo高立方体货物
high culture高文化
High Data Rate Storage Subsystem高速数据存储系统
high day rate高日工资
high degree of adaptability高度适应性
high degree of multicollinearity高度多重共线性
high-density economy and society高密度经济社会
high density lipoprotein高密度脂肪蛋白
High-Density Moderated Reactor高密度慢化反应堆
high-draw capacity大牵引能力
high-duty alloys高硬度合金
high-duty metal优质金属
high economic growth orbit经济高度增长路线
high economic return丰厚的经济收益
high employment高度就业
high end王牌
high end最大牌
high energy laser beam高能激光光束
high energy lightweight propellant轻重量高能推进剂
high environment test system高空环境检测系统
high fashion高级流行品
high field Schottky effect高电场特基效应
high finance高级金融业务
high finance财政巨头
high finance巨额资金
high flyer投机性大而价格变动大的股票
high-frequency levitation furnace高频悬浮炉
high-gain amplifier高增益放大器
high geared capital高速资本
high grade高档的
high grade高级的
high grade高等
high grade高级
high grade一流的
high grade高品质的
high-grade consumer goods高档消费品
high-grade goods高档货
high-grade product优质产品
high-grade stock高级股票
high grade stock高级股票
high growth高度增长
high-growth enterprise高度成长的企业
high growth enterprise高度增长的企业
high-handed action高压手段
high-handed measure高压手段
high-hazard material高危险物资
high-heating value高热值
high income bracket高薪阶层
high-income brackets高收入阶层
high-income class高收入阶层
high income country高收入国家
high-income group高收入群
high interest rates高利率
high-interest-bearing debenture高息信用债券
high level高阶层的
high level高水平的
high level高级的
high-level managerial personnel高级经理人员
high-level man-power高级人才
high-level redundancy高级冗余
high-level role expectation高层角色期望
high-level role performance高层角色表现
high leverage靠贷款筹资方式
high light辉亮部分
high living奢侈生活
high-low bias check高低边缘校验
high-low bias test高低边缘检查
high-low graph高低图
high-low method of cost estimation成本预测高低点法
high-low points method高低点法
high mass consumption高度大众消费
high net worth market高级资本市场
high net worth market高级净值市场
high noon最高峰
high-order digit高阶数位
high-order model高阶模型
high pay for success完成任务付高报酬
high-performance equipment高性能设备
high permeability alloy高磁导率合金
high piece rate system高计件工资率制
high plateau高水平
high potency高能
high potential高电压
high power money强力货币指中央银行发放的货币
high-power water boiler reactor高功率水均匀反应堆
high-precision machine高精度机器
high premium高保险费
high pressure a customer向顾客强行推销
high-pressure economy高压经济
high-pressure selling倾力推销
high pressure selling全力推销
high pressure selling强行推销
high priced昂贵的
high priced价格昂贵
high priced高价
high-priced durable consumer goods高价耐用消费品
high-priced durable goods高价耐用品
high-priced products高档产品
high priced stock俏销股票
high priced stock热门股票
high-priced stocks高价货
high-priced stocks高价股票
high priority特别优先权
high-priority investment projects最优先投资项目
high production高产
high production long-set-up machines效率高调整时间长的机器设备
high productivity高生产率
high-profit operation高利润经营
high-profit production高利润生产
high progressive tax rates高累进税率
high purity fuel oil高纯度燃料油
high-purity material高纯度材料
high-Q circuit高 Q 电路
high-Q filter system高 Q 滤波器系统
high quality precision equipment高精度设备
high quality product优质品
high quality product rate优质品率
high-quality scales高级品质销货
high-quality silicon优质硅
high-quality yarn高质棉纱
high quota高配额
high quoting报高价
high radioactivity高辐射性
high ranking management personnel高级管理人员
high-ranking officials高级官员
high resistance barrier高阻阻挡层
high resistance load高阻负载
high resistance power supply高内阻电源
high resistance skin高阻皮肤
high resistor高电阻
high resolution infrared radiation sunder高分辨力红外辐射探测器
High Resolution Infrared Radiometer高分辨度红外线辐射仪
high resolution system高清晰度系统
high-rise apartment building高层建筑
high-rise apartment house高层住宅
high-rise building高层建筑
high-rise building高层楼房
high-rise express way高架高速公路
high-risk enterprise高风险企业
high-risk investment高风险投资
high-risk operation高风险经营
high road大道
high roller挥金如土者
high-run production大批量生产
high-salaried class高薪阶层
high-salaried group高薪族
high-salaried job高薪职位
high salaries高薪
high scale上刻度
high scale高读数
high sea外洋
high season旅游旺季
high season旺季
high season fare旅游业高峰季节收费
high silicon iron高硅油
high skill技术精良
high-speed accounting machine高速记账机
high-speed bus快速总线
high speed electronic calculator高速电子计算器
high speed electronic computer高速电子计算机
high-speed electronic memory高速电子存储装置
high-speed electrostatic printer高速静电复印机
high-speed facsimile高速传真
high-speed loop高速循环存取区
high spot高级广告地点
high spot reviews重点考查
high standard高水平
high standard高标准
high standard of living高生活水平
high standard of management高管理标准
high standard of mutual confidence彼此高度信任
high standard of technology高技术标准
high state of welfare高福利国家
High Street主要大街大道
High Street商业区
High Street商业中心区
high-strength, low-alloy高强度低合金钢 (steel)
high style最新款式的
high style最时髦的
high sulfur automotive diesel oil汽车用高硫柴油
high-sulfur crude高硫原油
high sulphur content高硫含量
high target高目标
high target高指标
high tech enterprise高技术企业
high-technology industry高技术产业
high technology industry高技术工业
high temperature alloy耐高温合金
high-temperature gas reactor高温气体反应堆
high temperature gas reactor高温气体反应堆
high-temperature gas-cooled reactor高温气冷式反应堆
high-temperature lacquer耐高温喷漆
high-temperature materials耐高温材料
high temperature shop高温车间
high temperature workshop高温车间
high tenacity rayon高强力人造丝
high-tensile steel高强度钢
high-tension current高压电
high-tension direct current高压直流电
high tide高潮
high-treated steel热处理钢
high upward influence高度向上的影响
high value and low weight cargo高价轻量货物
high-value laboratory supplies高值实验供应品
high-voltage power supply高电压源
high voltage state高压态
high wage, low labor高工资、低劳力
high-water mark高潮位
high-way hole tax公路隧道通行税
high-way maintenance tax养路税
high way maintenance tax公路养路税
high-way user tax公路使用税
high wayman拦路抢劫者
high yield高产
high-yield variety高产品种
high-yielding securities高收益率证券
higher high-tensile超高延性的
higher high-tensile超高张力的
highest bid最高递盘
highest bidder递价最高的投标者
highest common factor最高公因式
highest-in first-out高入先岀法
highest-in, first-out高入先出法
highest-in-first-out method高入先出法
highest possible frequency最高可能频率
highest possible price容许的最高价格
highest possible price可能获得的最高价
highest possible price最高可能价
highest quality rating最高评定质量等级
highest quality sale最高质量销售
highest quality sale高质量销货
highest tender最高价投标
highest tenderer最高价投标人
holding high保持高价
hyper-high frequency超高频
inhibit excessively high interest rate平抑过高利率
intelligence-intensive high-tech products智力密集型高技术产品
international negotiation at the highest level国际最高级谈判
lifetime high and low有效期最高和最低价格
live high过舒适奢华的生活
live high过奢侈生活
live high off the hog家境富裕
low pay with high employment低工资、多就业
low probability high consequence event低概率高结果事件
low-cost high-return investment低成本、高收益的投资
management of the development of new-high technology高新技术开发管理
maximum high-level最高水平
medium-to-high income household中高收入户
negotiation at the highest level最高级谈判
new high最高记录
new high新高价位
policy of high tariffs高关税政策
price is on the high side价格偏高
principle of high demand and the lowest production cost高需求与最低生产成本原理
principle of high demand and the lowest production cost高需求与低生产成本原理
record high最高记录
rule high价格偏高
run high价格上涨
sell goods at a high figure以高价出售
.sell goods at a high figure以高价售出货物
shark of high finances金融巨头
steel high-pressure seamless pipe高压无缝钢管
The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place产品的高质量将确保其在市场的领先地位
The item we'd like to purchase is hydraulic pumps of high quality我方想购进高质量的水力泵
ultra-high frequency超髙频
Ultra High Power超高功率
ultra-high rate超高速度
wave high波高
year's high年最高指标