
Terms containing high order | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
expl.Care must be taken to insure that the final product is adequately sensitized to insure high-order detonation务必保证最终产品足以敏化、才可保证高阶爆轰
tech.coefficient of high order deviation高阶自差系数
avia.Collins high order language柯林斯高级指令语言
el.common high order language公用高级语言
spacecommon high-order language通用高级语言
agric.derivative of high order高次导数
econ.Heavy orders witness the high quality of our goods大量的订单证明我方货物质量优良
el.high density bipolar code of order3 三阶高密度双极性码
el.high density bipolar code of order mm 阶高密度双极性码
telecom.high density bipolar of order 3三阶高密度双极性码
telecom.high density bipolar of order 22 阶高密度双极性码
telecom.high density bipolar of order 33 阶高密度双极性码
IThigh density bipolar of order 3 code三阶髙密度双极性码
IThigh density bipolar of order 3 code三阶高密度双极性码
comp., net.high density bipolar of order 3 codeHDB3三阶高密度双极性码
el.high frequency oscillator-high order multiplier高频振荡器-高阶乘法器
tech.high lateral order高侧序
tech.high order (position)
tech.high order高阶位 (position)
archit.high order高位阶,等级
telecom.high order高阶
steel.high order高次
steel.high order高位
tech.high order高序
tech.high order aberration高次像差
tech.high order add circuit高阶加法电路
tech.high order approximation高阶近似
tech.high order assembler高阶组装器
telecom.high order bit高位比特
tech.high order bit高部位
tech.high order byte高位二进制数组
tech.high order column高位列
tech.high order component高次分量
chem.high order critical points高阶临界点
tech.high order derivative高次导数
tech.high order detonation高级爆轰
met.high order digit高数位
tech.high order digit高位数
tech.high order digit高阶数字
el.high order digit高阶数位
tech.high order digit高部位
tech.high order digit最高位数位
met.high order dislocation高序位错
el.high order domain specific part高阶域特定部分
cryptogr.high order DPA高阶功耗攻击
tech.high order effect高级效应
tech.high order elastic model高阶弹性模型
tech.high order elastic modulus高阶弹性模量
tech.high order elasticity高阶弹性力学
telecom.high order end高位端
tech.high order end最左端
el.high order fission product高位裂变产物【核】
tech.high order fission product高次裂变产物
tech.high order focusing高次聚焦
tech.high order focusing高阶聚焦
tech.high order focusing spectrometer强聚焦分光仪
tech.high order function高级功能
tech.high order function高阶函数
tech.high order goal高阶目的
tech.high order grating高次线栅
telecom.high order harmonic高次谐波
IThigh order harmonic component高次谐波
met.high order harmonics高次谐波
agric., stat.high order interaction多因子相互作用
agric., stat.high order interaction高级相互作用
el.high order interface高级接口
tech.high order interface高阶接口
tech.high order interpolation非线性内插
tech.high order interpolation高次差内插
el.high order language高级语言
avia.high order language computer高指令语言计算机
el.High Order Language Working Group高级语言工作组
avia.high order language working group高指令语言工作组
met.high order line高阶线
tech.high order logic高阶逻辑
tech.high order loop高阶环路
tech.high order manufacturing高级工业
spacehigh order merge高阶合并
tech.high order mode高阶模
tech.high order mode filter高次模滤除器
tech.high order moment高次多项式
tech.high order multiples高阶多次反射波
el.high order multiplier高阶倍增器
tech.high order multipole radiation高次多极辐射
mil., air.def.high order oscillation高次振荡
tech.high order oscillation高次振荡模
tech.high order parabola高阶抛物线
tech.high order path adaptor高阶通道适配器
tech.high order path connection高阶通道连接
tech.high order path overhead monitoring高阶通道开销监视
tech.high order path termination高阶通道终端
tech.high order path unequipped generator高阶通道未装载发生器
telecom.high order PCM trunk高次群 PCM 中继线
met.high order position高数位
met.high order reaction高级反应
met.high order reaction高阶反应
met.high order reflection高级反射
met.high order reflection高阶反射
tech.high order reservoir高位水库
telecom.high order software高级软件
avia.high order software高阶软件
avia.high order system高阶系统
tech.high order term高次项
tech.high order transverse mode高次横模
tech.high order transverse mode高次横向波型
tech.high order transverse mode高阶横波型
tech.high order transverse wave高阶横波
el.high order tree dual approximation method高阶树型对偶近似法
nautic., tech.high order vibration高阶振动
el.high order virtual container高阶虚拟容器
telecom.high order virtual container高阶虚容器
tech.high order white高级白
avia.high order word高位字码
shipb.high-order add circuit高次加法电路
el.high-order address高位地址
UN, geol.high-order analytic and numerical derivatives高阶分析导数和数字导数
oilhigh-order bit高位
IThigh-order character高位字符
el.high-order connection supervision高级连接监视
AI.high-order cumulative tensor高阶累积张量
expl.high-order detonation高阶爆轰
el.high-order differential pulse code modulation高阶[次]差分脉码调制
el.high-order digit高阶数值
busin.high-order digit高阶数位
avia.high-order dynamics高阶动力学
eng.geol.high-order elastic model高阶弹性模型
el.mach.high-order finite element method高阶有限元法
spacehigh-order language高级语言
telecom.high-order language高级语
spacehigh-order loop高阶环路
spacehigh-order low-frequency digital filter高阶低频数字滤波器
commun., railw.high-order matrix高阶矩阵
spacehigh-order mode高阶模
busin.high-order model高阶模型
el.high-order path connection高阶通道连接
el.high-order path overhead monitoring高级通道开销监测
el.high-order path terminal高阶通道终端
eng.geol.high-order polynomial高次多项式
avia.high-order propagator高阶传播算子
expl.high-order shape function高阶形状函数
ecol.high-order shear deformation theory高阶剪切变形理论
AI.high-order spectrum高阶信号谱
spacehigh-order waveguide mode波导高次模
spacehigh-order waveguide mode高阶波导模
oilhigh-order white高级白
spacehigh-order word高位字
tech.involution of high order高阶对合
agric.rational crop rotation in order to guarantee yearly high yield保证高产的合理轮作茬口合理搭配保高产
tech.second-order and high-order transformation二次变换与高次变换
el.very high order language超高级语言
avia.very high order language甚高阶语言
shipb.We are thinking to order high-speed container ship.我们想订购快速集装箱船