
Terms containing heat storage | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
spacebody heat storage身体热积蓄
tech.chemical heat storage化学热蓄积
tech.coefficient of heat storage蓄热系数
el.fuel storage pool heat exchanger燃料贮存水池热交换器
oilheat insulation storage tank保温储罐
refrig.heat into storage热储蓄
refrig.heat out of storage释放蓄热
ecol.heat storage储热
tech.heat storage储热能力 (capacity)
tech.heat storage热蓄积 (capacity)
tech.heat storage热仓库 (capacity)
tech.heat storage供热能力 (capacity)
tech.heat storage蓄热 (capacity, 能力)
tech.heat storage热容量 (capacity)
tech.heat storage热储量 (capacity)
anim.husb.heat storage贮热容器
environ.heat storage Keeping heat created during a period of low consumption until a peak period when it is needed热储存 (在需热较少的时期贮存产生的热量,以备在需热高峰期使用。)
spaceheat storage热储量
oilheat storage热储集
oilheat storage蓄热
oilheat storage热库
agric.heat storage热贮藏
energ.ind.heat storage热储存
tech.heat storage储热 (capacity)
tech.heat storage热储[贮]藏 (capacity)
tech.heat storage材料的热的储 (capacity)
tech.heat storage储[贮]热能力 (capacity)
avia.heat storage热蓄积
avia.heat storage capacity蓄热特性
met.heat storage capacity蓄热容量能力
avia.heat storage capacity蓄热能力
tech.heat storage characteristic蓄热特性
refrig.heat storage coefficient蓄热系数
refrig.heat storage device蓄热装置
refrig.heat storage effect蓄热效应
tech.heat storage index蓄热指数
tech.heat storage maintenace蓄热养护
tech.heat storage material蓄热材料
refrig.heat storage medium蓄热介质
chem.heat storage polymer贮热高分子
tech.heat storage power蓄热能力
tech.heat storage property蓄热性能
tech.heat storage quality蓄热性能
tech.heat storage quilt保暖垫
tech.heat storage tank保温水箱
tech.heat storage tank蓄热水箱
refrig.heat storage tank蓄热水池
shipb.heat storage technology蓄热技术
plast.heat storage test热积聚试验〈模塑制品热稳定性〉
spaceheat storage unit贮热器
tech.heat storage unit储热器
tech.heat storage well储热井
tech.heat storaging tank蓄热罐
tech.heat storaging tank蓄热箱
sol.pow.heat transfer and thermal storage materials熔融盐传热蓄热材料
oilheat-insulated storage tank隔热储罐
textileheat-storage and thermo-regulated textile蓄热调温纺织品
eng.geol.heat-storage capacity热容量
eng.geol.heat-storage capacity储热能力
eng.geol.heat-storage reservoir储热层
eng.geol.heat-storage reservoir储热库
eng.geol.heat-storage reservoir热储
eng.geol.heat-storage well储热井
sol.pow.high-efficiency heat transfer and thermal storage technology高效传热蓄热技术
auto.latent-heat storage潜热储存
agric., tech.latent heat storage material潜热蓄热材料
agric.latent heat storage unit潜热蓄热槽
ecol.mode of heat storage储热方式
polym.phase change material for heat storage相变储热材料
wind.sensible heat storage显热贮能
tech.solar heat storage太阳热储存
agric.storage by heat insulation保温贮藏
agric.storage drier with heat热风通风仓库
agric.storage drier without heat非热风通风仓库
tech.storage of heat热量储[贮]存
tech.storage-type heat exchanger储蓄式热交换器
nucl.pow.ultimate heat sink cooling tower and water storage tank system最终热阱冷却塔储水池系统