
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing heat | all forms | exact matches only
a heat of steel一炉钢
absorbed heat吸收热
abstracted heat散发的热量
abstracted heat去热
abstracted heat减热
accumulation of heat蓄热
actual mold heat removal结晶器实际散热
additional heat补充热
additional heat附加热
admixture heat混合热
air-gap heat resistance气隙热阻
amount of additional heat补充热量
arc-welding heat电弧焊加热
argon stirred heat氩气搅拌炉次
atomic heat capacity原子热容
available heat可利用热
available heat可利用的热
available heat有效热
average heat flux平均热通量 (The agreement between the average heat fluxes in the mold calculated by the mathematical model and by the cooling water temperature rise is particular good for the trials with the stainless steel. 对使用不锈钢所进行的试验而言,根据数学模型计算出的结晶器内平均热通量与根据冷却水温度升高计算出的结晶器内平均热通量十分吻合。)
average heats/sequence平均连浇炉数
average mold heat transfer rate结晶器平均传热速率
average pouring time per heat每炉钢水平均浇注时间
axial heat flux profile轴向热流曲线
balance of heat热平衡
balance sheet of heat热平衡表
blank heat试炼炉次
blank heat试验性熔炼
blast furnace heat balance高炉热平衡 (【技】根据能量守恒定律,向高炉内提供的热量等于冶炼过程消耗的热量加上热损失的总和。通过热平衡计算,能够了解高炉内热量消耗状况,找出降低燃料消耗的途径。)
blocked heat【钢】 止碳
blocked heat中止氧化
blocked heat止碳
blood red heat加热到血红色
blood red heat血红色温度
brazing heat钎焊加热
broad face heat removal rate宽面散热速度
broad face heat removal ratio宽面散热比 (【技】宽面散热比指的是板坯结晶器两个宽面的散热值之比。它与结晶器形状、钢水流场分布、浸人式水口吐钢孔角度和堵塞状况等有关。)
calcining heat煅烧温度
casting time per heat每炉浇注时间
centrifugal-cast heat-resistant steel离心铸造耐热钢
centrifugally cast heat-resistant steel离心铸造耐热钢
chemical heat化学热
chemical heat treatment化学热处理
cherry-red heat樱红热
circulation of heat循环的热量
circulation of heat热循环
closing item of heat balance热平衡附加项
cold heat低温炉次 (钢水)
cold-rolling mill for heat-resistant steel耐热钢冷轧机
commercial heat consumption工业耗热量
compression heat压缩热
conditioning heat treatment预先热处理
consumption of heat energy热能消耗 (量)
consumption of heat energy热能用量
convective heat-transfer coefficient对流传热系数
cooling heat冷却后的余热
cooling heat冷却余热
corrosion, acid and heat-proof steel耐蚀耐酸耐热钢
corrosion, acid and heat proof steel耐腐蚀及耐酸耐热钢
corrosion , acid and heat-proof steel耐蚀耐酸耐热钢
counterflow heat exchanger对流热交换器
Cr-Al-Co heat-resistant steel铬铝钴耐热钢
critical heat临界热
critical heat flux临界热流量
Cr-Mo heat-resistant alloy steel铬钼耐热合金钢
Cr-Ni-Mo heat-resistant steel铬镍钼耐热钢
cross flow heat exchanger交叉流换热器
crystallization heat结晶热
crystallizing heat结晶热 (【技】熔融物从液相转变成固相结晶时所放出的热量。结晶的温度称为凝固点或凝固温度。对于同一种物质,其熔点等于其凝固点,其熔化热与结晶热绝对值相等,符号相反。硅酸盐的结晶热难于直接测定,因为其熔融体的黏度大,难以完全结晶,一般由其玻璃相与晶相的熔解热间接计算。)
current of heat热流
dark cherry heat暗樱红热
dark cherry-red heat暗樱红热
dark heat加热到暗红热
dark heat暗红热
dark orange heat暗橙黄色
dark orange heat加热到暗橙黄色
dark orange heat暗橙黄热
dark red heat暗红热
Debye formula for specific heat德拜比热容公式
Debye formula for specific heat德拜比热公式
Debye's specific heat formula德拜比热容公式
decline of heat flux热流降低
decrease in heat flux热流降低
degassed heat已脱气处理的炉次
delivered heat引出热量
delivered heat输出热量
desulfurized heat脱硫炉次
difference in heat flux热通量差
differential heat treatment局部热处理
diffusion heat扩散热
diffusivity of heat热扩散率
diffusivity of heat热扩散性
dilatometric heat treatment膨胀测定热处理
dilution heat冲淡热
dilution heat稀释热
direct heat drier直接加热干燥机
direct-heat drier直接加热干燥机
direct heat source直接热源
direct-indirect heat cylindrical drier转筒式直接-间接加热干燥机
dissociation heat离解热
dissolution heat溶解热
dissolving heat溶解热
distorted heat-resistant cast iron变形耐热铸铁
distortion-free heat treatment无畸变热处理
diverted heat改判钢号的炉次 (因化学成分出格而改变的: The CAS-OB system is designed to reduce the number of diverted heats and increase the production of prime steel. CAS-OB 装置的设计目标是减少改判钢号的炉次,提高优质钢产量。)
diverted heat改变钢号炉次
double-pipe heat-exchanger双管换热器
double-pipe heat-exchanger双管式热交换器
dull cherry-red heat暗樱红热 (加热到暗樱红色)
dull-red heat暗红热 (加热到暗红色)
duration of heat一炉冶炼时间
duration of heat冶炼一炉时间
edge heat insulation边部绝热
efficiency of heat transfer传热效率 (As melting proceeds the efficiency of heat transfer to the scrap and bath drops off and more heat is radiated from the arc to the sidewalls. 随着熔炼的进行,对废钢和熔池的传热效率下降,电弧辐射热更多地传向炉墙。)
egress of heat热传导
egress of heat热导出
egress of heat传热
Einstein's formula for specific heat爱因斯坦比热公式
electric heat treating furnace热处理电炉
electric steel heat电炉炉次
electric steel heat电炉钢炉次
electric steel heat电炉炼钢
electromagnetic stirring heat电磁搅拌炉次
electromagnetically stirred heat经电磁搅拌的炉次
electron-beam heat treatment电子束热处理 (【技】用高能量密度的电子束冲击金属表面,在极短的时间内达到相变温度范围,然后自冷淬火热处理的工艺。其中也包括电子束表面合金化处理。该法的主要优点是加热速度快、工件变形小、可获得细晶粒组织。)
electronic specific heat电子比热
emission of heat热辐射
endothermic heat吸收热
evolution of heat放热
excess heat过热
excess heat过剩热
excess heat余热
expansion caused by heat热膨胀
extend number of heats in a sequence提高连浇炉数 (As mentioned previously, the ability to do nozzle quick changes (NQC) has been included in the tundish design in order to extend the number of heats in a sequence. 如前所述,为了提高连浇炉数,已将水口快速更换能力项目列人中间包设计中。)
external heat exchange medium外部热交换介质
external heat loss外部热损失
fast cycle heat treatment快速热处理
film heat transfer coefficient薄膜导热系数
finned type heat exchanger鱼翅式热交换器
finned type heat exchanger鳍式热交换器
finned-type heat exchanger鱼翅式换热器
finned-type heat exchanger鳍式换热器
flash heat快速加热
flue gas heat recovery烟道气余热回收
fluid bed heat transfer沸腾层热传输
fluid bed heat transfer流化床热传输
fluidized bed heat treatment流态化床热处理
fluidized bed heat treatment化床热处理
fluidized bed heat treatment沸腾层热处理
Fluxflow waste heat boiler弗勒克斯弗劳型余热锅炉
following heat后一炉 (次: If the melter finds a series of heats that were hot for unexplained reasons, he makes a temperature bias correction for the following heat, hoping that it will turn down close to the aim temperature. 如果炼钢工发现连续几炉的炉温都过高且原因不明,那么炼钢工就可对下一炉次进行温偏修正,希望下一炉终点停炉时炉温能接近目标温度。)
following heat下一炉 (次)
following heat接着的一炉
free convection heat transfer自由对流传热
frequently bunched heats出钢时间经常相重的炉次
fully heat treated rail完全热处理钢轨
gain of heat积热
gain of heat增热
gap heat resistance气隙热阻
gas-brick heat transfer煤气-砖格子热转移
gas-solid heat transfer气-固传热
gas-solid heat transfer气-固热传导
gas-welding heat气焊热
glass for protecting against heat热玻璃
glowing heat灼热
glowing heat白热 (温度很高)
Grainal-treated heat经格雷纳尔铁合金处理的一炉钢水
grainal-treated heat经格雷纳尔合金处理的一炉钢水
gross heat of combustion总燃烧热
hardening by isothermal heat-treatment等温热处理硬化
hardening heat淬火温度
hardening heat淬火加热
hearth heat炉缸热工制度
hearth heat炉缸热量
high carbon heat高碳钢熔炼
high chromium heat-resisting cast iron高铬耐热铸铁 (【技】含铬量高的耐蚀耐热白口铸铁。它具有良好的强度和较好的机械加工性能。在 1000°C 以上的氧化性气氛中仍有较好的抗氧化能力。常用来制做加热炉炉底板、炉子传送链等。)
high heat难熔的
high heat耐热的
high heat高温
high heat duty firebrick耐高温砖
high heat duty firebrick难熔耐火
high heat duty fireclay brick耐高温黏土砖
high heat duty fireclay brick耐高温粘土砖
high heat efficiency高热效率
high heat furnace高温炉
high heat treatment高温处理
high hot metal heat高铁水比熔炼
high temperature heat高温炉次
high temperature heat高温熔炼
high temperature heat transfer medium高温传热介质
high top heat高温炉顶
high-carbon heat高碳钢熔炼
highly-alloyed heat-resisting steel高合金耐热钢
high-temperature heat高温炉次
high-temperature heat transfer medium高温传热介质
horizontal fire-tube-type waste-heat boiler卧式火管型余热锅炉
horizontal heat transfer横向传热
horizontal heat transfer水平传热
horizontal tube waste-heat boiler卧管式余热锅炉
hydration heat水合热
incoming heat热量输人
incoming heat进入输入热量
induction heat感应加热
induction surface heat treatment感应加热表面热处理 (【技】利用电磁感应和交流电的趋肤效应,在交变磁场的作用下,产生涡流而使工件表面局部加热的热处理工艺。交流电的频率越高,电流的透人深度越小,表面加热的深度越小。感应加热的频率可分为高频、中频和工频三类。高、中频加热主要用于钢件的表面淬火,工频加热用于穿透加热。主要优点是在表面层内奥氏体晶粒细小。对同样材料其硬度比普通炉中加热淬火硬度高,耐磨性也高;表面淬火除提高表面层本身的强度外,由于在表面层形成很大的残余压应力从而提高了钢件的疲劳强度。)
ingot heat钢锭热量
insufficient heat removal散热不良
insufficient heat removal散热速度低
insufficient heat removal散热不充分
insufficient heat removal散热不足
intensity of heat热强度
intercritical heat treatment亚稳热处理
intercritical heat treatment临界区热处理
interface heat transfer coefficient界面传热系数
interfacial heat flux界面间热流量
interfacial heat flux界面热通量
intermediate heat duty mortar中等耐火泥浆
intermediate heat exchanger中间热交换器
intrinsic heat内藏热量
inverse heat conduction model反向热传导模型
isothermal heat treatment等温热处理
killed heat镇静钢熔炼
laminar heat transfer层流传热
laser heat treatment激光表面热处理 (【技】利用高能量激光束加热金属工件表面,达到工件表面改性,以提高其表面硬度、耐磨性和耐腐蚀性能的热处理工艺。激光束可根据要求进行局部选择性硬化处理。其热处理应力和变形小。激光表面强化是用激光束加热,使表面薄层发生熔凝和相变,然后自激快冷形成微晶或非晶组织。激光表面合金化是用激光加热涂敷在工件表面的金属或化合物和基体金属快速发生熔凝,在工件表面形成新的化合物层,达到表面改性。激光表面气相沉积是用激光束加热基体金属及通过的气体,使之发生反应,在金属表面形成所需的膜,以•改变表面性质。激光表面热处理所使用的激光源通常是二氧化碳激光器。)
latent heat in ingot钢锭潜热
latent heat of crystallization结晶潜热
latent heat of evaporation蒸发潜热
latent heat of freezing凝固潜热
latent heat of fusion熔化潜热
latent heat of liquefaction液化潜热
latent heat of melting熔化潜热
latent heat of phase change相变潜热
latent heat of solidification凝固潜热
latent heat of transformation转变潜热
latent heat of vaporization汽化潜热
lattice heat capacity点阵热容
lattice heat capacity晶格热容
lattice heat conductivity格构式导热率
lattice heat conductivity格构式传热性
length of heat冶炼时间
length of heat加热时间
liberation of heat放热
local heat treatment局部热处理 (【技】仅对工件的某个部分或某些局部进行的热处理。例如:仅对需要硬化的部位进行的淬火,称为局部淬火。)
local stress relief heat-treatment消除局部应力热处理
localized heat treatment局部热处理
localized retardation of heat transfer局部传热受阻
localized retardation of heat transfer传热局部受阻
loss of heat热损失
lost heat热量损失
lost heat热损失
lost heat不合格熔炼
lower heat removal alarm limit散热报警下限
lower heat zone下加热段
lower limit of heat removal alarm散热报警下限
lower red heat暗红色
magnetic heat-treatment磁场热处理
make-up heat补充热量
make-up heat补充加热
martensitic heat resistant steel马氏体耐热钢
master heat【钢】 混合冶炼中的一炉钢
master heat混合冶炼中的一炉钢
mathematical model of heat content of ingot钢锭热焓数学模型
mathematical model of heat flux热通量数学模型 (To validate the predictions of the mathematical model of heat flux, an average heat flux in the mold was calculated and compared to the values deduced from the cooling water temperature rise. 为了验证热通量数学模型的预测,对结晶器内平均热通量进行了计算并与根据冷却水温度升高推导出的数值进行了比较。)
mathematical model of heat transfer during solidification of strand连铸坯凝固传热数学模型
mean heat capacity平均热容
mean molal specific heat平均克分子比热
mean specific heat平均比热
measuring meter for specific heat比热测量仪
medium grade heat中等热值热量
metallurgic heat treatment冶金热处理
method of heat recuperation回流换热方法
method of heat recuperation回热方法
mixing heat混合热
mixture heat混合热
moderate heat duty fireclay brick中温粘土砖
modified heat-resistant cast iron变性耐热铸铁
modified heat-resistant iron变性耐热铸铁
molar heat克分子热
molar heat capacity克分子热容
molecular combining heat分子结合热
molecular heat分子热
molecular heat capacity分子热容
molten lead heat treating铅浴热处理
molten lead heat treatment铅浴热处理
molten salt heat treatment盐浴热处理
Monsanto heat recovery system孟山都公司热回收系统
multiple-heat casting多炉连浇
narrow face heat removal窄面散热
narrow face heat removal amount窄面散热量
narrow face heat removal ratio窄面散热比 (【技】板坯结晶器两个窄面的散热值之比,常常反映出浸人式水口的偏流程度。)
net heat净热量
net heat of combustion燃烧净热值
neutralization heat中和热
non-heat treatable alloy不可热处理合金
non-heat treatable alloy非热处理合金
non post-combustion heats非二次燃烧的炉次
nonoxidizing heat treatment非氧化热处理
non-oxidizing heat-treatment furnace无氧化热处理炉
nonsteady heat transfer非稳态传热
not heat-treated steel wire非热处理钢丝
number of heats炉数 (The number of heats able to be cast in a sequence is currently limited by the effective life of the SEN. 目前,一个浇次能够浇注的炉数受到浸人式水口有效寿命的制约。)
number of heats in a sequence每浇次炉数
number of heats in a sequence【连】 连浇炉数
number of heats in sequence cast多炉连浇炉数
number of heats in sequence cast【连】连浇炉数
number of heats per sequence多炉连浇炉数
number of heats per sequence【连】连浇炉数
numerical heat transfer数值传热学
off-analysis heat成分出格炉次
off-analysis heat成分不合格炉次
off-chemistry heat化学成分不合格炉次
off-gas heat loss废气热损失
off-grade heat废品炉次
off-grade heat不合格炉次
off-grade heat号外炉次
off-grade heat出格炉次
off-grade heat炼废炉次
off-standard chemistry heat不合标准化学成分的炉次
oil-to-oil heat exchanger油对油换热器
orange heat橘黄色加热温度
orange heat加热到橘黄色温度
orange heat加热到桔黄色
orange heat桔黄色加热温度
overblown heat过吹炉次
over-oxidized heat过氧化熔炼
over-oxidized heat过氧化炉次
overoxidized heat过氧化炉次
oxidation heat氧化热
oxidizing heat氧化熔炼
partial heat非整炉次
passage of heat传热
pellet heat-hardening machine球团焙烧机
pill heat第一炉熔炼 (指开炉后的)
plate heat exchanger板式换热器
poor heat transfer传热不良
poor heat transfer热传递不良
post-weld heat treatment焊后热处理
postweld heat treatment焊后热处理 (【技】金属材料焊接后,为改善焊接接头的组织和性能或消除残余应力而进行的热处理,可分为残余应力热处理、正火、回火、调质、固溶、稳定化热处理等。焊后热处理的加热方法有炉内加热和可燃气体火焰燃烧器加热。中小型焊件可以在炉内进行,大型焊件常采用排嘴燃烧器火焰加热的方法进行焊后热处理。)
preceding heat前一炉 (次)
prevent heat loss防止热流失 (The thermal insulation to prevent heat loss is one of the primary functions of mold powder. 绝热保温防止热流失是结晶器保护渣的主要功能之一。)
process heat工艺热量
process heat loss生产热损失
process heat loss工艺热量损失
process heat loss工艺热损失
protective coating for heat treatment热处理保护涂层 (【技】在介质气氛热处理时,事先涂抹在金属工件表面,以保持金属表面原有组成或结构的暂时性保护涂层。对于不同的介质气氛和保护要求,可供选择的保护涂层有抗氧化涂层、防脱碳涂层、防渗碳涂层、防渗氮涂层及防渗硼涂层等。)
pseudo-heat activation伪热激活
purification by heat treatment热处理净化
radiant heat辐射热
radiant heat flux辐射热流
radiant heat loss辐射热损失
radiate heat散热
radiation heat-interchange辐射热交换
radiation heat transfer辐射传热
radiation waste-heat boiler辐射式余热锅炉
rate of heat flow热流速度 (A gap between the mold and strand causes the local rate of heat flow to diminish dramatically. The extent of this gap depends on the shrinkage of the shell. 结晶器和铸坯间的间隙引起局部热流速度急剧下降。该间隙的大小取决于坯壳的收缩量。)
rate of heat liberation散热速率
rate of heat liberation放热速率
rate of heat release放热速度
rate of heat release放热率
rate of heat removal散热速率
rate of heat removal散热速度
rate of heat transfer传热率
rate of mold heat transfer结晶器传热速率
ratio of heat removal from two broad faces宽面散热比
reaction heat反应热 (During steelmaking of basic oxygen furnace (BOF) the goal of injecting oxygen into the furnace is to decarburize the hot metal and to give the reaction heat to melt the cold steel scrap. 氧气顶吹转炉 (BOF) 炼钢期间,向炉内喷吹氧气的目的是脱除铁水中的碳,为熔化冷废钢提供反应热。)
reaction heat反应热
ready to tap heat准备出钢的炉次
ready-to-tap heat准备出钢的炉次
reclamation of heat余热利用
reclamation of heat热回收
recoup system heat回流热量
recoup system heat回流系统热量
recovery of sensible heat of hot metal铁水显热回收
reducing gas heat exchanger还原气体换热器
regenerative heat recovery蓄热式热回收
region of chemical intermix between successive heats相邻炉次间的化学成分混合区 (【技】异钢种连浇时,相邻两炉化学成分不同的钢水混合而成的区域。)
residual heat残余热
response to heat treatment感受热处理的能力
response to heat treatment热处理感受性
roasting heat焙烧热
roll in one heat【压】 一火成材
roll in one heat一次加热轧成
roll in one heat一火成材
roll in one heat一火轧成
rolling heat轧制热
rolling heat轧制发热
roof lance heat炉顶吹氧熔炼
rotary heat-exchanger回转热交换器
scrapped preceding heat section上一炉次报废段 (异钢种连浇的)
scrapped succeeding heat section下一炉次报废段 (异钢种连浇的)
secondary heat treatment二次热处理
semikilled heat半镇静钢熔炼
semi-killed heat半镇静钢熔炼
sensible heat显热 (The heat for the ironmaking process is not produced entirely by the combustion of coke, because at most blast furnaces roughly 40% is supplied from the sensible heat of the hot-blast air. 炼铁工艺所需热量并非完全由焦炭的燃烧提供。因为对于大多数高炉而言,大约有40%的热量是由热风的显热提供。)
sensible heat in steel钢中显热
sensible heat of liquid iron铁水显热
sensible heat of off-gas from EAF电弧炉废气显热
sensitive heat显热
sensitizing heat treatment敏化热处理 (【技】能够引起金属材料晶间腐蚀倾向性增大的热处理,用于检测奥氏体不锈钢是否有晶间腐蚀倾向及倾向的程度。)
shell heat transfer坯壳传热
shell-and-tube heat exchanger套管式换热器
shell-and-tube heat exchanger壳管式换热器
shortage of heat加热不足
shortage of heat热量不足
side stream heat exchanger侧流换热器
silicium killed heat加硅脱氧炉次
silicium killed heat加硅脱氧熔炼
silicon-killed heat加硅脱氧熔炼
silicon-killed heat加硅脱氧炉次
single heat一次加热
single-heat continuous casting单炉连浇
single-heat continuous casting单炉连铸
single-pass heat exchanger单程热交换器
slab from calcium-treated heat钙处理炉次的板坯
slab sample from argon-stirred heat吹氩搅拌炉次的板坯试样
slag from previous heat上一炉的炉渣 (转炉的)
sloppy heat转炉喷溅炉次
sloppy heat喷溅炉次 (转炉的)
small-scale transparent heat pipe lance小型透明热管喷枪
soft heat软熔炉次
source of heat热源
split heat双槽出钢熔炼
standard heat of formation标准生成热
standard heat-treatment标准热处理
standard heat treatment标准热处理
standard water-slot heat transfer coefficient标准水缝传热系数 (结晶器的)
steady state heat losses稳态热损失
steady-state heat transfer finite element analysis稳态传热有限元分析
steam heat蒸汽热
steam heat-exchanger蒸汽热交换器
steel for heat transfer tube of steam generator蒸汽发生器传热管用钢 (【技】用于制造蒸汽发生器传热管的钢材。此类钢应具备良好的抗应力腐蚀断裂和抗均匀腐蚀的能力、优异的导热性能以及加工与焊接性能。常用的材料有 18-8 系列不锈钢、镍基因科镍-600、因科洛依- 800和因科镍-690 合金。18-8 系列在含氯化物和氧的介质中会发生应力腐蚀断裂。因科镍-600是它的改进型,但只在弱碱性水溶液中具有抗应力腐蚀断裂能力。因科洛依-800 的抗晶间腐蚀和抗应力腐蚀断裂均优于因科镍-600,但不抗苛性碱的应力腐蚀断裂。因科镍-690耐高温水应力腐蚀性能最好。目前使用最普遍的是因科洛依-800和因科镍-690合金。)
steel strand heat treatment钢绞线热处理
stored heat蓄热
stress-relief heat-treatment消除应力热处理
stress-relief heat treatment消除应力热处理
subcritical heat treatment亚临界热处理
sublimation heat升华热
submerged heat潜热
succeeding heat后一炉 (次)
super-heat-resisting alloy超耐热合金
super-heat-resisting alloy超高温合金
super-heat-resisting material超耐热材料
sweating heat锻接温度 (熟铁的)
sweating heat锻焊温度
terrestrial heat flow地壳热流
There is a saying, "There are many ways to skin a cat" The same could be said for producing a heat of steel.俗语道:"猫皮剥法不止一种",炼钢方法岂能相同。英文原文摘自一篇讨论炼钢流程的论文。此处意指应根据 实际情况确定生产流程,不能固守一法不变
thermal radiation heat transfer热辐射传热
thermal radiation heat transfer辐射传热
transfer of heat to slag向炉渣传热
transition heat转变热
true heat capacity真热容
tubular heat exchanger管式换热器
two-dimensional heat flow二维空间传热
two-dimensional heat transfer二维传热
two-dimensional heat transfer model二维传热模型
two-pass heat exchanger二行程换热器
unsteady state heat transfer analysis非稳态传热分析
upper heat zone上加热段
used heat废热
used heat用过的热
useful heat有效热量
vapourization heat蒸发
vertical heat flux垂直热通量 (The melting rate of a mould powder is affected by a series of factors: (i) the carbon content, (ii) the particle size and the nature of the carbon used, (iii) the vertical heat flux (which depends upon casting speed, turbulence, steel temperature, etc.), and (iv) the presence of exothermic agents in the powder. 结晶器保护渣熔化速度受一系列因素的影响:①含碳量;②粒度和所使用的碳的特性;③垂直热通量(它取决于拉坯速度、紊流状况、钢水温度等);以及④保护渣中存在的发热剂。)
vertical heat flux垂直热流量
vibrational heat capacity振动热容
vibrational specific heat振动比热
wall heat load炉墙热负荷
wall heat loss parameter墙热损失参数
wash heat渣洗炉底
wash heat表面热清理 (烧化钢锭皮,清除表面缺陷)
wash heat【钢】 洗炉
waste gas heat loss废气热损失
waste heat boiler废热锅炉
waste heat boiler余热锅炉
waste heat box余热箱
waste heat box废热箱
waste heat even废热焦炉
waste heat flue废热烟道
waste heat flue余热烟道
waste heat loss余热损失
waste heat loss废气带走的热损失
waste heat recovery废热利用
waste heat recovery余热回收
waste heat recovery of furnace炉子余热回收
waste heat rejection废气热损失
waste heat superheater废热过热器
waste heat utilization废热利用
waste heat utilization余热利用
waste of heat热损耗
water slot heat transfer coefficient水缝传热系数
waterside heat transfer coefficient水侧传热系数 (高炉冷却壁的)
welding heat焊接热
work heat transformer感应加热变流器
workpiece heat treatment工件热处理
wrought heat-resisting alloy形变耐热合金
wrought heat-resisting alloy可锻耐热合金
young blown heat【钢】 欠吹炉次 (终点碳量偏高)
young-blown heat欠吹炉次
zone of heat absorption吸热带
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