
Terms for subject Desert science containing heat | all forms | exact matches only
after heat印第安夏"秋老虎" (美国十月、十一月间的热期)
annual heat budget年热量
annual heat budget年热量收支
formation heat形成热
heat balance at snow surface雪面热平衡
heat conduction导热率
heat conductivity导热度
heat discharge热量释放
heat equator热赤道
heat increment热增耗
heat low热低压
heat model热量模型
heat of coagulation凝结热
heat of fermentation发酵热 (HF)
heat of freezing凝固热
heat of fusion熔解热
heat of fusion融化热
heat of nutrient metabolism营养代谢热
heat of nutrient metabolism养分代谢热能 (HNM)
heat rays热[射]线
heat regime热量状况
heat thunderstorm热雷暴
heat units热量单位
internal latent heat内潜热
latent heat flux潜热通量
latent heat vaporization蒸发潜热
metabolic heat production代谢性产热
natural heat flow天然热流
radiative heat辐射热
radiative heat transfer辐射传热
residual heat残热
specific heat capacity比热容量
stem heat balance茎热平衡
surface heat budget表层热平衡
terrestrial heat flow地热流
terrestrial heat sources地热资源
true latent heat真潜热
urban heat island城市热岛效应
useful heat有效热
wetting heat湿热