
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing heading | all forms | exact matches only
AC erasing head交流消磁头
acceleration head加速度
acceleration head加速度头
actual head实际压头
adjustable head T-square活头丁字尺
angle head角机头
artesian head自流水头
artesian pressure head自流水压头
auger-drill head螺旋钻头
automatic release mechanical firing head自动丢手机械发火头
available net positive suction head有效汽蚀余量
available pressure head有效压头
ball joint head球形头
ball joint head球形盖
band head谱带头
bay head湾头坝
bay head barrier湾头障壁坝
bay head delta湾头三角洲
beam head游梁头
bit heading钻头指向
blast head风压
boiler head锅炉头部
bollard head系缆桩
braden head flange套管头法兰
braden head gas套管头气
branch heading错车巷道
bumped head凸形底
canyon head峡谷头
capacity-head curve排量一压头曲线
casing circulating head套管循环头
casing drive head套管帽
casing head bowl套管头内卡瓦座圈
casing head gas油田气 (套管头天然气)
casing head housing套管头总成
casing head housing套管头壳体
casing head squeeze套管头挤水泥
casing head stuffing box套管头填料盒
casing screw head套管内螺纹护丝
cat head line猫头绳
cement head水泥头
circulating head循环冲洗管头
clear liquid head清液高度
cold heading冷镦
cold heading冷锻
combination firing head组合点火装置
concave head piston凹顶活塞
conductor head assembly导管头总成
constant head常水头
constant head不变水头
constant hydrostatic head device静水头调节装置
continuous cementing head连续式水泥头
control casing head套管头阀门
control casing head套管控制头
control head控制头
control head井口控制装置
cross head工作区间通道
cross head横头
cross head十字结联轴节
cross head联络巷道
cross head丁字头
cup head bolt半圆头螺栓
cup head rivet半圆头铆钉
cutter head切割刀头
cutter head铳头
cutter head取心钻头切削刃
cutter head刀盘
cutter head dredger绞吸式挖泥船
cutting head取心钻头切削刃
cutting head切割头
d-c erasing head直流消磁头
delivery head输送压头
delivery head lift输出扬程
diamond coring head金刚石取心钻头
direct recording head直接记录头
discharge pressure head排岀压头
dished head碟形头盖
dished head碟形底
double cap casing head双顶套管头
double plug cement head双塞注水泥头
double wing control head双翼控制头
drawing head牵引头
drive pipe head击入管撞击头
dual-head meter双头流量计
dual-string head双管井口装置
effective head有效扬程
effective pressure head有效压头
elevation head高程水头
elliptical dished head椭圆碟形封头
elliptical head椭圆头盖
elliptical head椭圆封头
erasing head消磁头
excess fluid head过剩流体压头
excess fluid head超流体压头
fall head降水头
falling head permeameter变水头渗透率仪
feed head进料口
feeder head给进头
firing head发火装置
fishing head打捞头
flanged and dished head带折边的碟形封头
flexible head coupler活动车钩
floating head浮头
floating head浮盖
floating head condenser浮头式冷凝器
floating head cover浮头盖
floating head heat exchanger浮头换热器
floating head heat-exchanger浮头式列管换热器
floating head vent浮头排出管
flow head井口自喷装置
flowing tubing head pressure自喷油压
flowing tubing head pressure自喷井井口压力
flowline pulling head出油管牵引帽
fluid head流体压头
fluid head loss液体压头损失
flux-sensitive head通量磁头
follower head后端头
follower head跟踪头
full opening casing head全孔式套管头
gas head气体压头
gauge head检尺表头
general heading通用图头
general heading通用标题
gib-head key凸头键
gravity head静压头
hard formation cutting head硬地层钻头
head amplifier前级视频放大器
head bearing上轴承
head bearing顶部轴承
head board绞车顶部横梁
head bulk plant首站油库
head-capacity curve扬程-流量曲线
head capacity curve压头一流量曲线
head check pulse磁头检验脉冲
head coal精煤
head driller钻工领班
head driller司钻
head facility首站设施
head fraction头部馏分
head installation首站设施
head knocker地区监督
head lift扬程
head measurement tube压头测量管
head meter压头指示仪
head, nut and washer螺栓、螺帽和垫圈
head of roustabout甲板班长
head pump船首泵
head pusher钻井监督
head section of breakwater防波堤头断面
head space gas chromatography顶空气相色谱法
head sub接头短节
head tank压力罐
head tank farm首站罐区
head tide逆潮
head tide落潮流
head-to-head polymer头-头 连接 聚合物
head-to-tail polymer头-尾连接聚合物
head wave首波
head well间歇自喷产油井
heading angle航向改变角
heading angle方向改变角
heading device航向信
heading file图头文件
heading file标题文件
heading flow间歇岀油
heading marker航向指示器
heading marker船首标志
heading of log录井图图头
heading reference system航向参考系统
hemispherical head半球形封头
hydraulic firing head水力发火头
hydraulic head水力压头
hydraulic head surface水力压头面
hydraulic pressure head液压压头
hydraulic pressure head水压压头
hydraulic swivel head液压旋转水龙头
hydrostatic head静水压头
hydrostatic mud head泥浆静水压头
inertial hydraulic head惯性水头
injection well head assembly注水井井口装置
intake head吸入压头
intake head进口压头
internal floating head内浮头
knee head loss弯管压头损失
knee head loss弯管水头损失
lake-head delta湖首三角洲
landing head联顶头
liner cementing head尾管水泥头
liquid head液柱头
liquid head液头
log heading测井图头
logging head测井仪器接头
loss in head位差损失
loss of head位差损失
low head低压头
low head低水头
low speed cross head diesel engine低速十字头柴油机
main control head井口总闸门
manometric head压力头
mole head突堤堤头
mooring head系泊头
mooring head pitch bearing系泊头纵摇轴承
movable head可动式磁头
mule head驴头
mushroom head method蘑菇头法
negative suction head真空吸入压头
negative suction head负吸入压头
net positive suction head汽蚀余量
net positive suction head净吸入扬程
net positive suction head净吸入压头
net pressure head净压头
net pump suction head泵的汽蚀余量
offset tubing head偏心油管头
oil head油压头
oil head油头
operating head工作压头
optical head光度头
oval fillister-head screw凹槽椭圆头螺钉
pan head screw大柱头螺钉
Permanent-magnet erasing head永磁消磁头
piezometric head测压水头
pipe head管路进油端
pipeline head管道首站
pipeline head管线起点
pipeline head管线首站
pipeline head管道起点
plain dividing head普通分度头
playback head拾声器头
playback head回放磁头
playback head读出磁头
plus head凹面受压封头
polished rod head光杆头
polytropic head多变压头
pressure head承压水头
procedure heading进程导引
pulling head拖管头
pump suction head泵吸入高度
pumping head扬程
racking head排放动力头
rail head铁路转运点
raised-head screw凸头螺钉
rated head额定压头
reading head读出磁头
read-record head读出一写入磁头
record heading记录图头
record heading记录标题
rejuvenation head回春点
reproducing head回放磁头
reproducing head复制头
resistance head摩阻损失压头
retrieving head可回收打捞头
rock head岩石顶层
rudder head上舵杆
rudder head舵杆头
running head下放头
safety head安全头 (装破裂盘用)
sampling head采样头
scanner head扫描头
seismic head wave地震首波
sensing head感应头
sensing head读岀头
service heading记录图头
setting head坐放头
setting head坐定头
shaft head轴头
shooting head引爆头
shut off head关井压头
single plug cement head单塞水泥头
single wing control head单翼控制头
single-pole-piece magnetic head单极磁头
sinking head平头
socket head cap screw内六角螺钉
spherical head球形头
spindle head轴头
static tubing head pressure油管静压
static tubing head pressure关井稳定油管压力
station heading电台航向
strainer head滤头
stripper head封井头
stuffing box casing head盘根盒式套管头
subsea well head水下井口装置
suction head吸升力
suction head吸水头
suction head吸升高度
swivel adapter head旋转接头
swivel control head旋转控制头
thermal head热位差
thermal head热头
thin-film head薄膜磁头
three-head burner三头燃烧器 (assemble)
tong head钳头
tool head刀夹
top control head顶部控制头
top-drive hydraulic power head顶驱液压动力头
top-drive hydraulic power head顶部驱动液压动力头
top-drive power head顶部驱动动力头
total delivery head出口总压头
total delivery head总泵送压头
total head总扬程
total static head总静压头
total static head总静水头
transfer head转换压头
tripped firing head撞击发火头
truss head rivet大圆头铆钉
tubing control head油管控制头
tubing head油管头四通
tubing head油管头
tubing head adapter油管头联接节
tubing head flange油管头法兰
tubing head pressure油管井口压力
tubing head sampler油管头采样器
two-head automatic arc welding machine自动双头弧焊机
valley head谷源
valley head谷头
valve in head头阀
valve in head盖上阀
variable head permeameter可变压头渗透仪
variable head viscosimeter可变压头黏度计
vertical dished head tank立式碟形顶罐
vertical weld head assembly垂直焊接机头装置
weld head assembly焊接机头装置
welding head焊头
well head井口
well head area井口区
well head assembly井口装置
well-head block座式井口滑轮
well head choke井口阻流器
well head control block valve井口总闸门
well head control valve井口总阀门
well head control valve井口控制阀
well head duty house井口值班房
well head elevation井口标高
well head fitting井口装置配件
well head flowing pressure井口流动压力
well head fracturing manifold井口压裂管汇
well head gas井口气
well head gauge井口仪表
well head guard filter井口保护滤器
well head guard filter井口保护过滤器
well head module井口模块
well head tap井口短节
wiping head消磁头
wrapping head缠绕器