
Terms containing head office | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.address of head office总部地址
econ.All purchasing has been centralized in their head office一切采购事务都集中到他们的总公司
econ.Any revocation or return of goods, set off or counterclaim shall be reported to the head office遇有任何取消订货或退货,划账或反索赔的情况,应向总公司报告
econ.As to our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our bank, the Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing关于笔方的业务情况和财务情况,请向中国银行北京总行查询
commer.be addressed to the head office寄往总公司
busin.current account with head office总公司往来账户
busin.customs head office海关总署
econ.For our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our banker n., the Commercial Bank of Tokyo, Head Office, Tokyo关于我们的业务和财务情况,请向东京商业银行东京总行查询
econ.He wired the head office to say that the task had been completed successfully他给总公司去电,汇报任务已顺利完成
shipb.head of an office室主任
tech.head office总办事处
tech.head office本部
busin.head office本店
econ.head office总社
busin.head office点店
tech.head office厂部办公室
China, polit.head office总机构
patents.head office总公司 (H. O.)
manag.head main office总局
interntl.trade.head office总行
textilehead office总局
textilehead or home office总部
exhib.head office总部
corp.gov.head office总公司
el.head office银行总行
textilehead or home office总公司
textilehead office总署
textilehead office总店
manag.head main office总机构
manag.head main office总公司
manag.head main office总行
auto.head office公司总部
patents.head office总局〔社,店,公司〕
tech.head office指挥部
tech.head office总管理处
account.head office account总公司账目
econ.head office account总公司账户
fin.head office and branches account总行分行帐户
busin.head office and branches account总行与分行账户
econ.head office-branch form总、分、支行形式
econ.head office-branch form总分支行形式
econ.head office-branch form总分公司形式
busin.head office control account总店控制账户
interntl.trade.head office control account总店统制账户
econ.head office control account总公司控制账户
fin.head office control account总店控制帐户
busin.head office control account总公司控制统驭账户
proj.manag.head office cost总部费用
tech.head office cost总部费
interntl.trade.head office current总店往来
fin.head office current总公司往来
busin.head office current account总行往来账
econ.head office current account总公司往来账
busin.head office current account总公司往来账
busin.head office general account总行往来账
fin.head office general account总店往来帐户
econ.head office general account总公司控制账户
busin.head office general account总公司总账
fin.head office ledger总店总帐
account.head office ledger account总公司总店分类账目
busin.head office ledger account总行分类账
busin.head office ledger account总公司分类账
fin.head office merchandise account总店商品帐
tech.head office of railway material铁路物资总公司
fin.Head Office of the Agricultural Bank of China中国农业银行总行
fin.Head Office of the Bank China中国银行总行
tech.head office organization承包商的公司组织
tech.head office organization承包人的公司组织
tech.head office organization承包者的公司组织
hydroel.st.head office overhead总部管理费
tech.head office overheads总公司经费
tech.head office staff总公司工作人员
tech.head post office邮政总局
commer.Our acceptance of your proposal will have to be ratified by our Head Office我方对你方建议的接受须经我总公司批准
econ.Our clients often got in direct touch with our head office我们的客户经常与我们的总公司直接联系
busin.profit remitted to the head office汇交总公司利润
fin.purchase from head office向总公司购货
fin.purchase from head office总店来货
busin.purchase from head office总公司来货
busin.purchase from the head office由总店购入
busin.purchase from the head office总店来货
fin.purchases from head office总店来货
securit.Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China中国人民银行上海总部
econ.They can reckon om the support of their head office他们可以指望他们的总公司予以支持
econ.We may refer you to Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing for inquiry of our credit status请向北京中国银行总行査询我公司信用情况
commer.We've already referred the matter to our Head Office in Beijing for their ratification我公司已将此事上报北京总公司批准
econ.Your cable to our head office has been transmit ted to us for attention and reply你方致我总公司电报已转给我们处理并答复
commer.Your letter of May 12 addressed to our Head Office has been transmitted to us for attention你方五月十二日致我总公司函件已转我公司处理
commer.Your letter of the 16th inst. addressed to our Beijing Head Office has been passed onto us你方本月十六日致我北京总公司信件已转至我处